Elite: Game talk

22 Dec 2021, 6:28am
22 Dec 2021, 1:29pm
O7 CMDRS! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, spending time with their loved ones and making a lot of credits!
I've come to ask a very simple question, well you see, my current PC is not very powerful to say the least, and loading ED Horizons takes a solid 30+ minutes every time I open up the game.

Which leads to the question, is there anything I can do to improve the load time? I've already optimized most of Windows and all the graphic settings in-game. But I still have to wait those very boring 30 minutes.

Have any of you guys had this issue, and if so, how did you fix it?
22 Dec 2021, 1:29pm
Karinka[ Have you tried shooting utilizing the turret or do you shoot from cockpit? Turret improves accuracy a lot. I will defend Scorpio, it has better survivability and much better driving stability than Scarab. Moreover, it has boom boom rocket launcher which is ideal for every ninja in galaxy

There's nothing to defend. Almost everything about the Scorpion is at the very least within reason or very enjoyable... except the gun. It's stupid. Period. It ruins the whole experience. If swapping out the gun for the Scarab's was possible everyone would do it in a heartbeat it's that bad. The mechanic of 'the jitter gets BETTER the longer you fire it' is backwards. The only time weapons are designed with directed AOE as their intent are situations where a single hit is devastating and/or the target is so fast moving precision strikes can't be relied upon (think fighterjet cannons or CIWS). Neither of these situations apply to the Scorpion's design intent.

There is nothing enjoyable about pointing your reticle dead center on a target 150m away and COMPLETELY MISSING. Stupid, idiotic, implausible, unfun, ridiculous game design. I won't be using the Scorpion. If I need a ground vehicle I'll stick with ol' spinny-BS rather than Walleye BS. At least then I'll have the option of hitting things and maybe reaching 30m/s.
22 Dec 2021, 3:23pm
This red colored flak launcher is nice. The green Santa's jumper not so much.
22 Dec 2021, 5:08pm
DanielFloykO7 CMDRS! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, spending time with their loved ones and making a lot of credits!
I've come to ask a very simple question, well you see, my current PC is not very powerful to say the least, and loading ED Horizons takes a solid 30+ minutes every time I open up the game.

Which leads to the question, is there anything I can do to improve the load time? I've already optimized most of Windows and all the graphic settings in-game. But I still have to wait those very boring 30 minutes.

Have any of you guys had this issue, and if so, how did you fix it?

Before you get excited that I'm answering your post, I don't have this problem, sorry!

Firstly, a quick check. You do mean "30 minutes", right? Not "30 seconds"? Your post reads like you're a native or fluent English speaker, but it can't hurt to make sure

That said, I assume you've already done some googling on this, so you'll know that some people seem to have inexplicably slow load times even when running top-end hardware. I didn't see anyone reporting 30 MINUTE waits, though! Your dedication to Elite is commendable, CMDR

Starting E:D is a multi-step process. Which stage is taking so long?

  1. Waiting for the launcher to appear after you start the game (by double-clicking shortcut, clicking "Play" in Steam library, etc.)
  2. Waiting for the client window to appear after clicking "Play" on the launcher
  3. Waiting to finish preparing shaders, preparing planet generation, and load into the main menu
  4. Waiting to get in-game once you hit "Continue" and choose your game mode (open, solo, etc.)
22 Dec 2021, 5:41pm
Co'hen MacBain
DanielFloykO7 CMDRS! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, spending time with their loved ones and making a lot of credits!
I've come to ask a very simple question, well you see, my current PC is not very powerful to say the least, and loading ED Horizons takes a solid 30+ minutes every time I open up the game.

Which leads to the question, is there anything I can do to improve the load time? I've already optimized most of Windows and all the graphic settings in-game. But I still have to wait those very boring 30 minutes.

Have any of you guys had this issue, and if so, how did you fix it?

Before you get excited that I'm answering your post, I don't have this problem, sorry!

Firstly, a quick check. You do mean "30 minutes", right? Not "30 seconds"? Your post reads like you're a native or fluent English speaker, but it can't hurt to make sure

That said, I assume you've already done some googling on this, so you'll know that some people seem to have inexplicably slow load times even when running top-end hardware. I didn't see anyone reporting 30 MINUTE waits, though! Your dedication to Elite is commendable, CMDR

Starting E:D is a multi-step process. Which stage is taking so long?

  1. Waiting for the launcher to appear after you start the game (by double-clicking shortcut, clicking "Play" in Steam library, etc.)
  2. Waiting for the client window to appear after clicking "Play" on the launcher
  3. Waiting to finish preparing shaders, preparing planet generation, and load into the main menu
  4. Waiting to get in-game once you hit "Continue" and choose your game mode (open, solo, etc.)

