Elite: Game talk

18 Jan 2022, 1:26am
I haven't been able to fly in so long. I've finally gotten internet yesterday — I've got high quality internet as well. Haven't had internet since March.

It's good to be back.

Feels weird flying around with nothing though.
18 Jan 2022, 3:23am
PikkuMika  So its all about opinion. Nothing to do which game in reality is better or worse. Just pure opinion. Chessmaster 2000 might be boring game for fps specialist and heaven for puzzle strategic gamers.

Better or worse is subjective. Grindy is somewhat more objective than subjective. Intensity of grind is subjective. Ultimately it all depends on whether or not a particular activity is "fun" or "worth it" to any particular player.
18 Jan 2022, 7:19am
MadamepestilenceI haven't been able to fly in so long. I've finally gotten internet yesterday — I've got high quality internet as well. Haven't had internet since March.

It's good to be back.

Feels weird flying around with nothing though.

I know the feeling of finally getting good internet. That is a good feeling indeed. Welcome back CMDR!
18 Jan 2022, 9:30am
Is there any web tool for planning routes with waypoints? Example:
- I entering starting point : Sol
- I entering ending point : Maia
- Tool write whole route (like in the game) with many waypoints: Sol - System A - System B - ... - Maia

EDSM did not work: Link
18 Jan 2022, 10:01am
ShuwarIs there any web tool for planning routes with waypoints? Example:
- I entering starting point : Sol
- I entering ending point : Maia
- Tool write whole route (like in the game) with many waypoints: Sol - System A - System B - ... - Maia

EDSM did not work: Link

18 Jan 2022, 10:18am
Light-Hawk https://www.spansh.co.uk/settings

Sorry but in this tool I only see number of jumps to do instead of a list of waypoints with system names

See this link - what it looks like
18 Jan 2022, 10:19am

This is probably the one you are looking for. It requires the exact build of your ship ans does consider increased jumprange due to low fuel. Ist also plans refuelling at non-neutron stars. And the plotted route has a neat copy to clipboard function
18 Jan 2022, 10:25am

This is probably the one you are looking for. It requires the exact build of your ship ans does consider increased jumprange due to low fuel. Ist also plans refuelling at non-neutron stars. And the plotted route has a neat copy to clipboard function

YES! That is it I was looking for!
Many thanks! ;-)
18 Jan 2022, 1:50pm
Noobie here wanting some clarification lol I've been core mining before and I've gotten the hang of it but I can't say the same for laser mining. Whats the most valuable commodities when it comes to laser mining where's the best places to mine and how much storage should I consider having before laser mining??
18 Jan 2022, 2:05pm
Stoned_Saiyan710Noobie here wanting some clarification lol I've been core mining before and I've gotten the hang of it but I can't say the same for laser mining. Whats the most valuable commodities when it comes to laser mining where's the best places to mine and how much storage should I consider having before laser mining??

1. What - Platinum
2. Where - https://edtools.cc/miner
3. Cargo - I can fill my 512t cargo in less than hour. But it is up to your preferences and build you can afford.
18 Jan 2022, 2:08pm
Storage depends on how many mining lasers your distributor can supply (how fast you extract the good stuff), your collector limpet coltroller (=how fast you collect the good stuff) and the duration you want to sit in the rings.

What to mine? See:
18 Jan 2022, 3:33pm
Stoned_Saiyan710Noobie here wanting some clarification lol I've been core mining before and I've gotten the hang of it but I can't say the same for laser mining. Whats the most valuable commodities when it comes to laser mining where's the best places to mine and how much storage should I consider having before laser mining??

Good advice already given. I'll just add that:
  • 3 to 4 limpets per laser, max lasers your distributor can handle. This ratio > cargo space which itself depends on your preferred duration (more cargo = longer time spent but greater efficiency/trip).
  • Fill your cargo with limpets until you've figured out how many you'll actually use (I typically only use 40% when mining Platinum only, and can get away with 20% if I'm just speed mining everything I see).
  • Note about Platinum (also grab any incidental Osmium you happen to find, no hotspots though): It is only laser mined in (ideally Pristine) Metallic rings. Any Hotspots you see elsewhere are for core mining.
  • Forget Painite no matter what you read or price you think you can get as it's been nerfed into the ground (personally, if I keep Painite I happen to pick up while mining plat asteroids only, it is almost never worth the hassle trying to get rid of it even with a fleet carrier).
  • When prospecting, skip asteroids <20% (or even higher depending on the ring/player) Platinum unless you have other interests than optimum farming speed.

Technique: picture the spinning asteroid as a car wheel. Put your nose on the center of the hubcap as close as possible, oriented so that the ore appears under your craft, to minimize limpet travel time. If you're in a Cutter, your shields are your brakes.
18 Jan 2022, 3:35pm
For platinum I skip everything less than 35-40%. The actual threshold depends on empty cargo left.
18 Jan 2022, 6:20pm
Ever heard of CNC AKA Carrier Navigation Computer? It reads route from spansh FC plotter csv file and do the jumping and refueling while you sleep or do whatever you want.

Is this really a thing?
Cause we definatly could use something like that for our next trip.
18 Jan 2022, 7:51pm
It is. I have used it just once on my first trip to Formidine rift. I had to check all options.

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