Elite: Game talk

20 Jan 2022, 1:32pm
Episparh To sum it up, if you gonna apply engineering to limpets - A grade is the way to go.

Nah, even with engineering it's .7 LY difference and for what? Why do you think A grade is the way to go? You need 12 limpets? You collect ore 1.5 km away from your ship? No. this is pride pure and simple. It was a noob mistake and you're just rationalizing it to feel better about your regret. Dig your heels in all you want, but all this will do is call in to question every recommendation you ever make going forward.

Last edit: 20 Jan 2022, 2:00pm
20 Jan 2022, 1:39pm
EpisparhBurstar, Sakashiro is cheap CMDR that cannot afford grade 5 engineering.

All my builds are grade 5 engineered when finished. But now I'm working on three builds at the same time, so excuse me if things take a while.
20 Jan 2022, 1:59pm
EpisparhOh, so you waiting between overheats which is same.

Laser mining do not require manoeuvering as core mining does. You just take direction and keep going in it. This is the reason why cargo and power distributor outweigh the speed and maneuverability.

20 Jan 2022, 2:00pm
Excuses, excuses, everywhere!
20 Jan 2022, 2:13pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Nah, even with engineering it's .7 LY difference and for what? Why do you think A grade is the way to go? You need 12 limpets? You collect ore 1.5 km away from your ship? No. this is pride pure and simple. It was a noob mistake and you're just rationalizing it to feel better about your regret. Dig your heels in all you want, but all this will do is call in to question every recommendation you ever make going forward.

Did you ignored the part that those modules are not dedicated to laser mining builds? I use them for various other thing including PvE builds and so on. I do not care if they die on bugged chunk, I usually abandon at least 20%. A graded collectors have better utility than D rated especially when engineered to G5.

Fun fact: My exploration anaconda build have a mining Lance and 1A collector limpet controller.
20 Jan 2022, 2:27pm
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.

I do not touch type either. I use a HOTAS and Razer Tartarus keypad and have bound the keys to deploy landing gear, deploy cargo scoop, silent running, open galaxy map, open system map, paste (for using route planner and clipboard, etc. This along with a HOTAS and you only take off the headset when you are finished playing, or to take a drink

Last edit: 20 Jan 2022, 2:45pm
20 Jan 2022, 2:54pm
I drink aplenty with my Vives on.
20 Jan 2022, 3:48pm
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.

With my original Vive I could see my backlit keyboard through the nose opening (I removed the nose baffle that bugged me.) But with the Vive Pro, I have a very small slot to peek through. Very hard to use keyboard. Gotta setup discord now that I'm back in the bubble.
20 Jan 2022, 4:18pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Nah, even with engineering it's .7 LY difference and for what? Why do you think A grade is the way to go? You need 12 limpets? You collect ore 1.5 km away from your ship? No. this is pride pure and simple. It was a noob mistake and you're just rationalizing it to feel better about your regret. Dig your heels in all you want, but all this will do is call in to question every recommendation you ever make going forward.

Did you ignored the part that those modules are not dedicated to laser mining builds? I use them for various other thing including PvE builds and so on. I do not care if they die on bugged chunk, I usually abandon at least 20%. A graded collectors have better utility than D rated especially when engineered to G5.

Fun fact: My exploration anaconda build have a mining Lance and 1A collector limpet controller.

Ah, well we're discussing whether A grade is recommended for mining. I actually initially assumed you had A grades for reasons other than mining, but, the people who aren't sure might not. This is why I say for mining D grade collectors are recommended.

Can you use A grade? Duh, ofc you can, but it is not the ideal collector choice when considered solely for mining purposes.
Do A grade have a good use outside of mining? Yes: Materials collecting, AX drop pickup are just 2 of I'm sure more possible appropriate uses that come to mind.

So, if you want to recommend/use A grade collectors for versatility reasons, then by all means do so. Just be clear that they are not ideal for mining.
20 Jan 2022, 4:21pm
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.

This might be of use, although full disclosure: I have never used it.
20 Jan 2022, 4:39pm
Daddy O

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.

With my original Vive I could see my backlit keyboard through the nose opening (I removed the nose baffle that bugged me.) But with the Vive Pro, I have a very small slot to peek through. Very hard to use keyboard. Gotta setup discord now that I'm back in the bubble.

I was peeking under the nose piece of my Rift S as well for copy/paste when in exploration, but then realized that when using Spansh for plotting ii could download the route as a CSV and load it into EDMC which has a choice to copy the next system to your clipboard. Set up a key on the game pad for paste and I could play for hours without needing to remove the headset, until I need a sip of Guinness, it just doesn't feel right to drink it from a straw
20 Jan 2022, 4:41pm
Saka - D2EA did a nice look at the multi-limpets. Since then they've changed the weight a bit, but they are still not worth the space they take up. For mining you're stuck with C-rating so you can't use it for prospection. Only 4 C-Class collectors. It may work for you, but I prefer multiple size 5 controllers either D or A.

Good to see Burstar still hanging on to the entirely pointless 'Must use D-Collector'. Maybe in the past they were the way to go, but really? Can't say I've lost sleep over that .7ly jump range when my carrier is sitting in the same system and I've set all mats to 'ignore' anyhow.
20 Jan 2022, 4:41pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.

This might be of use, although full disclosure: I have never used it.

Thank you Burstar, this looks very handy. I'm going to download and look into it.
20 Jan 2022, 5:07pm
until I need a sip of Guinness, it just doesn't feel right to drink it from a straw [/quote]

VR glasses work best with a short spillproof cup, like a coffee cup. Not so good with tall mugs...but okay with bottles. I have a minifridge in my simulator.
20 Jan 2022, 5:10pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre

Ah, well we're discussing whether A grade is recommended for mining. I actually initially assumed you had A grades for reasons other than mining, but, the people who aren't sure might not. This is why I say for mining D grade collectors are recommended.

Can you use A grade? Duh, ofc you can, but it is not the ideal collector choice when considered solely for mining purposes.
Do A grade have a good use outside of mining? Yes: Materials collecting, AX drop pickup are just 2 of I'm sure more possible appropriate uses that come to mind.

So, if you want to recommend/use A grade collectors for versatility reasons, then by all means do so. Just be clear that they are not ideal for mining.

I haven't recommended anything related to what type of collectors to use. Just mentioned that multi-limpet controller is C rated collectors (which are garbage) . Else my preference is for A rated because I do max engineering on my builds and they are more flexible. For me shorter range and life span is disadvantage in general which cannot be offset by lower price and negligible lower mass.

We live in times where even Sakashiro can afford a fleet carrier.

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