Elite: Game talk

26 Feb 2016, 8:55pm
Toshiro_mifuneWhite anaconda!!! So need that in my life... It's like the devs were reading my thoughts (and posts)

I wouldn't mind if they added the NPC usable skins too, like the ones from the Security. First two pictures are taken after disabling the Powerplant, thus the damaged look, the other two were taken in mid-flight.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Feb 2016, 12:40am
26 Feb 2016, 8:59pm
Toshiro_mifuneWhite anaconda!!! So need that in my life... It's like the devs were reading my thoughts (and posts)

I wouldn't mind if they added the NPC usable skins too, like the ones from the Security. First two pictures are taken after disabling the Powerplant, thus the damaged look, the other two were taken in mid-flight.

Yeah, I like the security paint jobs too.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Feb 2016, 12:40am
26 Feb 2016, 9:50pm
Thanks guys for all your feedback.
I'm not thinking of a career move, just something to break the monotony now and then. A bit of downtime in between working, so to speak.
It's good to know that there are commanders like you that are willing to help out with advice whenever needed.
If we ever meet up in the bar, the drinks are on me.
27 Feb 2016, 12:59am
TechowlI got a question, have anyone encountered that after ranking up in the empire once, your federation rank was reset back to recruit? and if so can you tell me if I lost all my rank progress and should ragequit or just do rank up missions again, I was Lt. Commander and it had taken me a long time

Sounds like a glitch to me. It should not happen.
27 Feb 2016, 2:56am
Toshiro_mifuneWhite anaconda!!! So need that in my life... It's like the devs were reading my thoughts (and posts)

I wouldn't mind if they added the NPC usable skins too, like the ones from the Security. First two pictures are taken after disabling the Powerplant, thus the damaged look, the other two were taken in mid-flight.





Nice screenshots. Maybe in the future we will have the capacity to tune up our own paint jobs.
27 Feb 2016, 5:29am
what's the largest/highest known single bounty on someone??
27 Feb 2016, 7:57am
I think the biggest i saw was about 250k. it was an npc pirate in haz res in ALD region
27 Feb 2016, 8:00am
Om3ga_kronicwhat's the largest/highest known single bounty on someone??

PC wise, the more you kill the higher it goes. I am sure some Code or SDC goons would've a bounty in the high double-digit millions. NPC wise I once killed a Anaconda in a HazRES with a bounty of 424k.Didn't make a picture of it though, was too occupied going "YEAH!"

Edit: I don't do Powerplay, so that is a nice high bounty for me. All the money in ED isn't worth the hassle of constant interdictions, for me at least.

Last edit: 28 Feb 2016, 11:41am
27 Feb 2016, 10:28am
There are two Commanders with bounties of ONE MEELYUN CREDITS each posted in LHS 3447.
28 Feb 2016, 11:33am
maximum bounty payout on a cmdr is now nerfd/ capped at 1 mill,,but im not sure how that works with say a cmdr with 3mill on his head is killed by a wing of 3, maybe all 3 get 1mill each?,, as for mpc's, kill a fdl at 330k x 140% power play bounty bonus is just short of 800k : )
28 Feb 2016, 8:19pm
BeachwalkerHi all,
I'm thinking of trying my hand at bounty hunting. I don't have a large budget, but from what I've seen, the Vulture seems a good choice as a starter.
Does anyone agree, or should I try something else?
Any input appreciated.

here is my loadout with the power management for Combat Zones. I guess you can figure out a power management to activate you KWS in rez zones easily.


I've had a look at your build for the Vulture, even though it's a great build, it's about the same price as my Asp Explorer. For a first timer like me, I was hoping for something cheaper.
I've looked at a few options and come up with a Cobra Mk.III.
What do you think?

"$schema": "http://cdn.coriolis.io/schemas/ship-loadout/3.json#",
"name": "Beachwalker",
"ship": "Cobra Mk III",
"references": [
"name": "Coriolis.io",
"url": "http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker",
"code": "24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA==.E

Last edit: 28 Feb 2016, 8:25pm
28 Feb 2016, 8:27pm
You'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.
28 Feb 2016, 10:14pm
29 Feb 2016, 6:43am
BeachwalkerYou'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.

no problem, it's http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker

I got it covered [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

I would change your sensors for A-rated ones for maximum range and your life support for either D-rated (more jump range) or A-rated (more time, but really not necessary).

I went for the best available at the station.
Just returned from a night's work. Started off bad. Had 3 kills then got blasted myself. My own fault, I picked a fight with a big guy.
Started again and managed another 10 kills. It's tough on the nerves. Might give it a rest for a few days. Allow the adrenalin to dissipate.
Thanks for your advice. It was kinda exciting at times.

Last edit: 29 Feb 2016, 6:25pm
29 Feb 2016, 10:22am
BeachwalkerYou'll have to excuse my attempt at inserting a link. Not easy on an iPad.

no problem, it's http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/24A4A4A3C3A3C4C1b1b24240404B32b2b012724.Iw1-kA%3D%3D.EwBj4zwRiA%3D%3D?bn=Beachwalker

I got it covered [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

I would change your sensors for A-rated ones for maximum range and your life support for either D-rated (more jump range) or A-rated (more time, but really not necessary).

I went for the best available at the station.
Just returned from a night's work. Started off bad. Had 3 kills then got blasted myself. My own fault, I picked a fight with a big guy.
Started again and managed another 10 kills. It's tough on the nerves. Might give it a rest for a few days. Allow the adrenalin to dissipate.
Thanks for your advice. It was kinda exciting at times.

I will probably get pushback from the Monster Taurine Guarine Mega Sugar crowd that state they can play for 72 hours straight and never make any error ever...BUT...everyone reaches a point where a break is needed, no matter how good you are (mmm, THINK you are) you will start making little mistakes in judgement that lead to the moment you realize you just bit off a bit more than you can chew. If you schedule in regular breaks, get up move around, even if just 5-10 minutes an hour (yes...yes.. to all you profit minded people, this cuts in to your quest for 8 billion credits an hour) you can stay  sharper longer and hopefully avoid those little errors in judgement. Remember, it's a [game-sim-hobby, insert your own term] meant to be enjoyed. If you find yourself freaking, screaming, pounding the table, etc., maybe time to step away for a day or so. Don't beat yourself up, we've all been in your shoes. See if building in short breaks and proper nutrition that doesn't involve chemicals from Bull sperm to keep you alert help. Good luck.

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