Elite: Game talk

11 Jan 2022, 5:50pm
Hope this will help a bit:

11 Jan 2022, 6:26pm
EpisparhUnfortunately, PvP is not won by builds but with skills and I will most likely loose vs any half skilled PvPer

That's the big unknown for me. Most PvPers fly FA off and have yaw on the mouse unless they use a stick. PvP fights uploaded to YT look so different from what I see in my cockpit during PvE. But then again, flying the FDL feels very different from flying the Mamba, even with FA on. Can't wait to see what it looks like with engineering. Fortunately these ships have the same core internals, so I can just swap the modules between them instead of engineering another set from scratch.
11 Jan 2022, 6:47pm
Oh, right , you do not have yaw on mouse. That explains why you prefer PAs over rails. For you aiming a fixed weapon is not as point and click adventure.

About the skills. Do some friendly matches. After that collect enough rebuys and contact some of the PvP communities.
11 Jan 2022, 7:03pm
EpisparhOh, right , you do not have yaw on mouse. That explains why you prefer PAs over rails. For you aiming a fixed weapon is not as point and click adventure.

This, and the fact that rails fire with a delay.

EpisparhAbout the skills. Do some friendly matches. After that collect enough rebuys and contact some of the PvP communities.

Fortunately the money supply problem has been largely solved. And I'm already on a ganker discord. I'm prepared to rebuy that ship over and over again.
11 Jan 2022, 7:21pm
Yuna Sakashiro

This, and the fact that rails fire with a delay.

You get used to that with practice.

Yuna Sakashiro
[...]And I'm already on a ganker discord. I'm prepared to rebuy that ship over and over again.

Oh, gankers have a discord. It is probably a lovely place Good luck then!
11 Jan 2022, 9:27pm
I have FDL and Mamba and I dont like it. I found my path in pvp in chieftain. Maybe because I am used to fly with him in Fa OFF with thargoids. FA OFF is damn very usefull. At the first you can better aim, second you have separated direction of flight with aiming and also you can fly full speed and have no pips in ENG. Imagine corvette or cutter trying to catch some small fast bastard, who is jumping from side to side. When you fly full speed FA OFF, looking backawrd, he has not to much chance for this.
11 Jan 2022, 9:48pm
I'll consider flying FA off when FDev implements the switch for relative mouse. Until then, I just toggle FA off when needed.

Some PvPers leave relative mouse enabled all the time and fly supercruise with keyboard. I'm not going to do that.
11 Jan 2022, 11:11pm
Yuna SakashiroBought my first FDL last night. Quite surprised about the maneuverability, even pre engineering. Best lateral thrusters I've seen on a ship so far.

Or maybe it's just because I spent the last few days flying a Cutter with no lateral thrust at all.

Gotta love the FdL. It’s like a mamba that can fight.
Interested to know how your build flies. I prefer lighter which adds more raw shield but I also rely on shields a lot and don’t care so much for hull but then again I don’t pvp.
12 Jan 2022, 12:39am
QuillmonkeyGotta love the FdL. It’s like a mamba that can fight.
Interested to know how your build flies. I prefer lighter which adds more raw shield but I also rely on shields a lot and don’t care so much for hull but then again I don’t pvp.

I need some hull in case someone uses phasing PAs or similar against me. Otherwise I rely exclusively on shields. When they drop, I've lost the fight.
12 Jan 2022, 3:06am
has the combat rank got a bug i still at 27%. and still on 11 july 2021 @27%

done 4-5 missions 2day for inara nexus. killing 3 pirates ships / 3 mission npc / 4 assassination mission / 1 bio
12 Jan 2022, 3:35am
Yuna SakashiroI'll consider flying FA off when FDev implements the switch for relative mouse. Until then, I just toggle FA off when needed.

Some PvPers leave relative mouse enabled all the time and fly supercruise with keyboard. I'm not going to do that.

I very well know that problem. My result was purchasing joystick. I fly FA OFF with mouse and FA ON + supercruise with joy. I am satisfied. I also have joy like alternative flight control. So I am able switch it on and off by one joy button.
12 Jan 2022, 7:14am
SalmoneaI very well know that problem. My result was purchasing joystick. I fly FA OFF with mouse and FA ON + supercruise with joy. I am satisfied. I also have joy like alternative flight control. So I am able switch it on and off by one joy button.

Hmm, that's an interesting solution. I didn't even know it was possible to configure ED's controls for stick and KBM at the same time. What I heard is complaints that ED resets everything if a stick is connected or disconnected.

I still have a joypad lying around here. Would that work as well? Now I'm wondering how hard it is to fight interdictions with it...
12 Jan 2022, 7:32am
Alternatively, you can setup vJoy that will emulate joystick from your mouse input.


I've tried long ago but with mediocre success. Perhaps, I will try again.

Edit: sigh, the github project is 404
12 Jan 2022, 9:12am
Erm. Anyone else lose their Disembark button?
12 Jan 2022, 9:24am
Banger705has the combat rank got a bug i still at 27%. and still on 11 july 2021 @27%

done 4-5 missions 2day for inara nexus. killing 3 pirates ships / 3 mission npc / 4 assassination mission / 1 bio

You have 28% now, problem solved.
The date tells you when you have achieved your current rank not the latest % change.

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