Elite: Game talk

03 Dec 2021, 12:23am
Could you kick out the stowaways from your carrier if you don't want them or carrier is like a small planet?

No. The only way you can remove a CMDR or assets is to decommission the FC itself.

I'll also add that there wouldn't really be a point in kicking them out even if you could. Fleet Carriers don't have a limit to how many players can be stored in them. They exist in all instances across all platforms. They don't count toward upkeep or tritium jump costs. If it wasn't for programs like Inara to let you know a player is on your carrier, you'd never notice as there are no negative effects.
03 Dec 2021, 11:15am
Could you kick out the stowaways from your carrier if you don't want them or carrier is like a small planet?

No. The only way you can remove a CMDR or assets is to decommission the FC itself.

I'll also add that there wouldn't really be a point in kicking them out even if you could. Fleet Carriers don't have a limit to how many players can be stored in them. They exist in all instances across all platforms. They don't count toward upkeep or tritium jump costs. If it wasn't for programs like Inara to let you know a player is on your carrier, you'd never notice as there are no negative effects.

Set your docking access to none , don't let anyone to dock
03 Dec 2021, 12:34pm

No. The only way you can remove a CMDR or assets is to decommission the FC itself.

I'll also add that there wouldn't really be a point in kicking them out even if you could. Fleet Carriers don't have a limit to how many players can be stored in them. They exist in all instances across all platforms. They don't count toward upkeep or tritium jump costs. If it wasn't for programs like Inara to let you know a player is on your carrier, you'd never notice as there are no negative effects.

Set your docking access to none , don't let anyone to dock

Why would you?
03 Dec 2021, 2:12pm
Thank you everyone who contributed to carrier topic. I have another question, when you sell your exploration data to universals on carries in the void, they usually have 25% cut from the regular price, does any money from those 25% go to the owner of the carrier? Thanks
03 Dec 2021, 2:14pm

No again There are classic non human signal sources and they are in left panel filter like signals,but also exists non human signal source and they are static on one place without time limit. And they are classified like POIs When you kill interceptor,you can jump away,do a flip and again. Its infinite source of thargoud combat. I have not been able find them yesterday. I found them today in Delphi. So its ok now.

Hmmm, first I've heard of this. Interesting.

I noticed of that also some week ago.. Check Delphi system POIs filter
03 Dec 2021, 2:32pm
Shg56Thank you everyone who contributed to carrier topic. I have another question, when you sell your exploration data to universals on carries in the void, they usually have 25% cut from the regular price, does any money from those 25% go to the owner of the carrier? Thanks

Allows visitors to sell system scan data to Universal Cartographics. A service fee of 25% is deducted from every transaction and split between the Stellar Cartographer and the Fleet Carrier Bank.

Source: https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Drake-Class_Carrier
03 Dec 2021, 4:05pm
Paul Glynn

I'll also add that there wouldn't really be a point in kicking them out even if you could. Fleet Carriers don't have a limit to how many players can be stored in them. They exist in all instances across all platforms. They don't count toward upkeep or tritium jump costs. If it wasn't for programs like Inara to let you know a player is on your carrier, you'd never notice as there are no negative effects.

Set your docking access to none , don't let anyone to dock

Why would you?

Y not lol especially out in black
03 Dec 2021, 5:48pm
Judge RavenO7 Cmdrs,

I would like to add something to this Raxxla conversation.

Let's go first to The Dark Wheel. As they are kinda connected and I believe everything starts there with the "hidden base".
A year ago I was in the Norma Expanse and more and more I've noticed that after the 'honk' planets were not really showing up in the nav panel and on the system map.
Weird enough, I could see a gas giant being very close but on the system map, it wasn't there.
As I was on an explo mining trip I called my carrier over while checking other systems out.
After a while, I flew back to the system where my carrier was parked, and again the carrier didn't show up in the nav panel or the system map.
I flew to the planet where I knew I parked it, and yes it was there.
My point is, there is a large area in the Norma Expanse that does not show everything if you make a fast honk and jump thing.
So an area like that would be a great place to hide a station like the one from the dark wheel.

