Elite: Game talk

16 Jan 2022, 6:58pm
SalmoneaDo you have still broken that double engeneered FSD from previous 2nd phase project bridge? Plot route is planing like stock FSD I have that feel. I have current jump range 82 and route planner calculating path wih 75 range.

Is your laden jumprange 75ly? Even if you have only 8t of fuel left your route planner will still assume the tank is full. Mine works fine on 84-88ly

It even neutron routes with fuel stops, at least in the colonia region that is.
16 Jan 2022, 7:03pm
Yuna SakashiroNot only can you not affect a system's security level in EVE, you can't even kill system authority ships (aka. CONCORD). That means every gank in a high security system is a suicide operation.

Sounds like carebear paradise. No wonder Burstar likes it...

Honestly that makes more sense than what we have implemented in ED. If you enter a high security area and you start going around murdering people, the authorities should be hunting you down with serious firepower. As is, the penalty for murder is practically no worse than a speeding ticket.

yep murder people in high sec. here's your fine. but lord help you block that mail-slot, for the penalty is death
16 Jan 2022, 7:33pm
SalmoneaDo you have still broken that double engeneered FSD from previous 2nd phase project bridge? Plot route is planing like stock FSD I have that feel. I have current jump range 82 and route planner calculating path wih 75 range.

Is your laden jumprange 75ly? Even if you have only 8t of fuel left your route planner will still assume the tank is full. Mine works fine on 84-88ly

It even neutron routes with fuel stops, at least in the colonia region that is.

I just told you on steam... My max is 86 and current 82 still calculating me like my current is 75
16 Jan 2022, 10:15pm
Yuna SakashiroNot only can you not affect a system's security level in EVE, you can't even kill system authority ships (aka. CONCORD). That means every gank in a high security system is a suicide operation.

Sounds like carebear paradise. No wonder Burstar likes it...

Imagine doing your own research on Eve:Online, concluding it is a "Carebear Paradise", and still having confidence in your critical thinking skills. lol

See, the best part of arguing with Saka is how easy it is. You don't even have to do anything. Just wait half a day and she'll do it for you.
16 Jan 2022, 10:38pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreImagine doing your own research on Eve:Online, concluding it is a "Carebear Paradise", and still having confidence in your critical thinking skills. lol

See, the best part of arguing with Saka is how easy it is. You don't even have to do anything. Just wait half a day and she'll do it for you.

It's funny that you think you were arguing, Burstar. All you did was whine about how ED restricts your player freedom because it won't allow you to permanently remove the Thargoids from the game, and how we were all stupid for enjoying it and "falling hard for its marketing BS". And how everything is much better in EVE, a game you don't seem to play.
16 Jan 2022, 10:57pm
Yuna SakashiroNot only can you not affect a system's security level in EVE, you can't even kill system authority ships (aka. CONCORD). That means every gank in a high security system is a suicide operation.

Sounds like carebear paradise. No wonder Burstar likes it...

You are comparing oranges to apples, Saka.

I mean, you also missed two major points: one is that high security systems are merely a speck in sea of EVE Online galaxy... and the fact the rewards go extremely higher, the farther you go, along with literally no security. So-called "carebear paradise" is the zone for newbie and casual players while majority of the game, or rather the metagame as I call it, happens in systems with zero law other than the one made by players themselves. And this is where the major difference between Elite Dangerous and EVE Online comes:

On Elite you can just go away with killing players and just move away into different system and problems are gone, even with Notoriety 10 - while facing no major repercussions, just in the system the happy mass murder happened (aside of stations belonging to X faction). Meanwhile on EVE Online, if you piss some corporation or its subsidiary, you'll be hounded by player bounty hunters till your ship is ruins and character reborn as a clone - maybe even multiple times to get rid of you from the sector all together... or make you their slave (in your fear of losing the progress and vessel; reasoned below) till they forget about you and one day let you go. That is because every single destroyed ship is loss of income to their actual economy.

You also ignored the fact that you lose ENTIRE ship upon death on EVE Online and even if you got assurance to get a comparable vessel, its mods, upgrades are just gone.

Last edit: 16 Jan 2022, 11:10pm
16 Jan 2022, 11:12pm
I'll ask one more time, why are you playing ED and not EVE?
16 Jan 2022, 11:28pm
I'm not playing EVE Online, because I can't afford anything else but Series S.

Edit: It's like asking me why I play X-Wing with five small models, and not WH40K despite being "superior" and "bigger" figurine game. The answer will always be money. Do I have less fun? Absolutely not.

Last edit: 16 Jan 2022, 11:42pm
16 Jan 2022, 11:33pm
I tried that game,compared to ed. Its like watching how grass grows or paint dries.
I had so much more fun in ed,where you actually sit in a cockpit.
But everybody has their tastes. Some people like flying spaceships and other one like to watch while spaceship flies in space.
16 Jan 2022, 11:35pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreImagine doing your own research on Eve:Online, concluding it is a "Carebear Paradise", and still having confidence in your critical thinking skills. lol

See, the best part of arguing with Saka is how easy it is. You don't even have to do anything. Just wait half a day and she'll do it for you.

It's funny that you think you were arguing, Burstar. All you did was whine about how ED restricts your player freedom because it won't allow you to permanently remove the Thargoids from the game, and how we were all stupid for enjoying it and "falling hard for its marketing BS". And how everything is much better in EVE, a game you don't seem to play.

...and also confident in your terrible reading comprehension skills... It's a good thing you have a pretty avatar.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not falling for your pitiful jebaiting attempts until you actually say something that isn't a ridiculously obvious straw man or at least based in reality.
16 Jan 2022, 11:58pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre...and also confident in your terrible reading comprehension skills...

English isn't my first language. But what's your excuse?
17 Jan 2022, 12:22am
Permadeath/permaloss is an interesting gameplay mechanic, but its downside is that it prevents normal people (i.e. those with a life outside gaming, e.g. a job, a relationship, kids etc.) from playing the game. The result is a player base consisting of unemployed basement dwellers and sociopaths on a diet of pizza & Coke, with no life but unlimited time on their hands. It might have worked in pre-Horizons ED where all you needed to replace a ship was credits, but with the grind introduced by engineers, it has become impractical. If you had to re-engineer your ship from scratch after a rebuy, most people would just call it quits.

But no doubt all the masochists staying would pride themselves on being the toughest gaming community ever.
17 Jan 2022, 1:47am
Yuna, your English is crisp, witty and alluring. Burstar is just jealous.
17 Jan 2022, 1:52am
Thank you!
17 Jan 2022, 3:05am
PikkuMikaI tried that game,compared to ed. Its like watching how grass grows or paint dries.

To me, ED is like that too. A lot of time consumed with very little to show for it.

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