Elite: Game talk

21 Jan 2016, 1:21pm
Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?

Adding my 2 cents, but please note that i have no combat experience (so far) in a Viper or any of the major BH ships out there. If you're solely focused on Bounty Hunting, after the Viper Mk3 would be Vulture and then someday FDL imho. I personally went Sidewinder / Adder / Cobra / Asp Explorer / Python myself, with the first ship to really BH with being the Asp Explorer.

Currently sporting a Federal Corvette, needing a A 8 PP to have it fully A-rated minus my SCB's which i prefer to be B. After completing that goal i probably save up for a A-graded Python again to do some Trading, or if i get really insane a T-9.
21 Jan 2016, 1:48pm
Thank you for your advice. I'll be looking into the vulture as will my wingmates. Fly safe, guys. o/
21 Jan 2016, 1:52pm
Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?

I stayed in the Viper IV until I saved enough for an FDL. I opted to skip the vulture since it only has two hardpoints so I can't really say if it'll make you money faster than the Viper IV. Vulture has better armor and shields, but will probably end up with lower damage per second than a Viper IV unless you put rail guns or plasma accelerators on, but then you'll waste all their ammo bringing down shields.

Viper IV with hull reinforcement, reinforced bulkheads, shield cells, two fixed beams and two gimbaled multis (or cannons) and made the 50 million for a discounted FDL in a week or so. The FDL takes out everything, including wings, but has zero cargo space
21 Jan 2016, 2:13pm
Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?

I stayed in the Viper IV until I saved enough for an FDL. I opted to skip the vulture since it only has two hardpoints so I can't really say if it'll make you money faster than the Viper IV. Vulture has better armor and shields, but will probably end up with lower damage per second than a Viper IV unless you put rail guns or plasma accelerators on, but then you'll waste all their ammo bringing down shields.

Viper IV with hull reinforcement, reinforced bulkheads, shield cells, two fixed beams and two gimbaled multis (or cannons) and made the 50 million for a discounted FDL in a week or so. The FDL takes out everything, including wings, but has zero cargo space

just use the cobra mk III it better than the viper mk iv more cargo and better survivability.
21 Jan 2016, 9:17pm
I'm not at home right now so I can't check; how does one go about receiving community goal loot? I delivered some onions in the last CG & think that maybe I'll be awarded some goodies. Do you have to go to a particular station or bulletin board? Thanks for putting up with my ignorance.
21 Jan 2016, 9:25pm
Bobo's ToupeeI'm not at home right now so I can't check; how does one go about receiving community goal loot? I delivered some onions in the last CG & think that maybe I'll be awarded some goodies. Do you have to go to a particular station or bulletin board? Thanks for putting up with my ignorance.

To the same where you accepted the CG mission.
21 Jan 2016, 9:28pm
Bobo's ToupeeI'm not at home right now so I can't check; how does one go about receiving community goal loot? I delivered some onions in the last CG & think that maybe I'll be awarded some goodies. Do you have to go to a particular station or bulletin board? Thanks for putting up with my ignorance.

Go where you first took the mission and then turn it in on the BB. After the CG is complete of course
21 Jan 2016, 10:35pm
Yippee! It was worth it delivering cargo - $500 large for this boy. Thanks for the replies gents.
22 Jan 2016, 2:31am
Any idea where the nearest station with an Outfitter is from Maia? I forgot I didn't buy a vehicle hangar when I got this Asp Explorer so I came all the way out here and can't do anything til I find a station LOL.
22 Jan 2016, 4:20am
I'd say go to the Fleet area of your CMDR's LOG on this site and search for the component you want (right hand side). That area of space is pretty popular right now and it is very likely to be up to date with outfitting information.
22 Jan 2016, 4:30am
Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?

I'm a big fan of the vulture. My current loadout for bounty hunting is this: http://inara.cz/cmdr-fleet/8202/29476

You can save power and not disable the FSD when you equip D-rated sensors and lifesupport. But I like to have the better rating to stay longer in rez sites.

I can't agree more. The Vulture is a killing machine. I've got mine A-rated with dual large beams, and it dances around anacondas like nobody's business. It lets me take on wings without much trouble, unless all three ships in the wing are heavyweights.

