Elite: Game talk

23 Feb 2016, 1:21am
BeachwalkerHi fellow commanders, I'm in search of a little advice with regards to the direction I'm heading to.
At the moment, I've been trading with both the Empire and the Federation, roughly 50/50 and my ranks have increased equally.
But. . . I think it's time to make a choice.
Ship wise, the Empire does have some beautiful ships. But the Federation has a more sturdy, rugged type that suits my line of work. (Trading & a bit of exploring).
I've also considered joining a faction, and again, which way?
My head's spinning out of control with all these directions to go.

Any advice?

The one decision I have made is. . .
It's time to say goodbye to my beloved Cobra Mk.IV. She's a great little ship, handles superbly. Can usually look after herself in a tight corner.
But the limited cargo space is becoming a burden.
Also, has anyone else noticed that the pirates and "bushwhackers" seem to be either travelling in groups or have upgraded their ships. I find myself running a lot more than I used to.

In my opinion Federation ships are more for combat where imperial can be a bit more multipurpose, then again I got all ships including faction so I can't complain lol
23 Feb 2016, 3:33am
CIMA announces a contest with substantial rewards for pristine metallic rings

In a recent press conference, Benjamin Gorrister, founder of the Carmack Intergalactic Mining Association (CIMA), announced a galactic event to discover new locations of pristine metallic rings.

With nearly 300 systems known so far, the CIMA is providing the greatest, free data collection on pristine metallic rings in the whole galaxy.
In memory of George Washington Carmack, who caused the greatest gold rush in human history, we offer rewards to all Commanders who provide new and unknown pristine metallic ring locations. Every new system will be rewarded with 100,000 credits.

The three top contributors will receive additionally 30 million credits for the first place, 20 million credits for the second place and 10 million credits for the third place. May the best prospector win!

The CIMA will run the event for 42 days, starting on the 21st of Februray. For delivering the data and to receive further information, commanders are invited to visit http://pristine-metallic.rocks

NOTE: This is not a community goal nor an official event of Frontier Developments. Please direct any questions to the Carmack Intergalactic Mining Association
23 Feb 2016, 5:28am
Actually as of now you don't have to choose (except for roleplay reasons), you can reach both Duke and Rear Admiral at once and have both Cutter/Clipper and Corvette/FAS. Of course this way you'll have to spend twice the time on it.

And the order of getting them completely depends on your prefference - if you like trading (as i do) then get imperial ships first.
IMHO on Imperial Ships:
Courier - quite useless (viper mk4 and vulture are better) but fun fighter, looks and flies like dogfighter in some flight sim. Love it, have it.
Clipper - medium trader, cheaper than Python and definitely a lot more fun to fly than Python. Also quite combat worthy. Only downside is it's large and can't dock at outposts. Absolutely love that ship.
Cutter - the biggest trader (*type 9 sobs*) , not as unwieldy as advertised on the internets, but has a lot of speed and even more inertia. so not combat worthy (IMHO), but that may change when multicrew and fighters come to Elite. I personnaly have it and like it for trading purposes. Also it is the most expensive ship to outfit ATM.

If you like bounty hunting or fighting in conflict zones - get federal ranks first. I don't have much to say on federal ships as of now, but IMHO Dropship is useless, FAS is a bigger and better Vulture, and Corvette is the best ship for combat situations ATM. Can't say anything about Gunship, but most likely its FAS MkII

Last edit: 23 Feb 2016, 6:26am
23 Feb 2016, 3:57pm
MerinidActually as of now you don't have to choose (except for roleplay reasons), you can reach both Duke and Rear Admiral at once and have both Cutter/Clipper and Corvette/FAS. Of course this way you'll have to spend twice the time on it.

And the order of getting them completely depends on your prefference - if you like trading (as i do) then get imperial ships first.
IMHO on Imperial Ships:
Courier - quite useless (viper mk4 and vulture are better) but fun fighter, looks and flies like dogfighter in some flight sim. Love it, have it.
Clipper - medium trader, cheaper than Python and definitely a lot more fun to fly than Python. Also quite combat worthy. Only downside is it's large and can't dock at outposts. Absolutely love that ship.
Cutter - the biggest trader (*type 9 sobs*) , not as unwieldy as advertised on the internets, but has a lot of speed and even more inertia. so not combat worthy (IMHO), but that may change when multicrew and fighters come to Elite. I personnaly have it and like it for trading purposes. Also it is the most expensive ship to outfit ATM.

If you like bounty hunting or fighting in conflict zones - get federal ranks first. I don't have much to say on federal ships as of now, but IMHO Dropship is useless, FAS is a bigger and better Vulture, and Corvette is the best ship for combat situations ATM. Can't say anything about Gunship, but most likely its FAS MkII

Thanks for the info.
I think I'll head over into the Empire for now. Might give Power Play a go too.
23 Feb 2016, 7:34pm
BeachwalkerHi fellow commanders, I'm in search of a little advice with regards to the direction I'm heading to.
At the moment, I've been trading with both the Empire and the Federation, roughly 50/50 and my ranks have increased equally.
But. . . I think it's time to make a choice.
Ship wise, the Empire does have some beautiful ships. But the Federation has a more sturdy, rugged type that suits my line of work. (Trading & a bit of exploring).
I've also considered joining a faction, and again, which way?
My head's spinning out of control with all these directions to go.

