Elite: Game talk

29 Feb 2016, 10:39am

Why when I am approching a station, my engines get turbo without any action from me ?
Note I have a X55 RHINO Hotas, but I don't observe this kind of behavior in other games.
So I don't think that it is a default of the joystick or throttle


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Feb 2016, 11:26am
29 Feb 2016, 10:54am
In SuperCruise? It's a function of nearby mass.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Feb 2016, 11:26am
29 Feb 2016, 10:56am
That's bile. It was originally located in ox bile.
29 Feb 2016, 4:49pm
Jack Dekerdt
BeachwalkerYou'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.

no problem, it's http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker

I got it covered [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

I would change your sensors for A-rated ones for maximum range and your life support for either D-rated (more jump range) or A-rated (more time, but really not necessary).

I went for the best available at the station.
Just returned from a night's work. Started off bad. Had 3 kills then got blasted myself. My own fault, I picked a fight with a big guy.
Started again and managed another 10 kills. It's tough on the nerves. Might give it a rest for a few days. Allow the adrenalin to dissipate.
Thanks for your advice. It was kinda exciting at times.

I will probably get pushback from the Monster Taurine Guarine Mega Sugar crowd that state they can play for 72 hours straight and never make any error ever...BUT...everyone reaches a point where a break is needed, no matter how good you are (mmm, THINK you are) you will start making little mistakes in judgement that lead to the moment you realize you just bit off a bit more than you can chew. If you schedule in regular breaks, get up move around, even if just 5-10 minutes an hour (yes...yes.. to all you profit minded people, this cuts in to your quest for 8 billion credits an hour) you can stay  sharper longer and hopefully avoid those little errors in judgement. Remember, it's a [game-sim-hobby, insert your own term] meant to be enjoyed. If you find yourself freaking, screaming, pounding the table, etc., maybe time to step away for a day or so. Don't beat yourself up, we've all been in your shoes. See if building in short breaks and proper nutrition that doesn't involve chemicals from Bull sperm to keep you alert help. Good luck.

Although the thought of playing for 72 hours appeals to me, even I must admit that there is more to life than this. At the moment, this is me escaping reality. And I really need to escape
29 Feb 2016, 5:33pm
William LordlandHi,

Why when I am approching a station, my engines get turbo without any action from me ?
Note I have a X55 RHINO Hotas, but I don't observe this kind of behavior in other games.
So I don't think that it is a default of the joystick or throttle


Interesting. I use the X55 and do not observe this issue. I do use controlled engine, thrusters, boost, to maneuver about with more precision and at times it seems like i am travelling fast  as I approach the station, a much larger object. Is it possible it is just that illusion for you or are you forgetting to reduce engines as you maybe go to thrusters and boost as you approach the slot? Just some things to check.
29 Feb 2016, 10:40pm
BeachwalkerYou'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.

no problem, it's http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker

I got it covered [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

I would change your sensors for A-rated ones for maximum range and your life support for either D-rated (more jump range) or A-rated (more time, but really not necessary).

I went for the best available at the station.
Just returned from a night's work. Started off bad. Had 3 kills then got blasted myself. My own fault, I picked a fight with a big guy.
Started again and managed another 10 kills. It's tough on the nerves. Might give it a rest for a few days. Allow the adrenalin to dissipate.
Thanks for your advice. It was kinda exciting at times.

Hey Beach,
What sort of bounties are you getting. My Cobra is nowhere near yours yet and whilst I avoid Anacondas or anything truly awesome, most everything else I can take down that the game lets me accept. I am picking up around the 100-200k k fee for assassinating and then getting a decent bounty of around 60-100k as well. Got fragged once when I misjudged a collision attempt by a Commander who was getting his ass handed to him in his 'Conda, hence I now avoid them.
I am only Competent and worth 3Mill at the moment but this bounty hunting career seems to be the most fruitful thing I can do at the moment, noting that it is 'guided' by missions. I play Open but not sure how many actual players I have met yet......
29 Feb 2016, 10:57pm
BeachwalkerYou'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.

no problem, it's http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker

I got it covered [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

I would change your sensors for A-rated ones for maximum range and your life support for either D-rated (more jump range) or A-rated (more time, but really not necessary).

I went for the best available at the station.
Just returned from a night's work. Started off bad. Had 3 kills then got blasted myself. My own fault, I picked a fight with a big guy.
Started again and managed another 10 kills. It's tough on the nerves. Might give it a rest for a few days. Allow the adrenalin to dissipate.
Thanks for your advice. It was kinda exciting at times.

