Elite: Game talk

22 Jan 2022, 9:58pm
Dat Josepho7 Commanders,

does anyone know whats the current profit amound you need in order to gain elite rank?
I was told its at Cr. I already exceeded that amount, checked via statistics but the rank does not show up.
Neither does the progress bar increase.

You have to self destruct your ship to reset the bord computer.
22 Jan 2022, 11:09pm
Dat Josepho7 Commanders,

does anyone know whats the current profit amound you need in order to gain elite rank?
I was told its at Cr. I already exceeded that amount, checked via statistics but the rank does not show up.
Neither does the progress bar increase.

As others have commented, it looks like you may have been selling to carriers.
Selling to a carrier does not help your trade rank, but selling commodities that you buy from a carrier does increase your rank.
If you are looking for a way to boost trade rank, you could consider taking part in the Pilot’s Trade Network carrier unloads (and you earn good money, but not increasing rank, for the carrier loads).

They are all off on a booze cruise right now, but consider coming over to the discord and signing up for a hauler role, so you get notified of these opportunities.

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/ptn
22 Jan 2022, 11:11pm
Dat Josepho7 Commanders,

does anyone know whats the current profit amound you need in order to gain elite rank?
I was told its at Cr. I already exceeded that amount, checked via statistics but the rank does not show up.
Neither does the progress bar increase.

You have to self destruct your ship to reset the bord computer.

ha ha ha, no you not, just reinstall windows on your pc and all will be good, good luck
23 Jan 2022, 12:30pm
MadBeachUSAjust got an oculus quest 2 VR last week and have been playing in VR mode thru the oculus app. i could not find a way to type thru a virtual keyboard as i dont touch type. so i tried to go back to steam to play on my big screen TV, i cannot get the game to load like its supposed to it only loads the 'client' window to play in VR.. anyone help tell me how to get it back to load on my monitor. i really dont want to uninstall and reinstall the game and i dont know if that will even fix it.

the client window is the game window, just resize it back to your liking and you good to go, good luck

thanx.. sooo simple guess playing in vr changed my graphics setting to windowed all i had to do was change it back to full screen.. feeling kinda dumb
23 Jan 2022, 1:07pm
MadBeachUSAjust got an oculus quest 2 VR last week and have been playing in VR mode thru the oculus app. i could not find a way to type thru a virtual keyboard as i dont touch type. so i tried to go back to steam to play on my big screen TV, i cannot get the game to load like its supposed to it only loads the 'client' window to play in VR.. anyone help tell me how to get it back to load on my monitor. i really dont want to uninstall and reinstall the game and i dont know if that will even fix it.

the client window is the game window, just resize it back to your liking and you good to go, good luck

thanx.. sooo simple guess playing in vr changed my graphics setting to windowed all i had to do was change it back to full screen.. feeling kinda dumb

Don't beat yourself up over this.
That's our job.
23 Jan 2022, 3:58pm
My son came in to help me with my second monitor and alerted me to this monitor setting. Made a huge difference. Thank god he is available because im all thumbs on tech.
23 Jan 2022, 6:53pm
Question CMDR's...I have had my sensors engineered for wide scan for as long as I can remember because I wanted the widest angle possible for targeting when I was running all gimbled weapons. But recently, I've gotten into mixing turret weapons into my loadout (I'll never go back to non-turreted weapons again) and they basically seem to have a full 180 degrees of motion regardless of sensor setup. So my question is since only two of my weapons on my Anaconda are turreted and the rest are gimbled, should I retain my wide angel sensors, or would it be a good idea to re-engineer them for long distance?
23 Jan 2022, 7:15pm
It only affects the angle at which you can start to scan a ship, not the weapons. So you can now just scan ships without looking at them.
I think the only scenario this is really useful is in supercruise so you can identify potential targets/threats without changing your course.

Last edit: 23 Jan 2022, 7:26pm
23 Jan 2022, 7:23pm
I can't believe how easy this game has become. Never mind - I achieved all I wanted to years ago and now it's just taking my time after resetting my second account, and enjoying it in VR.

I wanted to ask about commodity trading profits, though.

I've just bought a Krait II and temporarily fitted it for hauling, at 160t cargo space. I have found a run that nets me just over 6 million profit per run, but the two stations are 7 jumps apart.
Is this a good run? I've never really done much trading myself since about 6 years ago when starting after retail release - back then it would take me about a month to get 1 million from trading!
23 Jan 2022, 7:33pm
7 jumps apart is a very relative measurement, it doesn't really say much. If you are in a 5ly range ship the stations would be approximately 35ly apart and then I'd consider 37.5 Kcr/t a good route. But it looks like there are better opportunities right now out there.
23 Jan 2022, 8:48pm
GryphnnIt only affects the angle at which you can start to scan a ship, not the weapons. So you can now just scan ships without looking at them.
I think the only scenario this is really useful is in supercruise so you can identify potential targets/threats without changing your course.

Oh, ok. I read someplace once that it also affected weapons targeting. I think it was a Reddit thread somewhere. Thank you for clearing that up.
23 Jan 2022, 8:56pm
Gatimũ Kamau
GryphnnIt only affects the angle at which you can start to scan a ship, not the weapons. So you can now just scan ships without looking at them.
I think the only scenario this is really useful is in supercruise so you can identify potential targets/threats without changing your course.

Oh, ok. I read someplace once that it also affected weapons targeting. I think it was a Reddit thread somewhere. Thank you for clearing that up.

You can't target/scan a ship you can't detect so in that sense it does affect targeting, but it doesn't affect any attribute on weapons.
23 Jan 2022, 9:03pm
23 Jan 2022, 9:40pm
BrixmisI can't believe how easy this game has become. Never mind - I achieved all I wanted to years ago and now it's just taking my time after resetting my second account, and enjoying it in VR.

I wanted to ask about commodity trading profits, though.

Your math equates to roughly 37500 credits/tonne. According to this tool here on Inara you could be doing 44k/tonne within 2-3 jumps instead of 7.
Also, if you're returning from a hiatus (it sounds like you are), you should be aware of some 'recent' changes from the way trading used to be:
Supply/Demand of common goods no longer instantly renews on leaving the station. Your purchases and sales will affect supply/demand for everyone (and theirs to you).
Stations will run out of goods or stop wanting them as the case may be.
There is now a 'Demand tax'. If you are carrying >25% of the stations current demand the sell price starts to drop. By how much or how fast I can't be exact but it's enough that you should consider how much leeway you have for the next trip or when planning the route.
If BGS is something you're concerned about AFAIK the cap for profit related influence is now 10million credits/day.
23 Jan 2022, 10:54pm
I found the route on the INARA trading page. Right now I'm just raising a bit more cash to get the Krait a bit better outfitted before taking it to Felicia. I won't be doing my own trading for long. Just wanted to ensure it wasn't too little money for the hassle/time.
I just did the Ram Tah mission to get the cash together for the Krait and most of the outfitting - can't believe how easy they have made that mission now, but I suppose it means if money is required quickly it's 111 million in a few days (or less if you fly more hours). I just restarted last week.

Next up is the Guardian missions for those parts. Then I'll be trying the planetary missions again - I hope they have changed since I stopped playing. They used to be my favourite missions - rarely did anything else - but then when they fixed the bugs they also completely changed it and imho ruined it. I'm a bit surprised I haven't seen any community goals up - used to like doing those in open, too.

Anyway, lots still to check and much to try and remember - thanks for the trading info.

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