Elite: Game talk

26 Dec 2021, 1:02pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
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22 000 Ly far...

One suicidewinder express away.
26 Dec 2021, 1:18pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
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22 000 Ly far...

One suicidewinder express away.

26 Dec 2021, 1:20pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
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22 000 Ly far...

One suicidewinder express away.

Um, they nerfed that. You now appear at the closest shipyard not your last docking spot.
26 Dec 2021, 1:31pm

22 000 Ly far...

One suicidewinder express away.

Um, they nerfed that. You now appear at the closest shipyard not your last docking spot.

26 Dec 2021, 1:32pm

22 000 Ly far...

One suicidewinder express away.

Um, they nerfed that. You now appear at the closest shipyard not your last docking spot.

You sure? Four weeks ago I have returned that way from Colonia. Buy sidewinder, store your ship , self destruct or stupid shenanigans around station to get you blown, ditch the sidewinder and get the loaned one that will spawn you in the bubble. Instant 22k ly jump with a loaned sidewinder

26 Dec 2021, 1:35pm
oh you're taking the loaner winder. bleck.

Edit, be sure to transfer your good ship to a Fleet carrier that's making a jump. Apparently that's resetting the travel time to zero. GG Fdev. gg
26 Dec 2021, 1:38pm
This is how it always worked. If you keep existing ship it will spawn you in the nearest station. If you get the loaned one - back to civilization.
26 Dec 2021, 2:03pm
EpisparhThis is how it always worked. If you keep existing ship it will spawn you in the nearest station. If you get the loaned one - back to civilization.

Can confirm. Happy Holidays, you old codger

Last edit: 26 Dec 2021, 2:10pm
26 Dec 2021, 2:12pm

on my way to Beagle Point I have found a strange Galaxy Sector: Bleia4

Some screenshots for you to check: every single star is permission locked.


Is it a known feature I've missed? A bug? What do you think?

PS4 commander here.

PS: Ok, 'm stupid and I don't know how to attach an image. Please check my Gallery Under Locked, Locked1 and Locked2.


Last edit: 26 Dec 2021, 2:28pm
26 Dec 2021, 2:23pm
Ypm08Hi CMDRs,

on my way to Beagle Point I have found a strange Galaxy Sector: Bleia4

Some screenshots for you to check: every single star is permission locked.

Is it a known feature I've missed? A bug? What do you think?

PS4 commander here.


David, links from your hdd do not work here
26 Dec 2021, 2:31pm
Ypm08Hi CMDRs,

on my way to Beagle Point I have found a strange Galaxy Sector: Bleia4

Some screenshots for you to check: every single star is permission locked.


Is it a known feature I've missed? A bug? What do you think?

PS4 commander here.

PS: Ok, 'm stupid and I don't know how to attach an image. Please check my Gallery Under Locked, Locked1 and Locked2.


YE, there is known permit locked sector. Its in common knowledge.
26 Dec 2021, 2:36pm
Ok thanks. I didn't figure it out. I should have googled it first.

26 Dec 2021, 2:37pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
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22 000 Ly far...

Another free ship... time to remove modules in already owned one and reduce the rebuy costs
26 Dec 2021, 2:40pm
So, who said universal limpet controller is the answer to all?

Here is a good review from d2ea:

It's clear confirmation those modules are poo.
26 Dec 2021, 2:43pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
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22 000 Ly far...

Another free ship... time to remove modules in already owned one and reduce the rebuy costs

Free? Rebuy? Cost? It souns like you are missing credits.

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