Hey Beach,
What sort of bounties are you getting. My Cobra is nowhere near yours yet and whilst I avoid Anacondas or anything truly awesome, most everything else I can take down that the game lets me accept. I am picking up around the 100-200k k fee for assassinating and then getting a decent bounty of around 60-100k as well. Got fragged once when I misjudged a collision attempt by a Commander who was getting his ass handed to him in his 'Conda, hence I now avoid them.
I am only Competent and worth 3Mill at the moment but this bounty hunting career seems to be the most fruitful thing I can do at the moment, noting that it is 'guided' by missions. I play Open but not sure how many actual players I have met yet......

Hi Sails
Last night was my first attempt at bounty hunting. I had 13 kills but only managed to collect on 12 of them (killed before I could cash in). In total, about 400,000 less the insurance cost of my ship. The last 4 netted me just over 200,000 alone. I can make a hell of a lot more trading and missions, but not match the adrenalin rush.
Hope this helps you decide
29 Feb 2016, 11:00pm
My Cobra is nowhere near yours yet and whilst I avoid Anacondas or anything truly awesome, most everything else I can take down that the game lets me accept. I am picking up around the 100-200k k fee for assassinating and then getting a decent bounty of around 60-100k as well. Got fragged once when I misjudged a collision attempt by a Commander who was getting his ass handed to him in his 'Conda, hence I now avoid them.
I am only Competent and worth 3Mill at the moment but this bounty hunting career seems to be the most fruitful thing I can do at the moment, noting that it is 'guided' by missions. I play Open but not sure how many actual players I have met yet......

If bounty hunting is your thing, then hazardous resource sites are the place to go. They're a good balance of earning potential and combat difficulty. If you want something slightly slower, standard or high resource sites have security cover, so you can join in with a security service/pirate fight. If you want to rank up more quickly, then compromised navigation beacons are the best option. They are stocked with higher level ships and you can still earn pretty good money. Conflict zones are good for fun, but not as lucrative. If you can get a 70 pirate kill mission to a system with a resource site as well, you're looking at 5-10 million.
29 Feb 2016, 11:03pm
Guys (and gals)
I just gotta say, I love this site almost as much as the game. I probably spend just as much time on here as I do in the game. The advantage is I can access this when I'm out and about. I find these discussion pages and the logs/diaries a must read.
Thanks again for all your input.
01 Mar 2016, 12:22am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
My Cobra is nowhere near yours yet and whilst I avoid Anacondas or anything truly awesome, most everything else I can take down that the game lets me accept. I am picking up around the 100-200k k fee for assassinating and then getting a decent bounty of around 60-100k as well. Got fragged once when I misjudged a collision attempt by a Commander who was getting his ass handed to him in his 'Conda, hence I now avoid them.
I am only Competent and worth 3Mill at the moment but this bounty hunting career seems to be the most fruitful thing I can do at the moment, noting that it is 'guided' by missions. I play Open but not sure how many actual players I have met yet......

If bounty hunting is your thing, then hazardous resource sites are the place to go. They're a good balance of earning potential and combat difficulty. If you want something slightly slower, standard or high resource sites have security cover, so you can join in with a security service/pirate fight. If you want to rank up more quickly, then compromised navigation beacons are the best option. They are stocked with higher level ships and you can still earn pretty good money. Conflict zones are good for fun, but not as lucrative. If you can get a 70 pirate kill mission to a system with a resource site as well, you're looking at 5-10 million.

And once you rake in a few-teen million credits, upgrade to a Vulture, A-class it, and go to town. That upgrade was a major breakthrough for me in terms of fighting profits. I like my Vulture with twin beam lasers. I know people swear by their burst or pulse lasers for staying power - and with the A class power plant the Vulture just keeps on shooting. But beams with 4 pips to weapons melt through most small NPC shields in one capacitor, and the cap reloads faster than they even get around to recharging their shields. Most NPCs in a RES, in Cobras or Vipers, go down on one or two passes. AND the Vulture is so maneuverable, you can stay right up against a Conda before before it can turn to sight in on you - several clips take down their shields and a few more aimed at the power plant take out the ship - to the tune of 200-300k per kill. Best bang per buck is the NPC Fer-de-lances, they're lucrative, and the Vulture has no trouble keeping up with them with A class thrusters. I have yet to account for my build on Coriolis, but IIRC (not in game ATM) it's about 16 Million in total IIRC.
01 Mar 2016, 5:04am
I've got a dilemma.  I recently traded my DBS for a Vulture.  I notice it only has a 3T fuel tank on it.  I'm jumping 2 or 3 times & then I have to stop & refuel.  I notice
there's a 32T tank but on the class 5 slot where my shield generator is atm.  I could use a class 4 generator (with a noticeable loss in performance) & then put the
32T tank in the class 5 slot.  But THEN, I'd have to find another spot to put the cargo rack.   Oh the decisions!  The DBS was much simpler to outfit but this bird, oh
my,  what a beast.  It is nowhere near finished building & yet it feels so powerful.  

