Elite: Game talk

27 Dec 2021, 8:06am
Sabertooth1Could use some advice from those that do ship combat as thier main play style. This build is for PVE combat.

Thrusters are at that level do to not having the engineers open yet to max them out and some of the other areas are do to not having the mats at the moment.

You messed a lot of the armor and shields.
For HRP alway go heavy duty /deep plating with lowest one thermal resistant deep plating if you use reactive armor.
For bi-weave shield thermal resist/ fast charge + resistance augmented / super capacitator shield boosters.

Remove that ADC, if you cannot dock you shouldn't be doing combat at first place.

27 Dec 2021, 12:35pm
MeowersUh. I don't know should I post it here or not. But if you want to make a little profit, AXDF Amaranthine in Ratri system needs some Tritium. A bit. 4k will be enough. Buying for 80k/t.

Will delete the message when the offer is closed.

I usually park my FC next to a station with L pad and large supply of tritium. EDMC and Inara do all the advertisement and order is completed in less than 12 hours.
27 Dec 2021, 1:03pm
MeowersUh. I don't know should I post it here or not. But if you want to make a little profit, AXDF Amaranthine in Ratri system needs some Tritium. A bit. 4k will be enough. Buying for 80k/t.

Will delete the message when the offer is closed.

I usually park my FC next to a station with L pad and large supply of tritium. EDMC and Inara do all the advertisement and order is completed in less than 12 hours.

I used Tritium depot squadron. I placed order, they stuffed my FC.
27 Dec 2021, 1:53pm
MeowersUh. I don't know should I post it here or not. But if you want to make a little profit, AXDF Amaranthine in Ratri system needs some Tritium. A bit. 4k will be enough. Buying for 80k/t.

Will delete the message when the offer is closed.

I usually park my FC next to a station with L pad and large supply of tritium. EDMC and Inara do all the advertisement and order is completed in less than 12 hours.

I used Tritium depot squadron. I placed order, they stuffed my FC.

Em and it looks like they dismissed self.
27 Dec 2021, 2:04pm
Ah, I'm not in a haste. Three-four days are okay. Got 1.6k already anyway.
27 Dec 2021, 2:57pm
Lol, ok. If you are in a rush I can give you half hour with some of my cutters. You are not far away from Gato.
Actually, I can park UNX Conqueror next to you fill up your order and then go to a supply station to refill the cargo.

Send me DM if you need it more urgently.

We have a saying in my country:
"Why the wolf's neck is thick? Because the wolf do its work alone."

Last edit: 27 Dec 2021, 3:04pm
27 Dec 2021, 3:30pm
EpisparhLol, ok. If you are in a rush I can give you half hour with some of my cutters. You are not far away from Gato.
Actually, I can park UNX Conqueror next to you fill up your order and then go to a supply station to refill the cargo.

Send me DM if you need it more urgently.

We have a saying in my country:
"Why the wolf's neck is thick? Because the wolf do its work alone."

Does your country not know how wolves work?
27 Dec 2021, 3:51pm
Everyone knows the wolf packs, however lone wolves are usually stronger and bigger than their pack counter parts.... That do not mean that a lone wolf can survive a pack as even bears have trouble with them.

The sentence however says: If you want the job properly done, do it alone do not rely on others.
27 Dec 2021, 3:57pm
EpisparhThe sentence however says: If you want the job properly done, do it alone do not rely on others.
Ah. Of course I can switch to T-10 or T-6 and haul the Tritium by myself, as I did it before. But now I'm quite busy with other stuff, and carrier could just float somewhere and buy all the needed Tritium with literally zero effort from me. So, why I should ignore the chance?
27 Dec 2021, 4:24pm
EpisparhThe sentence however says: If you want the job properly done, do it alone do not rely on others.

Ah. Of course I can switch to T-10 or T-6 and haul the Tritium by myself, as I did it before. But now I'm quite busy with other stuff, and carrier could just float somewhere and buy all the needed Tritium with literally zero effort from me. So, why I should ignore the chance?

