Elite: Game talk

24 Oct 2015, 8:21am
ShamefulI think pirating is not really profitable enough.

24 Oct 2015, 2:57pm
Anyone else bugging when getting intedricted? my screen starts shaking like crazy and divides in like 4 parts wtf??

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Oct 2015, 4:51pm
24 Oct 2015, 3:02pm
Nope but an NPC crashed into me while docking with 8 hours worth of rares, nps dies and i get insta killed by the station. **** this for a game of soldiers!

Suggestion: NPCs get their arses to specsavers. /Rant over ty

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Oct 2015, 4:51pm
24 Oct 2015, 4:29pm
Jax PhasmaNope but an NPC crashed into me while docking with 8 hours worth of rares, nps dies and i get insta killed by the station. **** this for a game of soldiers!

Suggestion: NPCs get their arses to specsavers. /Rant over ty

NPC AI is currently broken in that they wont try to avoid flying into you (or asteroids in a RES), so docking/undocking can be a bit more dangerous than normal.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Oct 2015, 4:51pm
24 Oct 2015, 4:33pm
WILD BILL CODYYesterday when I quit playing I was Allied with the Federation (took a long time to get), today I start playing with all these red down markers and I am suddenly only friendly with the Federation............Huh?  Am I missing something?   The game plays without me, but hard fought gains should not disappear overnight.  I need to give this game a timeout.
Cmdr Cody

Reputation decay. You're only like five minutes of work from getting back to Allied status though, as it stops right at the very top end of Friendly.
24 Oct 2015, 4:39pm
Thank you Nip Nip. I was unaware of this issue, it does explain a lot tho. I usually just laugh off any accidents but this has bugged me because of the time lost and the fact that this isnt the first time it has happened recently. Cheers for the heads up, happy hunting.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Oct 2015, 4:51pm
24 Oct 2015, 10:20pm
Looking for discounted condas, anyone seen one?
24 Oct 2015, 10:58pm
Not a specific system but check Li Yong-Rui control systems...Diaguandri for sure
25 Oct 2015, 10:36am
Kamito, but you can also look at the ships section of Inara

Mrxels1488Looking for discounted condas, anyone seen one?
25 Oct 2015, 12:16pm
Diaguandri (as already mentioned)... pop over to Lembava to fit any missing modules

or Founders World
25 Oct 2015, 2:13pm
Jax PhasmaNope but an NPC crashed into me while docking with 8 hours worth of rares, nps dies and i get insta killed by the station. **** this for a game of soldiers!

Suggestion: NPCs get their arses to specsavers. /Rant over ty

I know it sounds a bit wimpey but I have started using an auto docking computer when I do trading or mining, I have never had a problem entering a station in my miner Python full of shinies. It even puts me in a landing queue if there are too many other pilots

25 Oct 2015, 2:56pm
Nah Ford, all good advice thanks bud. I`d been using the auto dock and was half way through the letter box when the NPC decided it was a good idea to try and squeeze past me. I didn`t know I`d caused any damage until I was inside and turrets opened up on me the same time the message appeared.
I only saw my arse because it was my drop off point for illegal rares before coming back home to sell everything else.

Anyway, its a new day and I`m putting the rage down to a lack of sleep and energy drink madness.

Lovin` your ship name BTW
25 Oct 2015, 3:35pm
I'm a bit lost. I set the game version to the xbox one, but I'm not sure if that results in wings that are pc based being filtered out or not. Is that the case or is there any indication as to whether they play on pc or xbox somewhere in the wing profile that I'm missing?
26 Oct 2015, 11:51am
TheShadowKnwsI'm a bit lost. I set the game version to the xbox one, but I'm not sure if that results in wings that are pc based being filtered out or not. Is that the case or is there any indication as to whether they play on pc or xbox somewhere in the wing profile that I'm missing?

This setting is rather for information which game version you are playing (for other commanders). But it may be good to add additional wing property and filter them by the game version - I will add it there, good idea. Largest Xbox One wing there is E.X.O now, so you can try them...
26 Oct 2015, 7:27pm
Hello all my GT Is dagnaste and I'm looking for someone to help me out this wed. I will be online most of the day. I have a lot of q's about the game and am interested in exo but am still trying to wrap my head around politics and alignments. It's kinda overwhelming. I've been playing for a couple weeks but have ignored certain aspects until I started looking at sol and getting a permit. If anyone will be on I would appreciate some help. Thanks all and fly safe commanders!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Oct 2015, 7:27pm

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