Elite: Game talk

17 Dec 2021, 7:38pm
Shg56"Exploration data on systems that contain a full-size orbital Starport is freely available to everyone, while data for systems with less infrastructure or none at all can either be purchased for a small fee at a station"

Is it possible to buy exploration data for all explored a.k.a. visited systems, or UC branch only sells data of the system it is in? I did not even know that you could buy exploration data. I was under impression that by the game settings UC does not sell data at all.

If you select a system from the galaxy map, an Icon will appear if the data is purchasable. Beyond that, I am not sure of any specifics.

So it is not possible to buy them in bulk, you have to click a system first. Thank you
17 Dec 2021, 10:02pm
Aleksander MajjamQuestion. FC interiors are just for Odyssey, right?

Sure, Horizons has not space legs. Even starport legs.
17 Dec 2021, 11:29pm
Hi Xbox question. It is possible that mining becomes a nerve? since 2 days I´ll never find those hotspot materials. for 2 days I gave 480 drones.
17 Dec 2021, 11:55pm
NSFI GamingHi Xbox question. It is possible that mining becomes a nerve? since 2 days I´ll never find those hotspot materials. for 2 days I gave 480 drones.

Do you use surface scanner?
18 Dec 2021, 7:42am
NSFI GamingHi Xbox question. It is possible that mining becomes a nerve? since 2 days I´ll never find those hotspot materials. for 2 days I gave 480 drones.

See #6
18 Dec 2021, 7:49am
Aleksander MajjamQuestion. FC interiors are just for Odyssey, right?

I find it ironic, and a little bit funny in a sad way, that Odyssey players are going to be able to come aboard and walk around my fleet carrier. I assume.
18 Dec 2021, 8:08am
Aleksander MajjamQuestion. FC interiors are just for Odyssey, right?

I find it ironic, and a little bit funny in a sad way, that Odyssey players are going to be able to come aboard and walk around my fleet carrier. I assume.

I think the irony is you will be able to buy services for your Fleet Carrier that you can't even use.
18 Dec 2021, 8:19am
Aleksander MajjamQuestion. FC interiors are just for Odyssey, right?

I find it ironic, and a little bit funny in a sad way, that Odyssey players are going to be able to come aboard and walk around my fleet carrier. I assume.

It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
18 Dec 2021, 10:48am
AguilarIs it me or has escape from interdiction gotten harder since the patches?
Usually I can escape no problem, now I don’t even get a chance to react to it. And it doesn’t matter what type of ship interdicts.

PvE or PvP?
NPC Interdiction seems to be the same.
The Combat Skill of the NPC might make a slight difference;
but check my profile, I got interdicted around Pleiades a few times in the last days.
Had no big Issue there. Pretty much just like before.

PvP with other Players; I don't know.
PvP was always extreme hard to escape.

PvE interdiction which I can usually avoid, but as soon as It starts I’m knocked into normal space.
18 Dec 2021, 10:59am
PvE interdiction which I can usually avoid, but as soon as It starts I’m knocked into normal space.

Very suspicious.
Since I assume, you're doing everything right;
I can only tell, that for most of us, it works as intended.

Maybe open a ticket at the frontier support?
This is clearly not supposed to happen this way.
18 Dec 2021, 1:13pm
PvE interdiction which I can usually avoid, but as soon as It starts I’m knocked into normal space.

Very suspicious.
Since I assume, you're doing everything right;
I can only tell, that for most of us, it works as intended.

Maybe open a ticket at the frontier support?
This is clearly not supposed to happen this way.

To be honest, I never understood how avoiding interdiction in PVP works. Despite your best attempts and keeping the ship at the right direction to avoid interdiction... you still lose it as "receiver", even in the most nimble ship. The only viable response for years was surrender, drop, do 180 and boost away.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected to connection and client-to-client ping lag difference.
18 Dec 2021, 2:13pm
Anyone likes deep core mining? €-:
18 Dec 2021, 7:41pm
CooladinhoAnyone likes deep core mining? €-:

Assuming that I have the time to devote to it. Since FD added some depth and skill to mining, it's actually kind of satisfying and it's easily the best way to make money in the game (I'm assuming since I don't have access to Odyssey's additions).
18 Dec 2021, 8:40pm
I wanted to discuss a "spicy topic" in E:D. I recently took a job grabbing some illegal salvage. I've been trying to rank up with the Feds and I've been on a tear with salvage and bounties. So I go to the target system, honk at the star, switch to EES (I think that's the acronym) to pin point the source........and it's 0.19ly form the entry star near a second star in the system.

This isn't the first time the game has done this and it does similar things across all job types. And after the 45 minute trip to pick up the item (which the payout didn't even cover the expense of the wear and tear on my Anaconda from the mission) my question is, am I the only one who thinks that there are many moments where E:D honestly doesn't respect the players' time? I mean, this is a game where it's common to hear players say "I just activate supercruise assist and put on YouTube". Is that really what we want; for the selling point of a game we love to be to not really play the game?

For instance, would it really be so game breaking or intolerable to the hard core fanbase if FD threw us a bone and had humankind develop an in-universe advanced frame shift calculator that we could purchase for our ships that could allow for inner-system jumps if there are multiple stars? Like being able to jump from the Alpha Centauri entry star to the star near Hutton Orbital? That would save nearly an hour of playtime for those of us who have limited time on our hands. And for balancing purposes, the size 1 slot that FD added when they graced us with supercruise assist could be designated as a guidance component only slot the same way that larger ships have military component only slots. Then the player would have to choose between supercruise assist, the docking computer or the inner-system shift module. If that's not enough, then have it also be pricy. That way newbie CMDR's still have to come up the hard way like we did and go for their free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital, and by the time they have a ship that can use it and the money to buy, they will have the proper appreciation for it. And since it would be a component, old school players wouldn't have to be bothered with using it if they want to keep their experience "pure".

18 Dec 2021, 9:24pm
Gatimũ KamauThis isn't the first time the game has done this and it does similar things across all job types. And after the 45 minute trip to pick up the item (which the payout didn't even cover the expense of the wear and tear on my Anaconda from the mission) my question is, am I the only one who thinks that there are many moments where E:D honestly doesn't respect the players' time? I mean, this is a game where it's common to hear players say "I just activate supercruise assist and put on YouTube". Is that really what we want; for the selling point of a game we love to be to not really play the game?

I have mixed feelings on this.

On the one hand, it's certainly annoying to jump in to a system and find that your target is way out in the back of beyond. Most of us have limited playtime, and don't want to spend it all in supercruise.

On the other hand, I like the fact that in E:D "space is big", and as far as the rest of the galaxy is concerned, you're just another no-name CMDR looking for work. People will give you crappy missions, and if you abandon them they'll get pissed at you, even if they sent you to the wrong system looking for the dread pirate Bounty McNotworthitface.

As far as the salvage mission you're talking about is concerned, my view would be that nobody forced you to complete it. You could have abandoned when you saw the distance. Sure, you lose a bit of rep with the minor faction, but you wouldn't actually lose rep with the Feds, and you could have found something much more useful to do in that 45 minutes.

I think the only type of mission where there are any real consequences for abandoning is deliveries, and those always tell you how far the target station is. Beyond that, you just have to make your own decisions about how to manage your time. If I'm doing bounty missions, and I get a "Find Contact" diversion to another system, I might do it or I might just abandon it on the spot - depends how I'm feeling.

tl;dr: I get where you're coming from, but I like it the way it is (mostly)

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