Elite: Game talk

12 Jan 2022, 8:03pm
Yuna Sakashiro
PahlHowever I cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy.

With a headset it feels like the real thing.

FA on always stabilizes the ship relative to some reference point, e.g. a station or a stellar body, once you let go of the controls. FA on maintains the motion and rotation that was last applied to the ship. You have to stabilize it manually by applying counter force. I can imagine this is very disorienting with a VR headset. Not sure what can be done about it. A friend of mine loves VR but easily gets motion sickness. There's some game where you have to repair a space station in zero G. He can't play it for more than a minute or so without feeling nausea.

FA OFF is correct newtons physics.

Thank you Salmonea,
If only my gaming chair would match the movement my eyes are telling my brain is occurring, I might be ok, but that is beyond my budget.
12 Jan 2022, 8:13pm
SalmoneaFA OFF is correct newtons physics.

Flight Assist is correct Newtonian physics, too. It just controls the thrusters to automate the stabilization that otherwise needs to be eyeballed. Sort of like the fly-by-wire system of an F-117.

GryphnnExcept hitting max speed threshold instead of infinitely accelerating on full thrust

You even slow down after boosting, without using the thrusters!
12 Jan 2022, 8:19pm
Pahl Thank you Burstar The Apparently Angry but not really,
I will give that a go. Like you I do not get motion sickness in real life, but the first time I played a VR rally race game, or a flight game, I was instantly in a vomit comet. I have found that a few Guinness' would take the edge off.

Hmm, I'd actually recommend the opposite: hydrate well. If you do get sick it will be relatively painless and cheap
Also, general anti-nausea VR strategies apply: Short sessions that increase in length until your tolerance improves, a fan (gently) blowing on your face can help simulate motion and settle your brains confusion, etc...

Side note, I think I will change my title. The point was either received or not by the relevant people so it might make things easier for the rest in the long run
12 Jan 2022, 8:46pm
Yuna Sakashiro
SalmoneaFA OFF is correct newtons physics.

Flight Assist is correct Newtonian physics, too. It just controls the thrusters to automate the stabilization that otherwise needs to be eyeballed. Sort of like the fly-by-wire system of an F-117.

GryphnnExcept hitting max speed threshold instead of infinitely accelerating on full thrust

You even slow down after boosting, without using the thrusters!

Meta "it's a game der" aside, I've always thought of it as a quirk of the FSD. The FSD sets your physical frame of reference to whatever governing body is most appropriate. When you drop into normal space your velocity is actually orbital velocity (in km/s) +/- your ship speed. This miracle of anti-physics has a cost in that it always keeps your ship's speed relative to the reference frame 'within reason'. Better thrusters essentially allow your ship to resist the FSD's 'limiter' better. It's not a perfect rationalization (Buckyballers can get to 10km/s, and this hypothesized limiter works even when the FSD malfunctions or is disabled although this isn't actually a problem as it could be a quirk of the exotic particles inside the FSD)
12 Jan 2022, 9:14pm
Yuna Sakashiro
SalmoneaFA OFF is correct newtons physics.

Flight Assist is correct Newtonian physics, too. It just controls the thrusters to automate the stabilization that otherwise needs to be eyeballed. Sort of like the fly-by-wire system of an F-117.

GryphnnExcept hitting max speed threshold instead of infinitely accelerating on full thrust

You even slow down after boosting, without using the thrusters!

Ye sure, but its not so raw Its not so intense and wild.
12 Jan 2022, 9:43pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Pahl Thank you Burstar The Apparently Angry but not really,
I will give that a go. Like you I do not get motion sickness in real life, but the first time I played a VR rally race game, or a flight game, I was instantly in a vomit comet. I have found that a few Guinness' would take the edge off.

Hmm, I'd actually recommend the opposite: hydrate well. If you do get sick it will be relatively painless and cheap
Also, general anti-nausea VR strategies apply: Short sessions that increase in length until your tolerance improves, a fan (gently) blowing on your face can help simulate motion and settle your brains confusion, etc...

Side note, I think I will change my title. The point was either received or not by the relevant people so it might make things easier for the rest in the long run

Thank you Burstar,
All solid advice. I have been playing in VR now for about 2 years, never would have thought about a fan. Gonna set one up tonight.

Last edit: 12 Jan 2022, 10:31pm
13 Jan 2022, 12:45am
It finally happened. Auto dock flew me straight into one of MacDonald Settlements arms. Thankfully, didn't blow up. Was actually kinda funny.
13 Jan 2022, 1:00am
CupcoIt finally happened. Auto dock flew me straight into one of MacDonald Settlements arms. Thankfully, didn't blow up. Was actually kinda funny.

Yeah. Auto dock doesn't take the arms into consideration at all.
13 Jan 2022, 1:12am
CupcoIt finally happened. Auto dock flew me straight into one of MacDonald Settlements arms. Thankfully, didn't blow up. Was actually kinda funny.

This is how I imagine it...

13 Jan 2022, 2:47am
ArtieThis is how I imagine it...


I shouldn't be laughing but I am
13 Jan 2022, 5:29am
CupcoIt finally happened. Auto dock flew me straight into one of MacDonald Settlements arms. Thankfully, didn't blow up. Was actually kinda funny.

People call those arms "noob hammers" for reason.

Fun fact: You can align with the mailslot while in supercruise before dropping in normal space. This could limit the possibility for ADC to do risky things.
13 Jan 2022, 7:28am
Finally! After being on Inara for a very long time, I finally have a profile pic!
13 Jan 2022, 8:27am
Before I leave Hutton Orbital (yes, yes ... i have got my free Anaconda)... is there any reason to buy rare items like The Hutton Mug i Centauri Mega Gin?

I feel that this is only a kind of joke and there is no reason to trade with them (no satisfactory profit)
I counted that I will receive some "Hutton Orbital" achievement, but nothing ...
13 Jan 2022, 8:37am
As with each rare commodities their sell price increase with the distance from the system you bought them. Max profit is something like - 17k per ton.

Sadly nothing in game marks this achievement. EDSM is a third party tool and it gives you a badge:

"Hutton Orbital Landing
Docked at Hutton Orbital... and all i got was a mug!"

Edit: Oh, that is a new account. You can make a profit of roughly 590k CR but you will need to travel 1-2 hundred ly away from Alpha Centauri to sell the 35 ton of rare commodities for max profit.

Last edit: 13 Jan 2022, 8:46am
13 Jan 2022, 8:46am
ShuwarBefore I leave Hutton Orbital (yes, yes ... i have got my free Anaconda)... is there any reason to buy rare items like The Hutton Mug i Centauri Mega Gin?

I feel that this is only a kind of joke and there is no reason to trade with them (no satisfactory profit)
I counted that I will receive some "Hutton Orbital" achievement, but nothing ...

Did you scan the beacon there for the "do it for the mug" achievement? Not really so much an achievement though but it logs it in game in your Codex under Tourist Beacons.

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