Elite: Game talk

02 Dec 2021, 6:46am

Docking at carriers, do carriers' cmdrs know that you dock there and how do you communicate with them?


As Episparh pointed out, if you have your account linked to Inara, I can use Inara to see who is docked on my carriers. Otherwise there are basically no real convenient methods to communicate with them. It's one of the many things in my opinion that Elite sorely lacks. Would be cool if carrier owners and their passengers has an easier means of communication. Or at least the ability to post in game when they plan to depart a carrier and where it's going to. Sort of like the displays you see in real life airports showing scheduled arrivals and departures.
02 Dec 2021, 7:18am
SalmoneaI am looking for several mercenaries. If someone interested,wrie me PM

Message the United Mercenary Association. I'm sure we could give you a hand.
02 Dec 2021, 10:08am

one doubt: does anybody know if killing Thargoids in NHSS counts to defeat them in that system?

Or winning AX CZ is the only way?


PS: I suppose it's like a battle with a system faction but not sure.

Last edit: 02 Dec 2021, 11:11am
02 Dec 2021, 12:50pm
Dragon Vibez
SalmoneaI am looking for several mercenaries. If someone interested,wrie me PM

Message the United Mercenary Association. I'm sure we could give you a hand.

Thanks. I wrote to your chief of staff.
02 Dec 2021, 1:13pm

one doubt: does anybody know if killing Thargoids in NHSS counts to defeat them in that system?

Or winning AX CZ is the only way?


PS: I suppose it's like a battle with a system faction but not sure.

I dont know and I dont care. I just like killing thargoids.
02 Dec 2021, 1:17pm
Well, well, well... you want an Imperial ship without grinding Imperial ranks? Here's your chance: BABY-SHOWER-CG!!!

The top 10 contributors will receive an Imperial Clipper.
The top 25% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Courier.
The top 75% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Eagle.
02 Dec 2021, 1:34pm

Who goes with me?

BTW I cant find static signals of NHSS like POI. Does somebody know locations?
02 Dec 2021, 1:43pm
Amata LireinWell, well, well... you want an Imperial ship without grinding Imperial ranks? Here's your chance: BABY-SHOWER-CG!!!

The top 10 contributors will receive an Imperial Clipper.
The top 25% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Courier.
The top 75% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Eagle.

A booze collecting? Thats a CG! Bad thing is I have all those ships.
02 Dec 2021, 1:47pm
SalmoneaBad thing is I have all those ships.

Same. Maybe it's just me but a lot of the CG's lately have not been very enticing to bother to take part in.
02 Dec 2021, 1:53pm
SalmoneaBad thing is I have all those ships.

Same. Maybe it's just me but a lot of the CG's lately have not been very enticing to bother to take part in.

I am arms dealer and slave trader Thats not mine business focus.
02 Dec 2021, 1:57pm
A booze collecting? Thats a CG! Bad thing is I have all those ships.

You can also buy the base ships at -30% discount if the hauling weirdos meet the CG at max level.

....unfortunately, I do have my gutamaya ships at -30% already.
02 Dec 2021, 1:58pm
A booze collecting? Thats a CG! Bad thing is I have all those ships.

You can also buy the base ships at -30% discount if the hauling weirdoes meet the CG at max level.

....unfortunately, I do have my gutamaya ships at -30% already.

I would rather choice that booze discount.
02 Dec 2021, 3:36pm
Oh my, just saw bulletin board. The Carcosa series season 4
02 Dec 2021, 3:51pm
Does free ship mean super-low rebuy and delivery?
02 Dec 2021, 3:57pm
Salmonea BTW I cant find static signals of NHSS like POI. Does somebody know locations?

Be sure to read the entire page.

Edit: and to answer earlier question, actions that help to 'clean' systems of Thargoid Invasion include:
Killing Thargoids in that system
Turning in Thargoid Bonds to stations in that system (it's possible to kill goids in another system and turn in bonds elsewhere to effect 2 incursions)
Winning Encounters (AXCZ, Megaship Attack, etc...)

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