Elite: Game talk

08 Jan 2022, 6:18pm
Thanks Saka. I found it it also keeps your friends list as well. Fairly painless all things considered.
08 Jan 2022, 7:03pm
Yup, it keeps friends and private group memberships.
08 Jan 2022, 8:29pm
Utmouse08First time responder, but I have to agree with Episparh here, it goes back to the Castle Doctrine. What we dont see are all the smaller more "personnel" vehicle sized exits along the outer spline. Those airlocks and doors are alternative exits. Just like any medieval castle or settlement. One main entrance, alternative exits that are much easier to defend and lock.

One way in, one way out works for 13th century castles where you have people sized traffic scuttling about who can squeeze by each other and the most you have to worry about insofar as "vehicular" traffic are two horse drawn buggies going in opposing directions at all of 2 miles an hour....not so much for when there are two ships the size of football fields crossing paths at 100kph with mere inches to spare to maneuver. Besides, castle doctrine has little relevance in modern defense tactics let alone space station defense 1000 years in the future. I've been in the military for 15 years and I have yet to see a single military base that sports a SINGLE entrance/exit in the name of being defensible. Can you imagine if these stations were real...as well as the Thargoids?! Depending on what reddit thread you read, larger stations in Elite can hold anywhere from 1 to 8 MILLION people. That's the population of New Your City. So, aliens attack, all of Space-New York is burning in the vaccum...and there's only ONE door for every one to get out of.

That's the day Space-New York dies.

Real life Manhattan has 21 bridges that lead off of the island. Tell me they wouldn't all be so jammed packed with cars in a crisis that you'd be better off taking a paddle boat to safety let alone if there were only one.

Real-life parallels aside, as it stands, the mail slot is little more than a bottleneck in emergencies and it turns the entire station into a kill box. In the world of avionics, minimal safe passing distance between planes is considered to be roughly 1000 feet (300 meters) of vertical clearance and 500 feet (150 meters) of visual clearance and for parallel runways at airports (the only thing I can accurately relate this to) there must be a MINIMUM distance of 700 feet (200-ish meters) between them. I don't know about anyone else...but I don't think we have anything close to that with the current station mail slot setup.

Widening the slots to that extent might be possible. I don't know the exact dimensions of all of the stations in Elite. Two separate slots, one above the other, is the most logical way to do it. But if you insist on keeping it to one entrance/exit for whatever reason and 2 Type-10's can't comfortably fit side-by-side with ample clearance above, below and side-to-side, then it's ridiculous to try to excuse the fact that the devs designed things that way without any thought to how that would be handled in real life despite how realistic they claim they want the game to be. I love the game, but that's just bad design.
08 Jan 2022, 8:33pm
Gatimũ KamauSo I guess that somewhere along the way (likely with the Odyssey update) Dav's Hope got removed from the game. I KNOW that it got moved to the opposite side of the planet on PC...but for those of us on console without access to Odyssey, it's COMPLETELY gone.

So much for mat grinding there for me.

Is there any other location that has easily grindable materials?

It's still seems to be present even for Horizons-only player. To be sure, I have checked the logs and I see at least one commander with Horizons getting there and collecting the materials just today.

It could just be me and my setup. The PS4 side of the house is a lonely place to be these days in Elite.
08 Jan 2022, 9:39pm
Gatimu KamauWidening the slots to that extent might be possible. I don't know the exact dimensions of all of the stations in Elite. Two separate slots, one above the other, is the most logical way to do it. But if you insist on keeping it to one entrance/exit for whatever reason and 2 Type-10's can't comfortably fit side-by-side with ample clearance above, below and side-to-side, then it's ridiculous to try to excuse the fact that the devs designed things that way without any thought to how that would be handled in real life despite how realistic they claim they want the game to be. I love the game, but that's just bad design.

