Elite: Game talk

05 Jan 2022, 12:29pm
EpisparhFor the cutter, just keep in mind it drifts a lot. Do not boost straight to station and definitely do not leave docking computer without supervision.

I found a loaned ADC in the freebie Vulture and put it into the Cutter. So far it has worked well. The T-9 often scratched the mailslot when auto docking. No scratches in the Cutter yet, but I'll put two HRPs into the class 5 military slots, just in case.

With 760t cargo space and increased jump range vs. the T-9 it should be easy to earn 100M Cr per hour by trading. I know there are faster ways to make mony, but this is simple enough for me.
05 Jan 2022, 12:38pm
Thanks for the information Episparh. And at first I was only pledged to Aisling Duval for the prismatic, but now it's more for rp.
05 Jan 2022, 12:42pm
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhFor the cutter, just keep in mind it drifts a lot. Do not boost straight to station and definitely do not leave docking computer without supervision.

I found a loaned ADC in the freebie Vulture and put it into the Cutter. So far it has worked well. The T-9 often scratched the mailslot when auto docking. No scratches in the Cutter yet, but I'll put two HRPs into the class 5 military slots, just in case.

With 760t cargo space and increased jump range vs. the T-9 it should be easy to earn 100M Cr per hour by trading. I know there are faster ways to make mony, but this is simple enough for me.

Can't understate that comment about leaving the docking computer without supervision. Can't count how many times the docking computer would run my cargo cutter against the sides of the mail slot and almost kill me before landing. Or some stations have obstructions inside the station that the auto-dock would run my cutter into.

As for making 100M credits per hours trading, yeah it might not be the fastest, but sometimes it's just nice to have a consistent method.
05 Jan 2022, 12:47pm
I got access to cutter in my first month and I fly one often.
It is hard to believe, but I still use ADC on my FC support ship.
The ADC on cutter fails way too often, last time was few days ago when I replenished tritium sold to Meowers. On the way back of the station, the bloody thing hitted the mailslot grid and got stuck there. I had to disable it and use landing gear trick to get unstuck.

Just keep in mind to watch it while passing through mailslot.

... Oh, I forgot, it have frequent problems with asteroid bases too.
05 Jan 2022, 1:04pm
It is much easier, faster and safer to dock cutter manually, without ADC assistance
05 Jan 2022, 1:08pm
But not as easy as landing a sidewinder without docking computer.
05 Jan 2022, 1:15pm
I think it would be a lot more efficient if FDev gave the same autodocking programming to the Cutter (and the other large ships for that matter) as they gave the Type 10. To my knowledge, all other ships go in and out of the mail slot with an offset to one side to accommodate opposite going traffic. The Type 10 does not do this. It centers on the mail slot since it is too wide to be offset to the side. I'm inclined to credit this with being why I have never had my Type 10 impact the mail slot and I theorize that the other large ships would benefit from this as well. It might also help the AI's from getting Beluga's jammed in the mail slot.
05 Jan 2022, 1:37pm
05 Jan 2022, 1:47pm
I G5 engineered my Orca, went looking for luxury passenger missions and had no luck finding any. A quick google search told me that I'd need high rep in a station that's based on tourism. So I spent a while doing that and I'm now fully allied with all 7 factions in Ride Gateway which is a tourist station in the G 203-47 system.
Once I'd done that I looked in the passenger lounge and, as before, just a s**t load of economy missions, some business class and first-class missions but absolutely zero luxury class missions.
I watched the board for ages in and out as I did other things, must have been hours, but nah. Zilch

Am I missing something?
05 Jan 2022, 2:08pm
I G5 engineered my Orca, went looking for luxury passenger missions and had no luck finding any. A quick google search told me that I'd need high rep in a station that's based on tourism. So I spent a while doing that and I'm now fully allied with all 7 factions in Ride Gateway which is a tourist station in the G 203-47 system.
Once I'd done that I looked in the passenger lounge and, as before, just a s**t load of economy missions, some business class and first-class missions but absolutely zero luxury class missions.
I watched the board for ages in and out as I did other things, must have been hours, but nah. Zilch

Am I missing something?

Those are very rare, mate. There is a reason no one answered yet and the info you find on internet rather misleading. If that station do not work , try another one.

I would pick a system with at least 2 stations so you can go between them after you rise reputation .

Last edit: 05 Jan 2022, 2:20pm
05 Jan 2022, 2:12pm
Aileen LeithIt is much easier, faster and safer to dock cutter manually, without ADC assistance

Don't get me wrong, the problem isn't the mailslot but NPC ships approaching at angles where I can't see them. On the Anaconda a small class 3 bumper shield was enough to prevent minor collision damage, but the smallest shield for the Cutter is class 6, and that's a lot of cargo space I would lose.
05 Jan 2022, 3:15pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Aileen LeithIt is much easier, faster and safer to dock cutter manually, without ADC assistance

Don't get me wrong, the problem isn't the mailslot but NPC ships approaching at angles where I can't see them. On the Anaconda a small class 3 bumper shield was enough to prevent minor collision damage, but the smallest shield for the Cutter is class 6, and that's a lot of cargo space I would lose.

When I got my first cutter I outfitted it for passenger rescue missions, it had a shield, but ADC does not work with burning stations. And I found it to be a good exercise in learning how the Cutter "handles".

Later when I thought I had landing it figured out, I was delivering a cargo mission (no shields) ADC on, and just before it hit the pad it went sideways and was destroyed
05 Jan 2022, 4:05pm
Iam trying to unlock the next "Mercenairy" medal and I have to attack or defend 50 surface settlements. What do I have to do to increase this number?
05 Jan 2022, 4:22pm
Misty PinesIam trying to unlock the next "Mercenairy" medal and I have to attack or defend 50 surface settlements. What do I have to do to increase this number?

Pick any settlement where is a conflict between two minor factions happening (they are at War or Civil war) and you should get either the defender or attacker number increased (depending which faction you will pick at the start of the fight). Both counts to the medal equally, so the side doesn't matter.
05 Jan 2022, 4:28pm
I G5 engineered my Orca, went looking for luxury passenger missions and had no luck finding any. A quick google search told me that I'd need high rep in a station that's based on tourism. So I spent a while doing that and I'm now fully allied with all 7 factions in Ride Gateway which is a tourist station in the G 203-47 system.
Once I'd done that I looked in the passenger lounge and, as before, just a s**t load of economy missions, some business class and first-class missions but absolutely zero luxury class missions.
I watched the board for ages in and out as I did other things, must have been hours, but nah. Zilch

Am I missing something?

Mission availability is related to the systems/factions stats. Looking for Luxury passenger missions you should be looking at Tourist Systems with high population, relevant faction is in a Boom state and/or high economic slider. Once you've found system(s) with these parameters, check its stations (not orbitals) in Inara. There is a 'Wealth' statistic. You want stations that say "wealthy".

This is what I would do if I was looking specifically for Luxury Passenger missions, but I've never done it myself so please confirm whether this helped. Good luck CMDR o7

Edit: also, the missions should show up before you achieve the required reputation and just be greyed out. No need to do extra work for nothing.

Last edit: 05 Jan 2022, 8:36pm

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