Hello! I didn't actually expect someone to reply! Indeed I have done some research on the topic, visited Reddit posts, and even asked some of my friends what could be causing it. I also want to apologize for posting this here, I feel like this should have been written somewhere else since this seems to be a place to talk more about in-game topics rather than more technical problems.

Yes, I did mean 30-ish minutes (sometimes less, sometimes more) what takes so long is loading the planet generation system, whatever the game does, it consumes most of my PC's resources and it does take quite a while to finish loading said system. I am aware that this is mostly an issue on my end, since it seems to be my system's capabilities what causes the extensive load time.

What caught my attention is that I am able to run the game smoothly at a 50-60 FPS consistently, but the load time absolutely screws this up.
My theory is the following, while the game is preparing the planet generation system, it uses most of my processor's power, and since my processor is not that powerful, it takes it's time. My question is, is there anything I can do to reduce the load time? Maybe optimizing something in the game files? I've made sure the game graphics are all at the minimum and optimized my system OS to the fullest I could.

Once again, I apologize for posting this here since this seems to be a more technical issue rather than an in-game topic, probably should've posted this in a Frontier forum. Sorry for that. Oh and by the way, I'm not native, I'm actually from latin america lol But thank you very much! I work hard to make my english as natural as possible, I'm glad to see I'm able to communicate fluently through it!
22 Dec 2021, 5:42pm
Gatimũ KamauFor instance, would it really be so game breaking or intolerable to the hard core fanbase if FD threw us a bone and had humankind develop an in-universe advanced frame shift calculator that we could purchase for our ships that could allow for inner-system jumps if there are multiple stars? Like being able to jump from the Alpha Centauri entry star to the star near Hutton Orbital? That would save nearly an hour of playtime for those of us who have limited time on our hands. And for balancing purposes, the size 1 slot that FD added when they graced us with supercruise assist could be designated as a guidance component only slot the same way that larger ships have military component only slots. Then the player would have to choose between supercruise assist, the docking computer or the inner-system shift module. If that's not enough, then have it also be pricy. That way newbie CMDR's still have to come up the hard way like we did and go for their free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital, and by the time they have a ship that can use it and the money to buy, they will have the proper appreciation for it. And since it would be a component, old school players wouldn't have to be bothered with using it if they want to keep their experience "pure".

I'd like this, to be honest. I'd also like the ship guidance to just be toggle-able and built into all ships (not this one, but supercruise and docking assist), so people can just turn it on and off at their discretion.

Then again, I'm probably that person who would have it set up so only certain ships have different 'degrees' of guidance set up for various reasons (such as exploration ships having "all on" for roleplay reasons or large ships always having docking assist because I admittedly have some difficulty maneuvering some of them through the mailslot).

You're not the only one who hates the mail slot size. (But it's not many E:D players who will admit it openly.) I don't use the docking assist, but it irritates me how the larger ships are built in correlation to the slots' size. Especially where it concerns the Type 9 and 10. NO space faring civilization would make entrance ports so small or ships so massive that they literally have to scrape through by inches every time they go in and out. There would be accidents every other week. And ANYONE who says that they don't bounce off of the mail slot at least once every five or so play sessions, they're lying. The slot size it DEFINANTLY a problem that no one talks about. It's the main reason I actually hate flying my Type 10 (which is my dedicated mining vessel) when I have to do some deep core work.

I feel like FD should consider universally widening the station slots via some gradual in-universe access improvement effort...kind of the way major streets in high traffic areas are widened and added to with sidewalks and bike lanes in real life. It would be a very nice quality of life improvement.
22 Dec 2021, 6:21pm
hello DanielFloyk,

for me it sounds like slow data transfer rates, couse the games needs 30 min. to load..i dont think it's a grafic problem.

so you can optimze your pagefile a bit, usually it's set to low by windows default. i choose 8 gb for pagefile. but it depends on how much memory you have installed. ed take much ram and if you check the ed folder horizon and odyssey have around 120.000 files in there folders.. very much data to load.. what hdd you are using? i hope a ssd. if you have enough ram installed you can try to disable the pagefile complete, should be better peformance.

22 Dec 2021, 6:39pm
Alex Hoffmannhello DanielFloyk,

for me it sounds like slow data transfer rates, couse the games needs 30 min. to load..i dont think it's a grafic problem.

so you can optimze your pagefile a bit, usually it's set to low by windows default. i choose 8 gb for pagefile. but it depends on how much memory you have installed. ed take much ram and if you check the ed folder horizon and odyssey have around 120.000 files in there folders.. very much data to load.. what hdd you are using? i hope a ssd. if you have enough ram installed you can try to disable the pagefile complete, should be better peformance.


