Elite: Game talk

06 Jan 2022, 9:12am
ShuwarHi all!

edsm.net: I have created account / login via Frontiere account but edsm tool did not load my game progress.
From the other side I done the same via Inara and everything working fine.

Anyone know the reason?
I am playing on PC (Steam)

What data do you expect there? It gets stuff in the profile from the sync with Frontier. However, flight log , visited systems, etc. are tracked trough data seeding with tools such as EDMC, EDDI, EDdiscovery

What do you see if you go to your EDSM profile.

EDIT: Actually, I am wrong. EDSM use just Frontier auth server to log you in. This do not sync data. You either need 3rd party tool as mentioned above or manually uploading files. 3rd party tools have option to delay upload if you are on a long exploration trip and have concerns if your first discoveries are sollen before you turn up the data in game.

Last edit: 06 Jan 2022, 9:24am
06 Jan 2022, 9:26am
When I am entering the page My Profile I cannot see my Avatar or any data such Systems visited / Systems discovered.

But ok, I think I know what is going on now...
EDSM does not load this data (synchronize) by himself like Inara.
I need to upload "fly log file" or use extrernal tool like EDDiscrovery.
06 Jan 2022, 9:40am
ShuwarWhen I am entering the page My Profile I cannot see my Avatar or any data such Systems visited / Systems discovered.

But ok, I think I know what is going on now...
EDSM does not load this data (synchronize) by himself like Inara.
I need to upload "fly log file" or use extrernal tool like EDDiscrovery.

The most lightweight tool is EDMC which can seed data to all tools. https://github.com/EDCD/EDMarketConnector/wiki
06 Jan 2022, 9:41am
EpisparhDo not count on this. In my early months in the game I was playing exclusively in solo. Cutter's docking computer misbehave even there. I bet it is something related to the drifting mechanics as I've noticed it is more common with engineered thrusters.

That's a plausible explanation, too. I'm currently using D-rated thrusters with no engineering.

My plan is to keep this Cutter in its current configuration as a money-making shieldless solo hauler to replace the T-9, and buy another Cutter to engineer for combat and open play. For mining I'll continue using the Python; it's the first ship I actually enjoy mining with.

But seriously, do you regret buying your carrier? I've become so used to carrying all my ships and modules around with me, I can't imagine going back to the old playstyle. Making money is easy now, so the 10M upkeep per week doesn't bother me at all.
06 Jan 2022, 9:53am
Yuna Sakashiro

But seriously, do you regret buying your carrier? I've become so used to carrying all my ships and modules around with me, I can't imagine going back to the old playstyle. Making money is easy now, so the 10M upkeep per week doesn't bother me at all.

Regrets are for peasantry Rich people just carry on
06 Jan 2022, 9:55am
Carriers are helpful even if you have one ship.
06 Jan 2022, 10:11am
EpisparhRegrets are for peasantry Rich people just carry on

That's a very Imperial attitude.
06 Jan 2022, 10:22am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhRegrets are for peasantry Rich people just carry on

That's a very Imperial attitude.

Or corporate , despotic , etc.

But anyway, consider the statement as information based on observation.

One person react in one way when rekting own Ford Fiesta and then other react differently when doing same with own Bentley or Ferrari.

Last edit: 06 Jan 2022, 11:52am
06 Jan 2022, 11:06am
Not Burstar True Story
I G5 engineered my Orca, went looking for luxury passenger missions and had no luck finding any. A quick google search told me that I'd need high rep in a station that's based on tourism. So I spent a while doing that and I'm now fully allied with all 7 factions in Ride Gateway which is a tourist station in the G 203-47 system.
Once I'd done that I looked in the passenger lounge and, as before, just a s**t load of economy missions, some business class and first-class missions but absolutely zero luxury class missions.
I watched the board for ages in and out as I did other things, must have been hours, but nah. Zilch

Am I missing something?

Mission availability is related to the systems/factions stats. Looking for Luxury passenger missions you should be looking at Tourist Systems with high population, relevant faction is in a Boom state and/or high economic slider. Once you've found system(s) with these parameters, check its stations (not orbitals) in Inara. There is a 'Wealth' statistic. You want stations that say "wealthy".

This is what I would do if I was looking specifically for Luxury Passenger missions, but I've never done it myself so please confirm whether this helped. Good luck CMDR o7

Edit: also, the missions should show up before you achieve the required reputation and just be greyed out. No need to do extra work for nothing.

Thanks man, that sounds like it should work. I'll give it a try and get back to you. Thanks again o7
06 Jan 2022, 4:53pm
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhRegrets are for peasantry Rich people just carry on

That's a very Imperial attitude.

Or corporate , despotic , etc.

But anyway, consider the statement as information based on observation.

One person react in one way when rekting own Ford Fiesta and then other react differently when doing same with own Bentley or Ferrari.

Yep. Definitely Imperial.
06 Jan 2022, 5:14pm
Hi all, I am trying to get the invite link to opix discord
06 Jan 2022, 5:23pm
I just recently upgraded to Odyssey and just noticed that I can't find fleet carriers in the galaxy map anymore. Anyone else noticed this and have you found the appropriate filter to relocate them?
06 Jan 2022, 7:43pm
You have to look on the System Map
06 Jan 2022, 8:40pm
This was raised as issue during alpha.... and we still wait for this EPIC AWESOME new UI rework that will make it sooo much better than Horizons!

As Yuna Sakashiro would say "Pinky promise!"

Last edit: 06 Jan 2022, 9:03pm
06 Jan 2022, 9:09pm
I figured out you can launch the game in Horizons as an annoying workaround.

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