I tried the Cobra MkIV, primarily as a mining platform, but wasn't at all impressed when compared to the Mk III. The MkIV is very sluggish by comparison to the MkIII and the extra hardpoint doesn't really add much value when you can neither run down an opponent or run away if you get in over your head. The Mk III is a fine bounty hunter, but if you're looking for raw firepower with good maneuverability, shield and armor, a well fitted Vulture seems to be where its at.

Full disclosure - I haven't tried the FDL yet and am still working up to the Python, but the ease with which the Vulture lets me take down FDL and Python NPCs makes me suspect that those ships won't be better bounty hunters than the Vulture is.
22 Jan 2016, 4:32am
So, what's going on with the Emperor's Dawn CG?

I just jumped over to DAKSHMANDI to take part in it, and all the CZ's are reading "Ceasefire" on faction selection. The goal seems to be open since yesterday but it seems no contributions have been made. Has FD not activated the goal yet? I was able to sign up for the mission on the bulletin board. Haven't seen this before.
22 Jan 2016, 5:11am
James Hussar
I can't agree more. The Vulture is a killing machine. I've got mine A-rated with dual large beams, and it dances around anacondas like nobody's business. It lets me take on wings without much trouble, unless all three ships in the wing are heavyweights.

I tried the Cobra MkIV, primarily as a mining platform, but wasn't at all impressed when compared to the Mk III. The MkIV is very sluggish by comparison to the MkIII and the extra hardpoint doesn't really add much value when you can neither run down an opponent or run away if you get in over your head. The Mk III is a fine bounty hunter, but if you're looking for raw firepower with good maneuverability, shield and armor, a well fitted Vulture seems to be where its at.

Full disclosure - I haven't tried the FDL yet and am still working up to the Python, but the ease with which the Vulture lets me take down FDL and Python NPCs makes me suspect that those ships won't be better bounty hunters than the Vulture is.

Actually, I highly recommend the FDL as both a pvp and a pve ship. She is a very combat worthy vessel, especially if you know how to outfit her properly (See magic potion SCB's, multicannon murderlance, and other builds). Her maneuvering is great, and flying 4 mediums hardpoints and a huge point makes for some nasty firepower. I don't recommend judging a ship based on how you can kill an npc in it. I can swat an npc viper out of space within ten seconds flat, but I've also taken a viper into pvp fights and totally destroyed other players.

Long story short, give her a try, and if you don't like her, sell her for another ship.
22 Jan 2016, 11:26am
Shadow7889Alright, not sure where to put this, or how to kick it off, and I don't mean to interupt anything but, I have an issue that I can't seem to figure out, nor can two of my wingmates who I regularly fly with.

The elusive Cobra MK IV

I've searched high and low, used this site as a guide to find one, however with all my effort, with all my research, I have yet to find one or even get hint of one being around. I've seen ONE. ONE CMDR with it, and I could not stop the bounty I was in to ask him as he jumped away. Can anyone help me with this? Please and thank you. o/

"The Cobra MkIV is available for in-game credits to anyone who has individually purchased both Elite: Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons on PC. This also includes Lifetime Expansion pass holders" see: http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Cobra_MkIV

if you don't have both you can't buy it ingame.

Correct but it should have been FREE in my opinion. Spec-wise I don't think it is that great a ship either. Oh well.
22 Jan 2016, 11:39am
Jack Dekerdt
Shadow7889Alright, not sure where to put this, or how to kick it off, and I don't mean to interupt anything but, I have an issue that I can't seem to figure out, nor can two of my wingmates who I regularly fly with.

The elusive Cobra MK IV

I've searched high and low, used this site as a guide to find one, however with all my effort, with all my research, I have yet to find one or even get hint of one being around. I've seen ONE. ONE CMDR with it, and I could not stop the bounty I was in to ask him as he jumped away. Can anyone help me with this? Please and thank you. o/

"The Cobra MkIV is available for in-game credits to anyone who has individually purchased both Elite: Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons on PC. This also includes Lifetime Expansion pass holders" see: http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Cobra_MkIV

if you don't have both you can't buy it ingame.

Correct but it should have been FREE in my opinion. Spec-wise I don't think it is that great a ship either. Oh well.

No idea about others, but i personally don't feel sad that i have no access to either Viper or Cobra Mk.4. For those who are completionists it might be a utter loss though.

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