Elite: Game talk

13 May 2015, 9:53am
Ah, alright. I like this kind of bug reports
13 May 2015, 3:29pm
Ha! No delete button, right? That could come in handy to tidy up threads, for example old Command Room postings (if not all done by one person and edited in anyway).
13 May 2015, 5:03pm
True, true... delete button added.
13 May 2015, 7:14pm
Woah. Faster than a Viper! I am impressed. Thanks!
06 Jun 2015, 6:07pm
When Importing via csv file Inara isn`t reckognising the Salvage Field, and is aborting the import.
06 Jun 2015, 6:10pm
It should work, do you can send me your *.csv to elite@inara.cz, please?
06 Jun 2015, 6:10pm
Blood VipreWhen Importing via csv file Inara isn`t reckognising the Salvage Field, and is aborting the import.

Nah, it`s ok. I have to manualy change the CSV file `SAP 8 Core` is spelt `S A P8` automatically. Its a fault with the tool, bugrit.
06 Jun 2015, 6:12pm
Alright, I will add temporarily some aliases for it, until OCR tools fully trained...
06 Jun 2015, 7:13pm
Doh I think I've been posting on the wrong thread all this time!

Anyway, I'll kinda repeat my previous question (which was added in an edit so probably missed) from the other one:

In the Market is there a way to tell the site that something is no longer available? Example: If I select Atfero: Patry Dock it tells me a good round trip route is Imperial Slaves to Jeterait: Sabine Orbital then return with Beryllium. So I go to Sabine Orbital and Imperial Slaves are listed as "Illicit Cargo" as soon as I'm near the station and they don't buy them at all. Jeterait: McIntosh Terminal does (which is listed further down the suggested route list). On that note, Gold is waaay higher value (and has been for quite a while) than either Beryllium or Superconductors, which is what the suggestions are.
07 Jun 2015, 1:15am
Ah, my apologies, I missed that second question (in any case both threads are fine, this one is intended more for a game)

To remove some commodity from the specific market simply put -1 as it price. It forces system to take this commodity as "it's not there, no user or generic price". If there is some price outdated (like Gold mentioned or whatever else), simply update the price(s) and it should calculate correct routes after that.
11 Jun 2015, 7:51pm
Hi Artie

For those who heavn't chosen a power, not yet or maybe never want to, it would be nice to set the power to independent. Looks much better than a blank in the signature

CMDR Sarkos
12 Jun 2015, 6:09pm
Good point, changes made, so you can re-generate your signature and it will be there automatically (when no Power set). In CMDR profiles it will be later today.
12 Jun 2015, 7:41pm
Lightning fast
Thank you Artie!
13 Jun 2015, 1:23am
Along those same lines, could you add a line to select Power: None (or a similar value, or simply blank) for anyone who chose a Power already but decided to leave that Power and not choose another?
13 Jun 2015, 8:41am
how do i upload or insert a ship config from coriolis.io to my ship/fleet page ???

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