Elite: Game talk

13 Dec 2021, 12:30pm
Nikopolstarhunteri am king

actually you are a duke. well according to inara.
13 Dec 2021, 12:37pm
KurakilIs Long Range and Plasma Slug pretty typical for railguns or am I clueless? The last time I really used railguns to any extent was 2015. I only PvE so I don't need PvP optimizations.

Focused is probably what you remembered

Forget what I said I somehow thought of plasma accelerators
13 Dec 2021, 2:33pm
When is this update that is supposed to fix the game? Still crashing upon accessing utility or stored modules. Still crashing upon sentinel spawns at guardian sites. My friend is actually stuck on a guardian site. Everytime he loads up the game it spawns a sentinel right where he is and the game crashes. He's been stuck there for over a week now and has given up on playing Elite. Hoping this update helps out us console players because this is ridiculous and the game is 100% unplayable. Cant even switch ship loadouts at all or your booted from the entire game.
13 Dec 2021, 2:57pm
Nikopolstarhunteri am king

Well I am Grand King Admiral Moff Lighthawk!!!!! (I like to make this claim as I own 4 fleet carriers )

Last edit: 13 Dec 2021, 3:06pm
13 Dec 2021, 3:31pm
Raxxla or FDev's QA department. Only one has been confimred in the game.
13 Dec 2021, 7:09pm
Nikopolstarhuntermy own cutter is : i am so happy with that


Nice setup. Personally I run long range when ever I use a laser weapon because their damage drop off is really close range otherwise. But can't go wrong with a bunch of multi-cannons!

for beams thermal vent is so good. if i use a lot of laser weapons can be drained all my power .. i think this combination is so good i am very glad
13 Dec 2021, 7:54pm
Any word on the hotfix? It's 20:00 UTC already and it was supposed to come "later today".
13 Dec 2021, 7:57pm
“We can confirm that the most wanted terrorist in the galaxy is dead."
- GALNET NEWS regarding the death of Theta Seven on 13 DEC 3307

Excuse me while I start laughing. Then laugh so more.

The terrorist who nobody knew the identity of is confirmed dead. We don't even need to see the body!
13 Dec 2021, 8:02pm
SombientThe terrorist who nobody knew the identity of is confirmed dead. We don't even need to see the body!
Their ways of decommissioning fanatic fun boats amuse me.
13 Dec 2021, 8:10pm
KurakilIs Long Range and Plasma Slug pretty typical for railguns or am I clueless? The last time I really used railguns to any extent was 2015. I only PvE so I don't need PvP optimizations.

Railguns are the best If you are satisfied with their ammo capacity you can use superpenetrator or feedback cascade effects, those are great mods too. I prefer to use plasma slugs in Imperial Hammers, often along with additional fuel tank for more ammo. IMHO they are better than any type of laser weaponry. Of course with long range engineering.

I'm wondering how much fuel is used each reload. I can't find consistent information. If it's not really worth it then I will probably choose Super Penetrator.
13 Dec 2021, 8:32pm
Does exploration rank increase in Odyssey? According to Inara I've been at 66% on Pioneer and have made three trips to/from Colonia selling cartographic data each time, but am still on 66%.

Is it just very slow to get to the next level, or is it something broken?
13 Dec 2021, 8:35pm
Chris Hills FarrowDoes exploration rank increase in Odyssey? According to Inara I've been at 66% on Pioneer and have made three trips to/from Colonia selling cartographic data each time, but am still on 66%.

Is it just very slow to get to the next level, or is it something broken?

I think it works, but it increase as slow, as it does in game.
After a week!!! in the black, discovering, mapping and whatever;
I got a 25% increase.
I think it's just the amount of money you'll get from it.
Try mapping some (5 - 10) earthlike worlds in the bubble, and check if it get's better.
13 Dec 2021, 9:32pm
Hello everyone.
Where there is a 30% discount at the stations for the ships of the Empire: Paresa, Cemiess, Cubeo. Cutter is not at any station, what's the matter ?!
13 Dec 2021, 11:10pm
Nikopolstarhunterfor beams thermal vent is so good. if i use a lot of laser weapons can be drained all my power .. i think this combination is so good i am very glad

Completely agree. I run 2 beams on my Cutter with long range and thermal vent. The rest multi cannons. But the long range beams are great for maintaining their max damage all the way out to 6km. Being able to agro enemies from a long distance is nice too. Just wish we could fit a size 8 power distributor in our Cutters for more laser power.

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