Any help would be appreciated.  

01 Mar 2016, 11:52am
Bobo's ToupeeI've got a dilemma.  I recently traded my DBS for a Vulture.  I notice it only has a 3T fuel tank on it.  I'm jumping 2 or 3 times & then I have to stop & refuel.  I notice
there's a 32T tank but on the class 5 slot where my shield generator is atm.  I could use a class 4 generator (with a noticeable loss in performance) & then put the
32T tank in the class 5 slot.  But THEN, I'd have to find another spot to put the cargo rack.   Oh the decisions!  The DBS was much simpler to outfit but this bird, oh
my,  what a beast.  It is nowhere near finished building & yet it feels so powerful.  

Any help would be appreciated.  


Here's a suggestion. D class the Sensors, Life support, Thrusters, and Shield Generator. Move the Intermediate Discovery to the class one slot, get rid of the tiny SCB buy a Fuel Scoop for the Class 2 spot you opened up, set Fuel scoop to pri 2 and cargo to pri 3. Add the highest Shield booster you can.

Vulture Vixen

this let's you keep the Cargo rack and upgrades your shields for about 700k. If you dont have that much take off the Shield booster then downgrade the Fuel Scoop.
01 Mar 2016, 12:18pm
Bobo's ToupeeI've got a dilemma.  I recently traded my DBS for a Vulture.

What do you want to do with your ship? The Vulture is a 100% combat ship -- you went from a multipurpose to single role ship, but--based on your outfit--you are trying to make the Vulture a multipurpose ship.

Here is my Vulture build, dedicated to HazRES: Vulture - Combat (16.m cr). The sole purpose of this ship is to be docked when I am not in RES; it is docked at a station that is practically touching a HazRES and never leaves those two points. I have a combat-built Diamondback Scout for its massive jump range; I use this for helping Zachary Hudson expand his reign.

Edit, and here is a resource that provides a tiered approach to ship progression: http://ebg.cmdrshub.com. It is not perfectly accurate, but it should provide you with a rough idea on ships that fit what you are looking for.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2016, 12:24pm
01 Mar 2016, 12:47pm
Thanks for the replies. Agreed that I'm trying to do too much with the Vulture. I have to focus on one aspect. I only got it a few days ago so it's still new to me. I will certainly check out all the examples given.
01 Mar 2016, 1:01pm
BeachwalkerHi all,
I'm thinking of trying my hand at bounty hunting. I don't have a large budget, but from what I've seen, the Vulture seems a good choice as a starter.
Does anyone agree, or should I try something else?
Any input appreciated.

here is my loadout with the power management for Combat Zones. I guess you can figure out a power management to activate you KWS in rez zones easily.


I've had a look at your build for the Vulture, even though it's a great build, it's about the same price as my Asp Explorer. For a first timer like me, I was hoping for something cheaper.
I've looked at a few options and come up with a Cobra Mk.III.
What do you think?

"$schema": "http://cdn.coriolis.io/schemas/ship-loadout/3.json#",
"name": "Beachwalker",
"ship": "Cobra Mk III",
"references": [
"name": "Coriolis.io",
"url": "http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker",
"code": "24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA==.E

Here is the Cobra I tricked out for Bounty Hunting over time from the Bounty Hunting proceeds.


It served me well in many a RES zone and made enough credits to step up to the Vulture.


Usually I was there with Wingmates who had already moved up to Vultures and provided lots of backup, but I often went out by myself and let the cops and other ships weaken the larger pirates before jumping on the bandwagon.

You can check my other ships in my Fleet profile.  I have a Mining Cobra as well, which has a lot of Offensive capability that allows me to fight off would be pirates and interdictors pretty much up to other Cobras.

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