Elite: Game talk

28 Dec 2021, 9:26am
EpisparhThere is significant difference between can work and optimal. Your personal bias against small rocks may prevent you from finding good deposits - I've seen plenty of 40-60% small rocks both platinum and painite.

I should have clarified that more. I didn't ignore the small asteroids. When I go out mining, I launch a limpet at everything in sight to find something to mine. It's just been extremely rare that the small ones end up containing any recourses worth mining. Again, that could just be coincidental in my experience. Part of the reason I use the wing tip weapon mounts for laser mining is because the underbelly hardpoints have an abrasion blaster, sub-surface displacement missile, and seismic charge launcher. The ship is setup to be able to mine anything it may come across, while still having at least 2 large weapons to fend off AI pirates, and the projectile mining modules are easier to use when in the more center mounted slots. Lasers can just be held down and adjusted as needed.
28 Dec 2021, 9:53am
I should have clarified that more. I didn't ignore the small asteroids. When I go out mining, I launch a limpet at everything in sight to find something to mine. It's just been extremely rare that the small ones end up containing any recourses worth mining. Again, that could just be coincidental in my experience. Part of the reason I use the wing tip weapon mounts for laser mining is because the underbelly hardpoints have an abrasion blaster, sub-surface displacement missile, and seismic charge launcher. The ship is setup to be able to mine anything it may come across, while still having at least 2 large weapons to fend off AI pirates, and the projectile mining modules are easier to use when in the more center mounted slots. Lasers can just be held down and adjusted as needed.

Seismic launcher and sub-surface displacement missile are excellent candidates for the wings' hardpoints of the cutter. Is a cutter's maneuverability optimal for that type of mining is yet another question that I would answer "could work but not my choice". Same as "Could you wipe your ass with a sandpaper?" -> "Yes, you can but that wouldn't be my choice"

P.S. I fully support Burstar's last post.
28 Dec 2021, 10:00am
EpisparhSeismic launcher and sub-surface displacement missile are excellent candidates for the wings' hardpoints of the cutter. Is a cutter's maneuverability optimal for that type of mining is yet another question that I would answer "could work but not my choice". Same as "Could you wipe your ass with a sandpaper?" -> "Yes, you can but that wouldn't be my choice"

Probably a good idea to swap those around. As for the rest, I just wanted one dedicated mining ship as a simple "go to" option anytime any mining needed to be done. Not have to think about what equipment is needed as it has it all.

That all said, it has been a good while since I last went mining. I did a LOT of mining back when I was stuck home for quarantine, and it was a nice way to chill some days. But Robigo is nice and consistent for credit farming when time is short. Otherwise there are other options that are more convenient or faster for credit farming. Rackham's is great for earning a couple billion if you can make it there. Currently have more credits than I know what to do with now (FDev please let me spend a few billion to get my own Majestic).
28 Dec 2021, 12:05pm
BurstarOn a side note, considering some of the genius posts on the last page or two, I think it needs to be made clear that nobody is telling anyone they can't play this game how they want. It's ridiculous to even think that is the case ...

EpisparhRemove that ADC, if you cannot dock you shouldn't be doing combat at first place

28 Dec 2021, 12:23pm
Co'hen MacBain

EpisparhRemove that ADC, if you cannot dock you shouldn't be doing combat at first place

Dear Co'hen,
Use of ADC on a ship build that will rarely perform any docking usually means that the CMDR is having troubles or fear of doing a basic flight maneuver, such as docking. Hance, my comment, if you have trouble with docking even half a sleep, you should better spend some time learning how to control your ship than doing combat.
28 Dec 2021, 12:32pm
Co'hen MacBain
BurstarOn a side note, considering some of the genius posts on the last page or two, I think it needs to be made clear that nobody is telling anyone they can't play this game how they want. It's ridiculous to even think that is the case ...

EpisparhRemove that ADC, if you cannot dock you shouldn't be doing combat at first place

I cannot imagine being so incapable as to not understand how to read between the lines.
When asked "give me advice on how to spec this ship for x goal" you do not need to reply "My express advice on how to spec the ship for X goal is...". it is implied as part of the context. That's the issue. People not understanding how to take statements and interpret them with CONTEXT. Instead every piece of ASKED FOR advice is interpreted as an attack on the persons intelligence or whatever. There is a big difference between not knowing and being willfully ignorant. You cross that line when you start defending your poor practices from people that have infinitely more experience and/or knowledge on the topic than you do.

