Elite: Game talk

17 Jan 2022, 3:46am
PikkuMikaI tried that game,compared to ed. Its like watching how grass grows or paint dries.

To me, ED is like that too. A lot of time consumed with very little to show for it.

The engineering grind is probably the only thing I can think of that really makes ED feel this way.
17 Jan 2022, 4:00am
Light-HawkThe engineering grind is probably the only thing I can think of that really makes ED feel this way.

I agree. And this would be so easy to solve. Either make materials tradable, or make it so that engineering modifications can be dismantled to get the materials back, or make it so that each modification needs to be unlocked with materials only once and then can be purchased, just like Guardian modules.
17 Jan 2022, 4:42am
Light-Hawk The engineering grind is probably the only thing I can think of that really makes ED feel this way.

And even it its current iteration it is far better than it was. It went from "why bother" to "at least its not a total waste".
17 Jan 2022, 7:34am
Yuna Sakashiro
Light-HawkThe engineering grind is probably the only thing I can think of that really makes ED feel this way.

I agree. And this would be so easy to solve. Either make materials tradable, or make it so that engineering modifications can be dismantled to get the materials back, or make it so that each modification needs to be unlocked with materials only once and then can be purchased, just like Guardian modules.

I cam understand why it's not a research once and buy system otherwise it would make guardian modules completely obsolete. Otherwise I'd be totally onboard for being able to buy/sell/trade mats and even player engineered modules.
17 Jan 2022, 7:37am
Light-Hawk The engineering grind is probably the only thing I can think of that really makes ED feel this way.

And even it its current iteration it is far better than it was. It went from "why bother" to "at least its not a total waste".

I wasn't playing back when engineering was a complete random roll but as I understand it, it's always been a requirement for PvP. If you don't engineer your ship, it doesn't matter how skilled you are, you just can't beat an engineered ship. Outside of PvP then yeah, engineering isn't required at all. It's just a "nice to have."
17 Jan 2022, 8:02am
Light-HawkOutside of PvP then yeah, engineering isn't required at all.

Or rather: outside of open mode. I wouldn't fly any ship in open that doesn't at least have engineered shields.
17 Jan 2022, 9:15am
Ok, my CG FSDs from Colonia arrived. I can confirm that you can apply experimental mod to them
17 Jan 2022, 9:17am
EpisparhOk, my CG FSDs from Colonia arrived. I can confirm that you can apply experimental mod to them

Dang. Now I wish I had been able to get in on that CG. I work a weird schedule so was basically at work the whole time.
17 Jan 2022, 9:44am
EpisparhOk, my CG FSDs from Colonia arrived. I can confirm that you can apply experimental mod to them

Dang. Now I wish I had been able to get in on that CG. I work a weird schedule so was basically at work the whole time.

Don't worry, those drives will become available through tech brokers soon.
17 Jan 2022, 11:36am
Iwao KishiroI'm not playing EVE Online, because I can't afford anything else but Series S.

Edit: It's like asking me why I play X-Wing with five small models, and not WH40K despite being "superior" and "bigger" figurine game. The answer will always be money. Do I have less fun? Absolutely not.

I like how you ignored this post about not being able to afford Gaming PC, Saka.

Yuna SakashiroPermadeath/permaloss is an interesting gameplay mechanic, but its downside is that it prevents normal people (i.e. those with a life outside gaming, e.g. a job, a relationship, kids etc.) from playing the game. The result is a player base consisting of unemployed basement dwellers and sociopaths on a diet of pizza & Coke, with no life but unlimited time on their hands. It might have worked in pre-Horizons ED where all you needed to replace a ship was credits, but with the grind introduced by engineers, it has become impractical. If you had to re-engineer your ship from scratch after a rebuy, most people would just call it quits.

But no doubt all the masochists staying would pride themselves on being the toughest gaming community ever.

Also, insulting people just because they like permadeath/permaloss is a very low behavior. I know people who play EVE Online and similar games with high risk mechanic and still have a healthy family life. Not that you basically pictured the image made by most dumb media that tried to lessen the role of video games by presenting gamers as people with no life... the image that has been severely outdated by at least a decade now, I guess. Hell, I thought that image has been dead for a while!

I feel insulted in addition, because I am an unemployed person not by my choice but by the stuff that has been happening all around -- and ED, at this point, is one of very, very few things that keeps me from going mentally ill during the endless begging for anyone to hire me for three years straight.

But what I would know? It seems that I am that unemployed sociopath basement dweller.
17 Jan 2022, 12:54pm
Iwao KishiroAlso, insulting people just because they like permadeath/permaloss is a very low behavior. I know people who play EVE Online and similar games with high risk mechanic and still have a healthy family life. Not that you basically pictured the image made by most dumb media that tried to lessen the role of video games by presenting gamers as people with no life... the image that has been severely outdated by at least a decade now, I guess. Hell, I thought that image has been dead for a while!

I feel insulted in addition, because I am an unemployed person not by my choice but by the stuff that has been happening all around -- and ED, at this point, is one of very, very few things that keeps me from going mentally ill during the endless begging for anyone to hire me for three years straight.

But what I would know? It seems that I am that unemployed sociopath basement dweller.

I wasn't insulting anyone for liking permadeath; I said it's an interesting game mechanic. But if permadeath results in excessive repetitive grind to get back into the game, it doesn't matter how appealing the concept is; casual players just won't have the time to keep up and will leave the game.

I apologize for the term "basement dweller", but MMORPG addiction is real, and it is known to affect some people more than others. I'm not excluding myself here; I started playing ED after the Covid lockdowns began, and I'm still playing because the lockdowns are still ongoing. My Steam account tells me that I've put more hours into this game than into all my other games combined. In pre-lockdown times, ED would have been too grindy for me. So the circumstances have made me a basement dweller, too, figuratively speaking. It's not healthy, but our irrational government leaves us few choices. I'm glad that my husband is here to support me; I can't imagine what it is like to go through these two years alone.
17 Jan 2022, 2:06pm
I didn't mean any harm either, Saka. So no worries, it was more a resigned remark if anything. We all are strained by this pandemic to the extremes so barely anyone's mental state can be considered as "entirely healthy".
17 Jan 2022, 2:46pm
Yuna SakashiroDon't worry, those drives will become available through tech brokers soon.

17 Jan 2022, 3:29pm
Hello everyone. Please help me to understand, when i can get my FSD's from last CG?
17 Jan 2022, 3:39pm
EpisparhOk, my CG FSDs from Colonia arrived. I can confirm that you can apply experimental mod to them

And does it work correctly?

Sweto4_uaHello everyone. Please help me to understand, when i can get my FSD's from last CG?

You can withdraw it on station where you were signed in.

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