Elite: Game talk

04 Jan 2022, 3:13pm
EpisparhOh, if you use FC you can leave most of the stuff. Including the fuel scoop and guardian FSD booster

You can always relay on it to save you.

;) wouldn't get far without fuel scoop. Be jumping the FC every 5 mins.
What about a Viper MkIV?

Any idea about number 1) above?
1) i noticed in EDSY that putting pips to eng only alters the pitch in handling. It has no effect on roll or yaw. Is this true in game as well?

I always assumed that adding pips to engines allowed ship to be more agile as well as quicker reboost / top speed. It seems like it adds nothing to roll or yaw, but this may just be EDSY.
04 Jan 2022, 4:05pm
where are the interstellar factors at:

i like to pay off a small indiscreet criminal fine. but i look in the faction who fined us : hip 8825 and been to there system.and can't find any system instellar authories contacts.
04 Jan 2022, 4:51pm
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

What size fuel scoop do you have? My Exploraconda has a maximum size FS and will fill up in seconds on the fly. Also don’t go too far into the corona, there is a sweet spot where you can slow down and scoop without going over 60o.
In my experience the Anaconda runs cool enough once you learn it’s characteristics.
04 Jan 2022, 4:56pm
Banger705where are the interstellar factors at:

i like to pay off a small indiscreet criminal fine. but i look in the faction who fined us : hip 8825 and been to there system.and can't find any system instellar authories contacts.

Try this resource here on Inara. Any service/resource/system/stellar body you need will be easily found. It’s much better than the in-game filters, in my opinion.
Also check you haven’t any notoriety (right UI panel, first tab)

Fly canny, Cmdr 07

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 5:02pm
04 Jan 2022, 5:17pm
thanks. silver taffer ,

fly safe o7
04 Jan 2022, 5:23pm
Karinka[quote=Gatimũ Kamau]

For instance, would it really be so game breaking or intolerable to the hard core fanbase if FD threw us a bone and had humankind develop an in-universe advanced frame shift calculator that we could purchase for our ships that could allow for inner-system jumps if there are multiple stars? Like being able to jump from the Alpha Centauri entry star to the star near Hutton Orbital? That would save nearly an hour of playtime for those of us who have limited time on our hands.


Would love for you to send our Fringe Lab a better write up on this. We will give you a floor.

04 Jan 2022, 6:02pm

wouldn't get far without fuel scoop. Be jumping the FC every 5 mins.
What about a Viper MkIV?

Any idea about number 1) above?

Ze viper looks fine although a bit cardboardish for my taste. Do not know about 1) but I will check it with some random ship with 0 and 4 pips.
04 Jan 2022, 7:55pm

does anyone know where I might look to find a route plotter for nebulae, similar to 'road to riches?
I want to visit them all..
well, all of them in orion sector to start witn

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 8:04pm
04 Jan 2022, 8:33pm
Descartes, try EDSM - galactic map
I have added Nebulas and planetary nebulas for your convenience.

If I recall where I've seen a list of those I will update that post.
04 Jan 2022, 8:36pm
Please help me solve a small ship build question.
And please do not discuss the general built, as I fly quite happy with it, OK?

Just one problem:
When my 7c Bi-Weave (Reinforced+fast charge) break cause of mistake and bad flying;
all heatsinks are out of order, cause the PD is completely dry (even with 4 pips)
Shield recharge takes it all.

I can't do the mathematics, so please help.

Would broken 7C Bi-Weave (Reinforced+Low-Draw) recharge still leave a bit power for heatsinks?
Or go back to a pair of 7A (Reinforced-Hi-Cap) I own?

04 Jan 2022, 8:37pm

does anyone know where I might look to find a route plotter for nebulae, similar to 'road to riches?
I want to visit them all..
well, all of them in orion sector to start witn

I would use:

Could take a while...
04 Jan 2022, 8:59pm
Sir-DukePlease help me solve a small ship build question.
And please do not discuss the general built, as I fly quite happy with it, OK?

Just one problem:
When my 7c Bi-Weave (Reinforced+fast charge) break cause of mistake and bad flying;
all heatsinks are out of order, cause the PD is completely dry (even with 4 pips)
Shield recharge takes it all.

I can't do the mathematics, so please help.

Would broken 7C Bi-Weave (Reinforced+Low-Draw) recharge still leave a bit power for heatsinks?
Or go back to a pair of 7A (Reinforced-Hi-Cap) I own?


This problem cannot be fixed with power priorities or engineering as your PD is already maxed. My best advice is to try and lower power consumptions of the modules considered SYS.
For example disabling shield boosters cuts your regen time to 20%.

I would experiment also with disabling xeno scanner and field neutralizer and check if I would have enough energy in capacitator for heat sinks if the shield drops. Edited: those two have low draw, you may disregard this.

The other option is to change the experimental of bi-weave to lo-draw but it will drop the regen speed a bit .... but then your main problem is that you try to regen with shield boosters.

Edit: SCB have higher power draw and it is useless until shield regens. But shield booster increase your effective shield MJs so disabling those will impact regen speed and they are very heavy on power draw too.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 9:07pm
04 Jan 2022, 9:21pm
Episparhdisabling xeno scanner and field neutralizer and check if I would have enough energy in capacitator for heat sinks if the shield drops.

Wow, you just brought me to another idea;
I'm still too nervous during AX combat, but I could easily use my SC Assist as a system kill switch!


Like this, I turn off SC-Assist + Autodock when entering the instance.

In case of emergency;
a simple click on my SC assist should instanly turn off all useless system, during a shield brakedown.
So I could find the time to throw a heatsink and hit reboot.
Am I right here?

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 9:27pm
04 Jan 2022, 9:38pm
It may work. Just try it ... go somewhere on safe instance disable shields by silent running and try.

I would be happy if you come back and tell us the result.
04 Jan 2022, 9:49pm
Quick question CMDR's...

I'm starting to get back on my mat grind to max out my Conda before I seriously start to finish out my climb to Combat Elite. But it's been about a year since I focused on this. Are these two places still the best for a "quick"-ish grind or are there now better places to go?

1.) Dav's Hope for physical materials
2.) The crash site at HP 12099 1 B for scan data

Thanks for your time and verification CMDR's!


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