Elite: Game talk

30 Dec 2021, 12:00pm

Don't call your build "Saka's Legacy" until it has survived

  • a trip to Beagle Point (no carriers!)
  • a landing at 10G or higher
  • a week in Shinrarta Deciat in open
  • a year without a rebuy

30 Dec 2021, 1:00pm
The peasantry aproach wastes time that can be uset to do more stuff.

tl;dr Stop being cheap CMDR!

30 Dec 2021, 1:18pm
I do plenty of stuff.

Currently Snowblood is docked in ShinDez, SRV replaced by a class 2 interdictor.
30 Dec 2021, 1:37pm
SakashiroI do plenty of stuff.

Currently Snowblood is docked in ShinDez, SRV replaced by a class 2 interdictor.

So you going to interdict gankers and then "imperial courier goes swoooosh" or you going to tickle them first with your lasers?
30 Dec 2021, 3:43pm
SakashiroI do plenty of stuff.

Currently Snowblood is docked in ShinDez, SRV replaced by a class 2 interdictor.

So you going to interdict gankers and then "imperial courier goes swoooosh" or you going to tickle them first with your lasers?

Interdict and swoosh is enough for salt farming.
30 Dec 2021, 6:34pm
A moment of your time CMDR's.

I've been "Elite-ing" for about 3 years now on and off and in all of that time, I've been a heavy solo roleplayer in the verse; my "stories" being told as I have time via my logs like everyone else here. Only recently have I started trying to really hone my PvE skillset with the desire of reaching elite status in combat. Now normally when I scrap, it's almost exclusively in conflict zones in my roleplay Anaconda. My baby. (Her admittedly odd loadout is visible here on Inara for all interested.) But yesterday, while credit farming in low to medium risk resource sites, I decided to dip my toes into HAZ RES to lure more bounties...and make no mistake, more bounties came.

More than I expected at once.

Normally in combat zones, the enemies' attention is split between all of the opposing ships in the sky. But here, it was 5 on 1. I thought about running, didn't, and ended up having one of my most dynamic fights I've ever experienced in the game......but I want to do and be better. Maybe even start (eventually) working on my PvP skill level. So, submitted for the approval of the veteran combat commanders in the chat, I'm linking the video of this encounter below. It's 12 minutes. If you have the time, please watch and feel free to levy all constructive criticisms and ideas as to what I can do better.

The current build for my Type 10 is also here on my Inara page for all to see.

o7 CMDR's.

30 Dec 2021, 6:46pm
Gatimũ KamauThe current build for my Type 10 is also here on my Inara page for all to see.

Waiting for an epic Epi reply on this
30 Dec 2021, 6:54pm
Gatimũ KamauThe current build for my Type 10 is also here on my Inara page for all to see.

Waiting for an epic Epi reply on this

Expect him to complain about the build being too Sakaesque for having only lasers.
30 Dec 2021, 7:18pm
Gatimũ KamauThe current build for my Type 10 is also here on my Inara page for all to see.

Waiting for an epic Epi reply on this

Expect him to complain about the build being too Sakaesque for having only lasers.

My Anaconda build is more well-rounded with traditional mini-guns and a pack hound, but I tend to be heavy on the trigger and I have a hard time abandoning a fight. I think and I have to get more comfortable with the idea of knowing when to run once they run dry and I'm down to only three lasers. LOL.
30 Dec 2021, 7:44pm
Gatimu, Type-10 is called "n00b trap" for a reason. My best advice is - just sell it or stop using it.

Here is VERY IMPORTANT TYPE-10 GUIDE from a PvPer:

If you want a PvP experience make a meta-FDL with 3 PAs and 2 rails. Go to San Tu /Chomski Terminal and arrange some fights. People there will give you plenty of lessons.

Your Anaconda is mixed bag of features - jack of all trades, master of none.

And about your video (skipped most of it though):
What a mess. I am surprised you survived even with such lower rank enemies. Did the repairs costed more than the gained bounty vouchers?

P.S. If you want to learn PvE follow this guide https://sites.google.com/view/ed-pve-combat/ or at least read the part about tactics and mechanics.

Last edit: 30 Dec 2021, 8:27pm
30 Dec 2021, 10:40pm
Quick question:

Does the effect from multi cannn corrosive shells stack?

Or is there no point in having more than one of them with that effect?
30 Dec 2021, 10:52pm
Gatimũ KamauNormally in combat zones, the enemies' attention is split between all of the opposing ships in the sky. But here, it was 5 on 1.

For me it used to be: No one engaged me until I engaged a ship, then most of the opposing side engaged me simultaneously. Now it is: One ship is always riding my thruster exhaust no matter what, plus any ship I happen to fire at will turn to engage as well. In all cases, the faction I am helping rarely/never engages an enemy ship I am actively engaging, so I spend my time cycling targets to see which one is getting pounded the most and hope I can kill it before my "teammates" disengage.
30 Dec 2021, 10:53pm
Reza MalinQuick question:

Does the effect from multi cannn corrosive shells stack?

Or is there no point in having more than one of them with that effect?

They do not stack. One corrosive shell weapon hitting the target has the same effect as 10 hitting the target.
30 Dec 2021, 11:03pm
Reza MalinQuick question:

Does the effect from multi cannn corrosive shells stack?

Or is there no point in having more than one of them with that effect?

They do not stack. One corrosive shell weapon hitting the target has the same effect as 10 hitting the target.

Thought as much, thankyou mate!
31 Dec 2021, 1:40am
Episparh What a mess. I am surprised you survived even with such lower rank enemies. Did the repairs costed more than the gained bounty vouchers?

Yeah. You're not wrong about it being a mess. I thought that trying to fight/run around the asteroids would help, and it FELT like it did, but it likely just looked ridiculous to a seasoned combatant...But in my mind I thought I was in an episode of Battlestar Galactica! LOL. Also, the repairs were a bit costly: 550000-ish off the top and another 20K for structural integrity repair. But I'd just finished up another previous pirate hunt before all that which I hadn't turned in yet so the cost didn't hurt me as much as someone may believe.

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