Elite: Game talk

20 Dec 2021, 5:27pm
20 Dec 2021, 5:28pm
Sakashiro All I can add is: Get the largest A-rated fuel scoop your ship can fit, downsize your fuel tank for a maximum of two full-range jumps, filter your route for scoopable stars (OBAFGKM), and put your favorite Spotify or whatever playlist into the background while jumping.
With jump range of 18ly or about, you might find yourself willing to do the opposite thing, installing more fuel tanks to jump through patches of unscoopable stars.
20 Dec 2021, 5:42pm
So far best option was not given. And I still wonder why?

Anyway, here we go:
Spent few days to unlock some basic engineers and FSD booster before heading out on a 22000 ly trip.

Going to anywhere with sub 35ly jump range is... stupid.
20 Dec 2021, 6:06pm
MeowersWith jump range of 18ly or about, you might find yourself willing to do the opposite thing, installing more fuel tanks to jump through patches of unscoopable stars.

Extra fuel tanks will shorten your jump range though. Downsizing will add a few Ly. And there's no shortage of scoopable stars between the bubble and Colonia.
20 Dec 2021, 6:30pm
Sakashiro All I can add is: Get the largest A-rated fuel scoop your ship can fit, downsize your fuel tank for a maximum of two full-range jumps, filter your route for scoopable stars (OBAFGKM), and put your favorite Spotify or whatever playlist into the background while jumping.

With jump range of 18ly or about, you might find yourself willing to do the opposite thing, installing more fuel tanks to jump through patches of unscoopable stars.

With Jump range of 18ly you might find yourself willing to saw at your wrists with a butterknife too...
20 Dec 2021, 6:42pm
Sakashiro All I can add is: Get the largest A-rated fuel scoop your ship can fit, downsize your fuel tank for a maximum of two full-range jumps, filter your route for scoopable stars (OBAFGKM), and put your favorite Spotify or whatever playlist into the background while jumping.

With jump range of 18ly or about, you might find yourself willing to do the opposite thing, installing more fuel tanks to jump through patches of unscoopable stars.

With Jump range of 18ly you might find yourself willing to saw at your wrists with a butterknife too...

Or even better, with a blunt tablespoon for more fun
20 Dec 2021, 7:04pm
No, Plastic butter knife.
20 Dec 2021, 7:06pm
I somewhat agree with most of the content but would like to add that I respect the DEV's effort to instill in the players the distance traveled and therefore the time involved. This an action game as well as exploration game but I think that one sacrifices time at the expense of reality. but come on, the whole premise of this game stretches your imagination, I get that.

I would suggest one thing that would be most helpful in my case, would be the ability to spawn in to a location at the onset of the game and somehow pay for the delivery of a ship at that station, in some cases that would be very expensive the choice remains with the player, but you may also have the ability to purchase a ship if necessary. Whatever the case I do think that in respect to action missions time factors could be shortened so that a player can spend more time actually playing rather than fidgeting around or falling asleep waiting to arrive at the desired location.

The uniqueness of the game keeps me playing so if the DEV's efforts are trying to maintain this status then I guess I will keep on.
20 Dec 2021, 7:07pm
Karinkablunt tablespoon for more fun
Tier 2 fuel scoop is like a blunt tablespoon, especially if you travel to Colonia with it and 18ly range.
20 Dec 2021, 8:20pm
Karinkablunt tablespoon for more fun

Tier 2 fuel scoop is like a blunt tablespoon, especially if you travel to Colonia with it and 18ly range.

Never underestimate the power of low tier modules
20 Dec 2021, 9:01pm

Never underestimate the power of low tier modules

The power of low tier modules is as expected LOWER power
20 Dec 2021, 9:10pm
SakashiroExtra fuel tanks will shorten your jump range though. Downsizing will add a few Ly. And there's no shortage of scoopable stars between the bubble and Colonia.
Yeah, but while traveling somewhere else, fuel can be a problem. 8t of exploration happiness fuel tank!
20 Dec 2021, 10:38pm
SakashiroI'm one Imperial rank away from a Cutter. Can't stop playing now.

I hope the Imp ship sale is still on for you when you get there!
20 Dec 2021, 11:33pm
How did everyone enjoy the gifts from Winking Cat? Kind of wondering what the next places the next bunch of gifts will be.
21 Dec 2021, 12:36am
Marquise de Saka signing off...

Duchess Sakashiro checking in.

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