Elite: Game talk

14 Jan 2022, 8:30pm

Was someone already fast enough, to see if we can get an EXP mod on it?

The one I had would take 61 hours to arrive. I will check a bit later if Alcor's arrived.
14 Jan 2022, 10:04pm
just got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

Last edit: 14 Jan 2022, 10:22pm
14 Jan 2022, 10:21pm
No FSDs waiting for me.
14 Jan 2022, 11:27pm
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What VR setup you get?
15 Jan 2022, 12:42am
I played 2 foot CZs tonight. I'm not that up with how war is fought in 3308 but 1st time, the greens got dropped on a rock and didn't move, which allowed the reds to concentrate their fire on me. Failed that one. Then number 2, the reds got dropped in a valley and didn't move. I had to dance around the checkpoints til there was no more incoming, then hunt them down - stood in their own little packs waiting to be shot.
Either way, not much fun.
15 Jan 2022, 1:15am
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What VR setup you get?

I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING
15 Jan 2022, 1:16am
QuillmonkeyI played 2 foot CZs tonight. I'm not that up with how war is fought in 3308 but 1st time, the greens got dropped on a rock and didn't move, which allowed the reds to concentrate their fire on me. Failed that one. Then number 2, the reds got dropped in a valley and didn't move. I had to dance around the checkpoints til there was no more incoming, then hunt them down - stood in their own little packs waiting to be shot.
Either way, not much fun.

Sounds like one of the AI bugs they thought they fixed. Stationary but otherwise fully functional. Those are the prime times to grind your rank.
15 Jan 2022, 1:39am
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What controls are you using?
15 Jan 2022, 1:42am
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What VR setup you get?

I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING

Did you have to do anything special to it? I swear I have tried shifting the lenses, messing with the settings, etc..... It works but everything looks to a tad off to me. Best I can describe it is that it looks like there is no anti-aliasing at all. Everyone else tells me it looks super clear.
15 Jan 2022, 2:52am

What VR setup you get?

I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING

Did you have to do anything special to it? I swear I have tried shifting the lenses, messing with the settings, etc..... It works but everything looks to a tad off to me. Best I can describe it is that it looks like there is no anti-aliasing at all. Everyone else tells me it looks super clear.

I wear glasses to see, at first I hated the whole thing, but give it some time, you will grow into it, and you need to grow your "vr legs" first, trust me it will be well worth it.
I can't play games in 2d anymore, VR ruined me that way, and I don't care, I have ED in VR, and it's all I need
15 Jan 2022, 3:07am

I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING

Did you have to do anything special to it? I swear I have tried shifting the lenses, messing with the settings, etc..... It works but everything looks to a tad off to me. Best I can describe it is that it looks like there is no anti-aliasing at all. Everyone else tells me it looks super clear.

I wear glasses to see, at first I hated the whole thing, but give it some time, you will grow into it, and you need to grow your "vr legs" first, trust me it will be well worth it.
I can't play games in 2d anymore, VR ruined me that way, and I don't care, I have ED in VR, and it's all I need

I wear tri-focals. I ordered perscription insert lenses for my occulus, they work perfect. I can't (won't) go back to 2D either.
15 Jan 2022, 4:41am
Yuna SakashiroNo FSDs waiting for me.

Me neither.
15 Jan 2022, 4:58am
Sitting in Colonia and nope, nothing in the stored modules section.
15 Jan 2022, 5:05am
When I first started playing Elite, I was playing in VR before I even left the Pilot's Federation District. I used a Lenovo Explorer, a Windows VR headset with 1440x1440 per eye resolution and absolutely horrible hand controller tracking, but inside-out tracking onb the headset plenty good enough for Elite.
The main problem with VR is that the angular resolution (pixels per degree) is still pretty bad, even on the quest 2 (I now use one for the bit of VR gaming I still do. Gorilla Tag is absolutely inspired bullshit, I love it to bits).
But at 15 pixels per degree, that's good for CQC type play in elite, but with the sheer scale of the game, it's not that immersive. The other big limitation is if you fly with anything other than an xbox controller or similar gamepad, you're SOL because you can't see your HOTAS, and you can't see your keyboard, through the headset.

I now play on a 43" 4K TV, and I use TrackIR, a T16000M flight stick with a modded slider (I built a hall effect throttle lever and wired it in where the slider was), and to the left of my throttle lever I have an arcade-style fight pad with a 6DOF knob (set to ignore rotation) mounted to its handrest as a 3-axis maneuvering throttle.

Now, for the dramatic part:

Elite isn't optimized enough as a game to have really good gameplay immersion without an absolute powerhouse of a PC. But I find Elite to be a very immersive game not because the quality of gameplay or visuals, but because of the writing and storytelling, ongoing, real-time, and each player is a small part of that story. The Elite universe is so incredibly fleshed out and so fundamentally human, it's one of the best space operas ever written, although hard to compare because of its broad scope and real-time nature. Not even Star Citizen measures up to it, because the story of this universe, the one we all partake in, is fundamentally not a story about space, or the future, or fiction at all, it's about human nature. It's about us.
The best of all sci-fi isn't about adventure and excitement and entertainment, the best of sci-fi is the stories that make us realize the unthinkable about ourselves.
This is why I RP, I want to be part of this story. And not for recognition. I want to be a part of this story because this story is important, and I want to learn about myself, and I hope others can learn from Lily's story too.
15 Jan 2022, 5:08am

What VR setup you get?

I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING

Did you have to do anything special to it? I swear I have tried shifting the lenses, messing with the settings, etc..... It works but everything looks to a tad off to me. Best I can describe it is that it looks like there is no anti-aliasing at all. Everyone else tells me it looks super clear.

Did you muck about with all the correct settings? Supersampling and the "HMD image quality". Those are the big ones, but also very taxing.

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