Any advice?

The one decision I have made is. . .
It's time to say goodbye to my beloved Cobra Mk.IV. She's a great little ship, handles superbly. Can usually look after herself in a tight corner.
But the limited cargo space is becoming a burden.
Also, has anyone else noticed that the pirates and "bushwhackers" seem to be either travelling in groups or have upgraded their ships. I find myself running a lot more than I used to.

I have come to like all of the faction ships. Let's start with Empire: The Courier is a shield monster, and 3 medium hardpoints aren't shabby either, though held back by the capacitor. The Clipper is fast, spacious and turns like a dream. The Cutter is fast and spacious too and an unstoppable fortress. Shields at more than 2000MJ entirely possible. Now the Feds: The FAS is among the best fighters, with firepower like a Clipper, excellent maneuverability and still a tank. The FDS is a great utility craft, with firepower equal to a FdL, and spacious internals. The FGS is the best firepower in a medium frame. Finally the Corvette is already pretty maneuverable with great shields, and will really start to shine as the premier battleship once the new huge weapons are out.
24 Feb 2016, 3:16am
Thanks for all you advice. I've finally arrived in the heart of the Empire and had a good day's trading. As regards the best fighting ships, I think I'm finding out the hard way.
24 Feb 2016, 10:51am
Quick, and likely dumb, question - when is it that new CGs go active?
24 Feb 2016, 1:32pm
Another likely dumb question from me

I've seen a lot of discussion about the DEBUG Camera (CLASSIFIED CAMERA TOGGLE) but no matter what I do I cannot manage to move/zoom the camera sufficiently to actually see a full view of my ship. I use a Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS for Flight control and Throttle Control with the POV hat for Lateral/Horizontal thruster control. No matter how I move these around I cannot get the camera to zoom out far enough to see the kind of views I see in the Galleries.

Tried it in normal flight/docked/supercruise and see the same thing.

Thanks in advance...
24 Feb 2016, 2:09pm
Phrae VetriQuick, and likely dumb, question - when is it that new CGs go active?

Next cycle most likely. So on thursday.
24 Feb 2016, 2:14pm
Phrae VetriQuick, and likely dumb, question - when is it that new CGs go active?

Next cycle most likely. So on thursday.

24 Feb 2016, 3:23pm
ED_RecluseAnother likely dumb question from me

I've seen a lot of discussion about the DEBUG Camera (CLASSIFIED CAMERA TOGGLE) but no matter what I do I cannot manage to move/zoom the camera sufficiently to actually see a full view of my ship. I use a Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS for Flight control and Throttle Control with the POV hat for Lateral/Horizontal thruster control. No matter how I move these around I cannot get the camera to zoom out far enough to see the kind of views I see in the Galleries.

Tried it in normal flight/docked/supercruise and see the same thing.

Thanks in advance...

do you use forwards throttle only? if you don't have a negative throttle axis you have to look away from your ship and throttle forward and then turn back at it again. If that's not it then I don't know, sorry...
24 Feb 2016, 3:32pm
ED_RecluseAnother likely dumb question from me

I've seen a lot of discussion about the DEBUG Camera (CLASSIFIED CAMERA TOGGLE) but no matter what I do I cannot manage to move/zoom the camera sufficiently to actually see a full view of my ship. I use a Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS for Flight control and Throttle Control with the POV hat for Lateral/Horizontal thruster control. No matter how I move these around I cannot get the camera to zoom out far enough to see the kind of views I see in the Galleries.

Tried it in normal flight/docked/supercruise and see the same thing.

Thanks in advance...

In my experience, you have to "fly" the camera around your ship, and "zoom" in and out means fly away from the ship. sobasically yaw pitch and roll controls are your pan and tilt, to "zoom out" - "reverse throttle"
24 Feb 2016, 6:01pm

In my experience, you have to "fly" the camera around your ship, and "zoom" in and out means fly away from the ship. sobasically yaw pitch and roll controls are your pan and tilt, to "zoom out" - "reverse throttle"


do you use forwards throttle only? if you don't have a negative throttle axis you have to look away from your ship and throttle forward and then turn back at it again. If that's not it then I don't know, sorry...

Hey!! That might be it! I only use Forward throttle, but I have a button programmed to toggle the forward movement of the throttle for reverse thrust. Will try toggling reverse thrust and see if I can zoom out. Almost positive this is it since when I did advance the throttle I got a ZOOM IN, but retarding the throttle to 0 just returned me to the original view which was still very much zoomed in.

Thanks Commanders!!

Last edit: 24 Feb 2016, 6:11pm
24 Feb 2016, 7:42pm
Anyone here ever used the MFG Crosswind Rudder pedals?


25 Feb 2016, 8:54pm
I'm on Xbox one and see maybe 10% of my elite friends in comms contacts. They never show up there. I have open Nat. If we are in instance we can wing but have no way of seeing them otherwise. Why?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Feb 2016, 9:08pm

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