Elite: Game talk

31 Dec 2021, 8:42pm
Gatimũ KamauI know I'm the noob of the combat group, but I personally think that the Anaconda is the king of the heap. Engineered, it's hard to beat her maneuverability for a ship her size. The punching power given the number of hardpoints is respectable and their placement feels really good. She's got good hull stats and when paired with prismatics she's a battering ram. Fitting a fighter bay is no problem and she actually has enough of a jump range that you don't have to be stationed one jump away to make it to a fight.

Also...she's quite a looker.

The problem of the Any is normal space speed. Vette and Cutter out perform her in combat thanks to better shielding and speed/manoeuverbility. Still, Anaconda is cheaper and do not requires rank grind. Excellent, hardpoint convergence. If you followed my advice and checked PvE combat guide I've linked few post ago, you would know that it is the last ship in recommended ship progression for PvE.

Yours, in particular needs a lot of work before reaching her full potential though.
31 Dec 2021, 9:34pm
HoughtkjGuys - I did say multi-role.

Multi-role means less specialization and if you add combat to the mix of multi-roles Krait mk2 is straight better.

With that being said, Python is awesome ship. I personally have more than 5. But combat is usually one of the roles I would avoid with it.

Agreed - Krait Mk2 is my daily driver, but if I had to choose just 1 ship - Python would be it.
31 Dec 2021, 9:51pm
Gatimũ KamauI know I'm the noob of the combat group, but I personally think that the Anaconda is the king of the heap. Engineered, it's hard to beat her maneuverability for a ship her size. The punching power given the number of hardpoints is respectable and their placement feels really good. She's got good hull stats and when paired with prismatics she's a battering ram. Fitting a fighter bay is no problem and she actually has enough of a jump range that you don't have to be stationed one jump away to make it to a fight.

Also...she's quite a looker.

Anaconda has some good points, but as a combat ship, just hope you don’t meet a Vulture running frags or pacifiers.
31 Dec 2021, 9:56pm
NPCs are not that good. My Indomitable shredded a good amount of Vultures with her fixed MCs.

If they get some MJs of my shield, I have SCBs to replace them.
01 Jan 2022, 7:13am
01 Jan 2022, 7:33am
Can't wait for the Asp scout meta build
01 Jan 2022, 8:22am
GryphnnCan't wait for the Asp scout meta build

Sorry, but I have to disappoint you! Not gonna happen That thing is so broken.... it is good only for FA off enthusiasts.
01 Jan 2022, 10:26am
Hi all happy new years
Bonne années à tous
01 Jan 2022, 7:28pm
Crap! Did anybody try to ram Goliath skimmer on a ship? Its explosion just vaporised 2685 MJ of shields with 52.3% explosion resistance and damaged the hull to smth like 60%. What the heck!
01 Jan 2022, 7:57pm
MeowersCrap! Did anybody try to ram Goliath skimmer on a ship? Its explosion just vaporised 2685 MJ of shields with 52.3% explosion resistance and damaged the hull to smth like 60%. What the heck!

I kill those with Executioner if I must, but I prefer to not waste time with them - nothing to be gained of killing skimmers and goliaths.
01 Jan 2022, 8:25pm
Episparh I kill those with Executioner if I must, but I prefer to not waste time with them - nothing to be gained of killing skimmers and goliaths.
I know that you know how to play the most optimal way! It was an experiment, let people have fun!
01 Jan 2022, 8:36pm
I know that you know how to play the most optimal way! It was an experiment, let people have fun!

Ah, the most optimal way is ship with dumbfire missiles. How you came with idea of ramming it? Are you sure you haven't hit the ground or some building?
01 Jan 2022, 8:41pm
Meow, now I remembered something. It was an exploit before I joined the game. People were exploiting skimmers/goliat missions by ramming them so in their ultimate wisdom Frontier "fixed" that with amplifying the damage taken from ramming those.

Avoid ramming even skimmers.
01 Jan 2022, 8:44pm
Nope, I wasn't using any exploit, I didn't even know about it. It was an experiment. 'Oh, maybe I'll try to ram this th...Crap!'
01 Jan 2022, 8:51pm
Currently it is not exploit. Ramming skimmers and goliaths will get your ship killed in no time.

Stay away, blast them with whatever weapon you have. PDTs on bottom of the ship are very effective vs their missiles.

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