Hey! Yup that could also be part of the issue, next time I launch ED I'll have the Task Manager open to see if it uses RAM, CPU or GPU. And no, sadly I'm using an HDD, not an SDD. Although I've considering getting one for christmas, should make things much easier.

I have about 6 RAM installed, I don't know this pagefile you're talking about, I will make some research on it.
22 Dec 2021, 6:41pm
I'd like this, to be honest. I'd also like the ship guidance to just be toggle-able and built into all ships (not this one, but supercruise and docking assist), so people can just turn it on and off at their discretion.

Then again, I'm probably that person who would have it set up so only certain ships have different 'degrees' of guidance set up for various reasons (such as exploration ships having "all on" for roleplay reasons or large ships always having docking assist because I admittedly have some difficulty maneuvering some of them through the mailslot).

With all respect, but you are doing it wrong

22 Dec 2021, 6:43pm
I'd like this, to be honest. I'd also like the ship guidance to just be toggle-able and built into all ships (not this one, but supercruise and docking assist), so people can just turn it on and off at their discretion.

Then again, I'm probably that person who would have it set up so only certain ships have different 'degrees' of guidance set up for various reasons (such as exploration ships having "all on" for roleplay reasons or large ships always having docking assist because I admittedly have some difficulty maneuvering some of them through the mailslot).

With all respect, but you are doing it wrong


Wait, you have to put your ship at a very slight angle!? I didn't know that!
22 Dec 2021, 7:15pm
Here is ultimate guide Will it "MAILSLOT"

And at the end who cares if your shield bump a bit? MJs are free!
22 Dec 2021, 7:16pm
Alex Hoffmannhello DanielFloyk,

for me it sounds like slow data transfer rates, couse the games needs 30 min. to load..i dont think it's a grafic problem.

so you can optimze your pagefile a bit, usually it's set to low by windows default. i choose 8 gb for pagefile. but it depends on how much memory you have installed. ed take much ram and if you check the ed folder horizon and odyssey have around 120.000 files in there folders.. very much data to load.. what hdd you are using? i hope a ssd. if you have enough ram installed you can try to disable the pagefile complete, should be better peformance.


Hey! Yup that could also be part of the issue, next time I launch ED I'll have the Task Manager open to see if it uses RAM, CPU or GPU. And no, sadly I'm using an HDD, not an SDD. Although I've considering getting one for christmas, should make things much easier.

I have about 6 RAM installed, I don't know this pagefile you're talking about, I will make some research on it.

i highly recommend a ssd. the hdd seems to be the problem i can bet. the pagefile is a system file which are outsourcing memory. it´s importent for memory management. disableing it let your pc do all task direct from and to the ram, without outsourcing to hdd. here´s a link how you find it Windows 10 faster.. (point 5) - it´s in german.. i can look for a english site if you can´t handle german.


Last edit: 22 Dec 2021, 7:23pm
22 Dec 2021, 7:20pm
EpisparhHere is ultimate guide Will it "MAILSLOT"

And at the end who cares if your shield bump a bit? MJs are free!

Nice! Even Thargoid Interceptor fits
22 Dec 2021, 7:24pm
Alex Hoffmann
Alex Hoffmannhello DanielFloyk,

for me it sounds like slow data transfer rates, couse the games needs 30 min. to load..i dont think it's a grafic problem.

so you can optimze your pagefile a bit, usually it's set to low by windows default. i choose 8 gb for pagefile. but it depends on how much memory you have installed. ed take much ram and if you check the ed folder horizon and odyssey have around 120.000 files in there folders.. very much data to load.. what hdd you are using? i hope a ssd. if you have enough ram installed you can try to disable the pagefile complete, should be better peformance.


Hey! Yup that could also be part of the issue, next time I launch ED I'll have the Task Manager open to see if it uses RAM, CPU or GPU. And no, sadly I'm using an HDD, not an SDD. Although I've considering getting one for christmas, should make things much easier.

I have about 6 RAM installed, I don't know this pagefile you're talking about, I will make some research on it.

i highly recommend a ssd. the hdd seems to be the problem i can bet. the pagefile is a system file which are outsourcing memory. it´s importent for memory management. disableing it let your pc do all task direct fromt and to the ram, without outsourcing to hdd. here´s a link how you find it Windows 10 faster.. it´s in german.. i can look for a english site if you can´t speak german.


Hmm, I just took a look at it, and it seems like the only thing I haven't done yet is checking the pagefile, and yeah an english site would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance!

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