Elite: Game talk

13 Jan 2022, 2:21pm
CupcoIt finally happened. Auto dock flew me straight into one of MacDonald Settlements arms. Thankfully, didn't blow up. Was actually kinda funny.

I just took an apex to Acharya Station and that flew straight into the noob hammers too.
13 Jan 2022, 2:30pm
I noticed yesterday in Alcor that there was a fleet carrier offering 1000% over for all CG commodities. Could someone please explain the logic behind this. Would it be someone or a squadron who just wants to buy while within the system then deliver for the reward, cost be damned? Or someone or a squadron trying to affect the CG by trying to buy up what other commanders are bringing to the station, in an attempt to cause the CG to fail, thus affecting BGS?
13 Jan 2022, 4:51pm
SnokenfSd WhErE?!?!

You have to wait few weeks, its Frontier. And be prepare, because that FSD will be bugged.

No, you have to mine 40 000t Bromellite for the current CG else no FSD from the previous.

I thought you were joking, but now realize you're half correct. Dying over here, someone call the rats, or something
13 Jan 2022, 5:13pm
Oh, dear! Aren't you special one
13 Jan 2022, 5:23pm
Epi I think you are falling for what is commonly known as:

13 Jan 2022, 5:28pm
I am not falling for anything

Anyway, it is time for 22000 ly jump with sidewinder.
13 Jan 2022, 7:57pm
Question. I have fulfilled the goal of the community in the colony. Top 50%. Do I need to fly there to complete it at the station? Or can I just wait until they give FSD?
13 Jan 2022, 8:00pm
HorozorQuestion. I have fulfilled the goal of the community in the colony. Top 50%. Do I need to fly there to complete it at the station? Or can I just wait until they give FSD?

the spoiler in that message

No need to fly but you will get it after 2 weeks.
13 Jan 2022, 8:18pm
Help, just a quickie, how do I get a Sol permit please
13 Jan 2022, 8:37pm
13 Jan 2022, 9:15pm
SnokenfSd WhErE?!?!

You have to wait few weeks, its Frontier. And be prepare, because that FSD will be bugged.

No, you have to mine 40 000t Bromellite for the current CG else no FSD from the previous.

What bromelite? I missed something? When that happened?
13 Jan 2022, 10:12pm

You have to wait few weeks, its Frontier. And be prepare, because that FSD will be bugged.

No, you have to mine 40 000t Bromellite for the current CG else no FSD from the previous.

What bromelite? I missed something? When that happened?

Yea what? Can anyone confirm this? This was the first CG I participated in, so I'm not at all hip to the intricacies.
13 Jan 2022, 10:19pm
The answer is 1-2 pages behind and on the new CG page.
13 Jan 2022, 10:26pm
Not sure that's an answer. Was hoping to get someone else to confirm and/or expand the explanation. But I'll look again. Thanks though.

EDIT: There's nothing in the current CG that says anything about the previous CG's rewards. Unless I'm missing something so tiny to be literal fine print...
13 Jan 2022, 10:50pm
LOL what have we done

;tldr no, if you are >=75% contributor you'll get the FSDs when they are released on the normal day already mentioned. You do not NEED to go to the relevant stations to get them or receive the cash reward either. The Cash will transfer 2 weeks from now, and the FSDs can be transferred via outfitting screen.

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