This is why I think what they had shown on Expanse is more likely: mooring points and scaffold dry docks to host the ships outside the station. At the same time we should be aware that's the route to poke at older Elite '84. The placement of mail slot is ironically most logical spot if station rotates... yet it's beyond me why at the same time there's no secondary entrance from the back of the stations (because I doubt it would make a difference for pilot which direction to roll). I mean, in case of Ocullus it makes more sense to only have one entrance slot since it's a megaship-becoming-station.

To think about it, only Homeworld Cataclysm (or known under new GOG.com name, Emergence) in entire Homeworld series clearly shown that every launchable ship had two possible spots to land on Kuun-Lan* -- and as a side note, I loved the fact that, due to smaller size, Kuun-Lan constructed bigger ship via scaffolding.

*I wrote Kuun-Lan only, because I am not sure if Kushan and Taiidan Carriers did not have two approach points as well. I think also the Somtaaw carrier had this, too.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2022, 9:46pm
09 Jan 2022, 12:21am
Glad to see a few people understand.
09 Jan 2022, 2:30am
Is there a bug with purchasing Bromellite from fleet carriers? I spent 3 million on 50 bromellite and it disappeared from my cargo.

Edit: Wait, now it's back after I logged. Oi, what a pain.
09 Jan 2022, 5:13am
CupcoIs there a bug with purchasing Bromellite from fleet carriers? I spent 3 million on 50 bromellite and it disappeared from my cargo.

Edit: Wait, now it's back after I logged. Oi, what a pain.

Thats common bug.
09 Jan 2022, 6:38am
If you purchase something from a carrier commodity market, you have to close the carrier menu and re-open the commodities market for the cargo to actually be transferred to your ship. No need to relog the client.
09 Jan 2022, 9:18am
Course, the defensive aspect of stations is moot because no ship can damage a station. The only time a station can take any damage whatsoever, is from a Tharg attack (Thargs don’t need to dock) and terrorist bombings which happen inside the station.
So no reason to have 1 mailslot for defence
09 Jan 2022, 10:06am
QuillmonkeyCourse, the defensive aspect of stations is moot because no ship can damage a station. The only time a station can take any damage whatsoever, is from a Tharg attack (Thargs don’t need to dock) and terrorist bombings which happen inside the station.
So no reason to have 1 mailslot for defence

Not exactly what is said in some books. Capital ships are significant threat to a station.

I think I've read this in Legacy, but my memory may fail me again.

Edit: Yeah, failed me yet again. So, probably read it from less official source.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2022, 10:29am
09 Jan 2022, 10:48am
QuillmonkeyCourse, the defensive aspect of stations is moot because no ship can damage a station. The only time a station can take any damage whatsoever, is from a Tharg attack (Thargs don’t need to dock) and terrorist bombings which happen inside the station.
So no reason to have 1 mailslot for defence

Not exactly what is said in some books. Capital ships are significant threat to a station.

I think I've read this in Legacy, but my memory may fail me again.

Edit: Yeah, failed me yet again. So, probably read it from less official source.

Even if Capital ships were a threat to stations, not exactly fitting through the slot are they?
09 Jan 2022, 11:05am
You know that battlecruiser's group usually consists of Vettes/Cutters and a lot of fighters, right?

Edit: I know CZs give a false perspective of those, but in reality battlecruisers and battleships(those are just mentioned in the lore) can subjugate entire system.
09 Jan 2022, 11:58am
EpisparhYou know that battlecruiser's group usually consists of Vettes/Cutters and a lot of fighters, right?

Edit: I know CZs give a false perspective of those, but in reality battlecruisers and battleships(those are just mentioned in the lore) can subjugate entire system.

My point wasn't that they weren't a threat to the Stations. It was that the threat they pose is unrelated to the mailslot discussion.
09 Jan 2022, 12:04pm
Ugh, I can't take it anymore. I hate the Colonia area. My 3k goods will have to be enough. At this point it's up to the Carriers to get us to T1. Now, decision time: Fly back taking the scenic route or suiwinder to return to civilized space?

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