Are you really arguing he was commanding him to strip the ADC off or else? If you are you seriously need to consider working on your communication skills.
28 Dec 2021, 12:43pm
EpisparhDear Co'hen,
Use of ADC on a ship build that will rarely perform any docking usually means that the CMDR is having troubles or fear of doing a basic flight maneuver, such as docking. Hance, my comment, if you have trouble with docking even half a sleep, you should better spend some time learning how to control your ship than doing combat.

I don't have trouble docking, and I don't generally use the ADC on my medium size combat ships. However, there is a difference between "can dock manually" and "want to dock manually". I certainly don't enjoy docking, and it is much fiddlier than combat (with a PS4 controller, anyway) so if I don't feel the extra slot is particularly needed, for example in my Corvette, I'm sticking an ADC in there!

The idea that people "shouldn't do combat" in a computer game because of some arbitrary criteria like that is just plain silly. That's all I was taking issue with
28 Dec 2021, 12:56pm
Co'hen MacBain

I don't have trouble docking, and I don't generally use the ADC on my medium size combat ships. However, there is a difference between "can dock manually" and "want to dock manually". I certainly don't enjoy docking, and it is much fiddlier than combat (with a PS4 controller, anyway) so if I don't feel the extra slot is particularly needed, for example in my Corvette, I'm sticking an ADC in there!

The idea that people "shouldn't do combat" in a computer game because of some arbitrary criteria like that is just plain silly. That's all I was taking issue with

Have you thought that practice can make a difference. There is a reason why parents remove the support wheels of their children's bicycle at some point. ADC and SCA are exactly that, a "support wheels" that help new/inexperienced CMDRs to start playing and learning, if you do not remove them you will never start practicing a simple task.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2021, 1:10pm
28 Dec 2021, 1:11pm
Co'hen MacBain The idea that people "shouldn't do combat" in a computer game because of some arbitrary criteria like that is just plain silly. That's all I was taking issue with

In the usage case presented: fighting, in a ship not optimized for it, for so long you are exhausted vs. the 20 seconds the ADC spares you is silly. With almost ANYTHING other than an ADC in that slot your survivability and downtime is decreased in combat. Much more important, especially in the long run, than the optional docking at the end of the shift considering you could simply logout and dock fresh first thing next shift instead. Bottom line, wasting the amount of time saved and increased survivability in combat of modules such as Shield Cell Bank, Guardian Shield Reinforcements, Hull or even Module reinforcements, or the utility of a FSD Interdictor is the price you are paying for your unfortunate preference like it or not.

Edit: and if you're in open, using an ADC is a dead give-away you're a gankee, just FYI.
28 Dec 2021, 1:13pm
EpisparhADC and SCA are exactly that, a "support wheels" that help new/inexperienced CMDRs to start playing and learning

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The ADC thing I get, but dissing SCA? That's crossing the line
28 Dec 2021, 1:29pm
Pooping assist!
28 Dec 2021, 1:32pm
SCA have just one useful feature: keeping max speed and aligning with target in the last possible moment to safely drop on target. Any other way of using it is waste of a slot, but the worst part is that it wastes your time. Once aligned with target SCA sets speed to 75% and keep it there for the entire journey. Without, SCA a CMDR keep speed at 100% and sets it to 75% in the last possible moment AKA "0.06 rule" this makes long supercruise trips significantly faster. You can save up to an hour from your traveling time to Hutton for example.

The other "feature" of SCA, hyperspace de-throttle can by achieved by simply setting your speed to 0% while in the hyperspace tunnel.
28 Dec 2021, 1:32pm
EpisparhThe hardpoints in EDSY are exactly same ordered as in game.

There is nothing in EDSY to suggest that this is the case. In fact importing a build from Inara sometimes puts modules in the "wrong" slots. Not that it matters though, because for the purpose of calculating the stats of a build, a medium hardpoint is a medium hardpoint is a medium hardpoint. Placement is something I think about in the outfitting screen, not at the planning stage. You can tell this from all my previous builds. So your conclusion that I was going to put mining lasers on the wings of a Cutter is simply wrong.
28 Dec 2021, 1:33pm
BurstarEdit: and if you're in open, using an ADC is a dead give-away you're a gankee, just FYI.

What?!?!?! No! I'm just REALLY lazy!!!!
28 Dec 2021, 1:33pm
Co'hen MacBain
EpisparhADC and SCA are exactly that, a "support wheels" that help new/inexperienced CMDRs to start playing and learning

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The ADC thing I get, but dissing SCA? That's crossing the line

Oh GD it Epi, don't make me take Co's side. While I wouldn't use SCA in a combat ship either for almost identical reasons the SCA has far more utility than the DC does.

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