Elite: Game talk

14 Dec 2021, 3:05am
SalmoneaBut it could be nice if the owner could have there his own cabin.

Not sure about blackjack and hookers but I'd be very surprised if there isn't a cabin on the FC that commanders can customise
and by customise I mean pay a shedload more Arx to put up ingame pictures, have desk bobbles etc.
Why else would fDev put in the time to do FC interiors if it wasn't to
a) distract from the lack of ship interiors
b) to make more cash with the smallest amount of new content.

oh, and Sakashiro - yes, you'll be able to sit down on the chairs (well the commander chair on the bridge anyway). It was in the 'official' sneak preview on twitch.
14 Dec 2021, 3:43am
I'm sure roleplayers will have quite a bit of fun with those interiors.
14 Dec 2021, 5:39am
Co'hen MacBain
KarinkaMy Odyssey does not crash. In exchange, it did reset all fire groups on all ships. Nice

My Horizons crashed in outfitting, and also lost my fire groups, so at least this FDev cock-up affects everyone

Not everyone; I had no problems at all everything is as I had it. All is working in both Odyssey and Horizons.
14 Dec 2021, 6:08am
Nikopolstarhunterfor beams thermal vent is so good. if i use a lot of laser weapons can be drained all my power .. i think this combination is so good i am very glad

Completely agree. I run 2 beams on my Cutter with long range and thermal vent. The rest multi cannons. But the long range beams are great for maintaining their max damage all the way out to 6km. Being able to agro enemies from a long distance is nice too. Just wish we could fit a size 8 power distributor in our Cutters for more laser power.

yes i wish 10 or 11 grade power distribtur
14 Dec 2021, 7:28am
Nikopolstarhunteryes i wish 10 or 11 grade power distribtur

UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! (for lasers)
14 Dec 2021, 8:18am
BodyStuckHello everyone.
Where there is a 30% discount at the stations for the ships of the Empire: Paresa, Cemiess, Cubeo. Cutter is not at any station, what's the matter ?!

14 Dec 2021, 8:33am
14 Dec 2021, 8:36am
Co'hen MacBain
BodyStuckHello everyone.
Where there is a 30% discount at the stations for the ships of the Empire: Paresa, Cemiess, Cubeo. Cutter is not at any station, what's the matter ?!


No cutter discounts, I'm afraid. It was bad wording by FDev in the CG text, but they have confirmed that it only applies to ships sold in those systems.


Thanks, body.
14 Dec 2021, 9:34am
What lasers do people generally use for Long Range combat? Fixed Pulse or Fixed Beam?
14 Dec 2021, 9:45am
KurakilWhat lasers do people generally use for Long Range combat? Fixed Pulse or Fixed Beam?

Beam since it is the best for hitting modules.

For less fall off damage for pulse or burst, I'd rather use focused and stay below 3km engagement range and get a higher piercing
14 Dec 2021, 10:33am
Nikopolstarhunteryes i wish 10 or 11 grade power distribtur

UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! (for lasers)

14 Dec 2021, 10:46am
KurakilWhat lasers do people generally use for Long Range combat? Fixed Pulse or Fixed Beam?

Most glorious use of long range fixed beams I have ever seen:
14 Dec 2021, 10:55am
Chris Hills FarrowDoes exploration rank increase in Odyssey? According to Inara I've been at 66% on Pioneer and have made three trips to/from Colonia selling cartographic data each time, but am still on 66%.

Is it just very slow to get to the next level, or is it something broken?

I think it works, but it increase as slow, as it does in game.
After a week!!! in the black, discovering, mapping and whatever;
I got a 25% increase.
I think it's just the amount of money you'll get from it.
Try mapping some (5 - 10) earthlike worlds in the bubble, and check if it get's better.

Thank you for that. I will give that a go. Give my surface scanner a good workout
14 Dec 2021, 11:23am
Chris Hills Farrow
Chris Hills FarrowDoes exploration rank increase in Odyssey? According to Inara I've been at 66% on Pioneer and have made three trips to/from Colonia selling cartographic data each time, but am still on 66%.

Is it just very slow to get to the next level, or is it something broken?

I think it works, but it increase as slow, as it does in game.
After a week!!! in the black, discovering, mapping and whatever;
I got a 25% increase.
I think it's just the amount of money you'll get from it.
Try mapping some (5 - 10) earthlike worlds in the bubble, and check if it get's better.

Yeah it's definitely based on your credit earnings from UC turn ins. Keep in mind that the neutron route between Colonia and the Bubble is pretty much mostly scanned already, it being so well travelled and all. This effectively halves your income rate. Either do the Road to Riches for Earthlikes at standard rate, or go somewhere unexplored for the bonus is my recommendation.

Also, make sure you're in ED:O. Horizons will not recognize rank turn ins above standard Elite.
14 Dec 2021, 4:51pm
Chris Hills Farrow

I think it works, but it increase as slow, as it does in game.
After a week!!! in the black, discovering, mapping and whatever;
I got a 25% increase.
I think it's just the amount of money you'll get from it.
Try mapping some (5 - 10) earthlike worlds in the bubble, and check if it get's better.

Yeah it's definitely based on your credit earnings from UC turn ins. Keep in mind that the neutron route between Colonia and the Bubble is pretty much mostly scanned already, it being so well travelled and all. This effectively halves your income rate. Either do the Road to Riches for Earthlikes at standard rate, or go somewhere unexplored for the bonus is my recommendation.

Also, make sure you're in ED:O. Horizons will not recognize rank turn ins above standard Elite.

I'll give the Road to Riches a go for a start and go from there. Thank you for the advice I've been given, it's much appreciated.

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