Regarding Raxxla, it's been said it's a rogue planet, travels in a non-orbital trajectory. But too many rumors were already debunked to being just lies or made-up stories.
If we look at the percentage of the Galaxy explored, it's hard to believe we should find Raxxla that easily.

One Cmdr stated here that a pilot once passed thru the system where Raxxla is, could be, but as being a rogue planet, where ever it was , it will not be there anymore.

Raxxla is keeping me busy also but I have come to a point where I need to say, i don't know enough of the entire lore to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Raxxla a.k.a. Puzzle

This is another my speculation on Raxxla. I looked at Raxxla puzzle from the perspective of people who work(ed) for FB/ED. I doubt that all of them know what and where Raxxla is but some of them certainly should know that provided it is in the game, and doubtfully that none of them ever got disgruntled and/or left the company. So those people would leak knowledge about Raxxla to outside world but somehow it has not happened yet. It means that there is no Raxxla or it is locked for the most of developers too and only one or very few gatekeepers have access to Raxxla and they control where, when and to who Raxxla would revealed itself. So the search for it is pointless since the outcome is subjective to its gatekeepers wimps not to the game objectives met.
03 Dec 2021, 7:25pm
When you dock at carrier, go to shipyard and order stored ship transfer and then jump with the carrier, does the ship transfer get cancelled?
03 Dec 2021, 7:28pm
Paul GlynnWhen you dock at carrier, go to shipyard and order stored ship transfer and then jump with the carrier, does the transfer get cancelled?

No iur ship gets transferred immediately to the Fc,
03 Dec 2021, 7:58pm
Paul GlynnWhen you dock at carrier, go to shipyard and order stored ship transfer and then jump with the carrier, does the transfer get cancelled?

No iur ship gets transferred immediately to the Fc,

Duh, nice
03 Dec 2021, 9:15pm
Paul Glynn
Paul GlynnWhen you dock at carrier, go to shipyard and order stored ship transfer and then jump with the carrier, does the transfer get cancelled?

No iur ship gets transferred immediately to the Fc,

Duh, nice

This is incorrect.

The ship will arrive at the Carrier at the scheduled time, regardless of where you go with it. This can be a good or bad thing depending on timing and what you're doing.
IE: If you transfer a ship from Colonia to your FC in the Bubble, at a weeks worth of wait and 100million or whatever credit cost, you could theoretically move the Carrier all the way to Colonia in a day and still be waiting for the ship to arrive in 6.
03 Dec 2021, 10:39pm
Paul Glynn

No iur ship gets transferred immediately to the Fc,

Duh, nice

This is incorrect.

The ship will arrive at the Carrier at the scheduled time, regardless of where you go with it. This can be a good or bad thing depending on timing and what you're doing.
IE: If you transfer a ship from Colonia to your FC in the Bubble, at a weeks worth of wait and 100million or whatever credit cost, you could theoretically move the Carrier all the way to Colonia in a day and still be waiting for the ship to arrive in 6.

Really had a 2hr wait for my ship transfer , jumped my Fc 20 mins later , ship was on Fc , try it , im on PS
Doesn't work on modules
03 Dec 2021, 11:59pm
Paul Glynn

Duh, nice

This is incorrect.

The ship will arrive at the Carrier at the scheduled time, regardless of where you go with it. This can be a good or bad thing depending on timing and what you're doing.
IE: If you transfer a ship from Colonia to your FC in the Bubble, at a weeks worth of wait and 100million or whatever credit cost, you could theoretically move the Carrier all the way to Colonia in a day and still be waiting for the ship to arrive in 6.

Really had a 2hr wait for my ship transfer , jumped my Fc 20 mins later , ship was on Fc , try it , im on PS
Doesn't work on modules

If it is working the way you say it is, it is a bug likely due to the dual server H+Od situation and/or you being on PS (I'm PC). I'm positive ship transfers behaved as if your Carrier hadn't moved.

Last edit: 05 Dec 2021, 10:36am
05 Dec 2021, 11:22am
Hello everyone. Where do you buy goods for CG, otherwise on T9 you bought the last 24 Yaso Kondi and it's empty.

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