Elite: Game talk

21 Dec 2021, 12:49am
Congrats. Welcome to the wonderful world of Lithobraking
21 Dec 2021, 12:53am
Hal QuartermainYa know, if you don't enter the mailslot going at least 250+, or don't boost your way out the mailslot, are you really flying that ship? Or are you just driving the thing?

If it's a Saud Kruger, you're diving it.

I love you for that XDD
21 Dec 2021, 4:13am
SakashiroMarquise de Saka signing off...

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Duchess Sakashiro checking in.


21 Dec 2021, 5:50am
Hey CMDRS been playing for a year now ED love it. I first got into it cause I stumbled upon a reddit post abou Raxxla n the 20 year Easter Egg. But I didn't fall to much into the rabbit hole to a bit too build up so to speak.
Anyhoo took a while to get up to speed about everybody everyone has done n tried but something struck me as odd. Lately I've noticed the dark wheel expanding into areas I knew they weren't there. Anyhoo ended up a lave cause something the original designer said about a journey stuck in my head. So I figured to follow the path of alex ryder ina sense but I ended up in Reorte 3 one of the old worlds near geo site one theirs a crater just north not on the map. out of curiosity seeing a ghost blimp on my radar I explored it. They're was an NPC in the crater looking around which rarely I've seen. Then I found this probe SCAN GOT DATA POINT THEN which attacked my with a sentry when I got close scanned it it registered something but idk wtf never happened to me before. Has this ever happened to anyone. Need some intel started to explore the rest of the crater by my health bar is low n I was on a different time sensitive mission.
21 Dec 2021, 7:19am
SakashiroMarquise de Saka signing off...

Duchess Sakashiro checking in.

King Lighthawk here welcoming you as a fellow noble to the glory of Cutter ownership! It is truly a ship in a category above all others! May the Empire forever smile upon your accomplishments!

Long live the Emperor!
21 Dec 2021, 9:25am
Icecypher... ... ............. seeing a ghost blimp on my radar I explored it. They're was an NPC in the crater looking around which rarely I've seen. Then I found this probe SCAN GOT DATA POINT THEN which attacked my with a sentry when I got close scanned it it registered something but idk wtf never happened to me before. Has this ever happened to anyone. Need some intel started to explore the rest of the crater by my health bar is low n I was on a different time sensitive mission.

21 Dec 2021, 10:12am
SakashiroMarquise de Saka signing off...

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Duchess Sakashiro checking in.


Nice, now you have 3 more sits to remind you about the people who no longer play
21 Dec 2021, 10:45am
EpisparhNice, now you have 3 more sits to remind you about the people who no longer play

Think you mean 3 more seats to never use considering how useless multi-crew has always been in ED. Even before the great exodus of ED, those seats were virtually never used.
21 Dec 2021, 10:57am
The Cutter's default jump range of 8 whopping light years reminds me that I have to spend another 500 million Cr and a month of engineering before that ship is actually useful for anything.
21 Dec 2021, 11:01am
SakashiroThe Cutter's default jump range of 8 whopping light years reminds me that I have to spend another 500 million Cr and a month of engineering before that ship is actually useful for anything.

Yeah there is that. Even when fully upgraded, the jump range of the Cutter isn't anything to boast about. Once upgraded and engineered it is at least decent though.
21 Dec 2021, 12:03pm
SakashiroMarquise de Saka signing off...

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Nice, now you have 3 more sits to remind you about the people who no longer play

No joke, all the pride the CMs had for announcing the additional seats in the large ships so they can NOT carry full teams inside, and their emphasis on how cool the additional useless seat in the Scorpion was just shows how out of touch they are with the condition of the game.

"We implemented this amaz0rs new feature for nobody to use because the core Multicrew mechanic is busted AF and always has been". So bad.
21 Dec 2021, 12:19pm
I'd find two seats in my Courier much more useful than four in my Cutter.
21 Dec 2021, 1:05pm
SakashiroThe Cutter's default jump range of 8 whopping light years reminds me that I have to spend another 500 million Cr and a month of engineering before that ship is actually useful for anything.

Allow us to laugh at your build before you start building it first.
21 Dec 2021, 1:18pm
Episparh Allow us to laugh at your build before you start building it first.

21 Dec 2021, 1:24pm
SakashiroI'd find two seats in my Courier much more useful than four in my Cutter.

Put your friends into your cargo bay!

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