Elite: Game talk

27 Nov 2021, 5:12pm


Check that SWAG!
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27 Nov 2021, 7:33pm
Vector AstraHi! My Inara profile is not updating properly (error 504) does anyone know how to fix it?


Use reset link. If that do not help contact Artie.

Thanks! Talked to Artie, he fixed it!
28 Nov 2021, 6:47am
I see there is high level of engagements in Mudhrid. Anyone can tell who is ganking who?
28 Nov 2021, 7:07am
Paul GlynnAnyone can tell who is ganking who?

Everyone ganks everyone! Usual CG bacchanalia.
28 Nov 2021, 11:19am
And I still haven't engineered my PvP hull tank cheftain...

28 Nov 2021, 12:48pm
I once found such a ship next to a broken Thargoid ship. But I didn't write down the location. Maybe someone found it too? Please let me know!
28 Nov 2021, 1:31pm
I'm hopeless at combat, but have found ramming my PVE opponents one way of beating them.

Any suggestions for a ship that's fast, maneuverable and tough please, and some useful engineering for the same.
28 Nov 2021, 1:36pm
Anyone getting Purple Python errors when jumping into the High Intensity CZ in Mudhird?
28 Nov 2021, 3:46pm
DescartesI'm hopeless at combat, but have found ramming my PVE opponents one way of beating them.

Any suggestions for a ship that's fast, maneuverable and tough please, and some useful engineering for the same.

here is one option
28 Nov 2021, 4:00pm
28 Nov 2021, 4:08pm
The low power prismatics surprised me. Weaker than reinforced A-rated, but much more expensive.
28 Nov 2021, 4:13pm
Are there any ship mods that can completely disable a ship's systems, like a Thargoid shutdown field? Cause I was just at the high intensity CZ in Open and my ship got shut down three times before I was able to low wake to safety. I've jumped out of system and parked elsewhere since I have a feeling the Thargoids are on their way, and it's something to do with the Far God cult.
28 Nov 2021, 4:25pm
Seth BradwellAre there any ship mods that can completely disable a ship's systems, like a Thargoid shutdown field? Cause I was just at the high intensity CZ in Open and my ship got shut down three times before I was able to low wake to safety. I've jumped out of system and parked elsewhere since I have a feeling the Thargoids are on their way, and it's something to do with the Far God cult.

I guess someone dropped Thargoid probes and then honked the discovery scanner.
28 Nov 2021, 4:28pm
Here's what happens:

28 Nov 2021, 4:42pm
Hmm... So that's what it is then. Very clever, yet devious. I'm assuming it's a human player behind this? Anything that can counter against it, will Shutdown Field Neutralisers work? Otherwise I am tempted to become one of those sad bastards who sticks to Solo for a bit.

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