This is like 6 trips with a max cargo cutter. If you park next to supply station with 10-30 sec supercruise travel, this is probably 3-5min per trip. On other hand you are paying close 25k per ton delivery which is a 100mil dent in your wallet.
27 Dec 2021, 4:27pm
EpisparhEveryone knows the wolf packs, however lone wolves are usually stronger and bigger than their pack counter parts.... That do not mean that a lone wolf can survive a pack as even bears have trouble with them.

The sentence however says: If you want the job properly done, do it alone do not rely on others.

So the answer is "no, they don't"

The only time a wolf is alone is when they are leaving to form a new pack (in which case they are 'big' because of the pack) and/or have been kicked out by the Alpha of the old. The lone wolf survives on rodents. The pack feasts on bison. It is a bad analogy.

In my country the expression is simply "if you want a job done right, do it yourself".
27 Dec 2021, 5:24pm
The only time a wolf is alone is when they are leaving to form a new pack (in which case they are 'big' because of the pack) and/or have been kicked out by the Alpha of the old. The lone wolf survives on rodents. The pack feasts on bison. It is a bad analogy.

In my country the expression is simply "if you want a job done right, do it yourself".

So, you are talking out of your context. My country is on the Balkan peninsula. We do not have big steppe animals as in USA, Russia and Mongolia. In matter of fact 50% of my country is mountains. Wolf pack rarely are seen outside of the forests while lone wolves, foxes and bears are what attacked the live stock of the population in the past. This is where the saying came from. If a wolf pack attack a small/medium animal it will barely feed half of the pack while a lone wolf will have plenty left.

Anyway, Meow, your order is complete. The fastest 60 mil I've made nowadays.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2021, 5:31pm
27 Dec 2021, 5:40pm
EpisparhAnyway, Meow, your order is complete. The fastest 60 mil I've made nowadays.
Yeah, thank you. Enjoy your millions! Hah.

See? I don't even have enough free time to log in at the moment, not to mention Tritium hauling. And I don't know what to do with those credits anyway, they're too easy to earn in this game. So, the best decision was to open the carrier market. I got my daily cr*pload of work done, aaaaand I got the Tritium.
27 Dec 2021, 6:00pm
I do not need CR but I rarely can stand a good opportunity. I've parked my FC to the same body, the distance was 6ls, the rest was done by my 720t Atlas and its ADC(the only ship I have with ADC as this is my FC service ship which usually do this tedious short runs). It took me like 12-15 min at most thanks to some cargo bug which I had to figure out how to bypass.

The bug itself:
When you sell to the FC, ship cargo keep saying that it is full, although it is not. I needed to close carrier service and reopen it and then to go second time to the commodities market to get my ship cargo updated.

But yes, if you do not have time to play it is different story. o7
27 Dec 2021, 6:05pm
The only time a wolf is alone is when they are leaving to form a new pack (in which case they are 'big' because of the pack) and/or have been kicked out by the Alpha of the old. The lone wolf survives on rodents. The pack feasts on bison. It is a bad analogy.

In my country the expression is simply "if you want a job done right, do it yourself".

So, you are talking out of your context. My country is on the Balkan peninsula. We do not have big steppe animals as in USA, Russia and Mongolia. In matter of fact 50% of my country is mountains. Wolf pack rarely are seen outside of the forests while lone wolves, foxes and bears are what attacked the live stock of the population in the past. This is where the saying came from. If a wolf pack attack a small/medium animal it will barely feed half of the pack while a lone wolf will have plenty left.

You actually do have Deer, Moose, Boar etc. The lone wolves you're seeing are opportunists preying on livestock. The only reason they are 'big' is because the work is made easy for them. Take livestock out of the picture and the lone wolf starves. So, I'm right. Your country's expression may have a basis from colloquial observations but does not accurately reflect the true wolf lifestyle or meaning it sounds like you intend (that of a romanticized uber wolf able to do more work all by himself because he is alone which is only true because the meal is made for him).

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