Elite: Game talk

25 Jan 2022, 7:26pm
DescartesAh, I might have known, a program update caused my machine to freeze on its first run.

I stopped playing and upgrading Odyssey a long time ago. It would be better if they gave us the OPTION to upgrade Horizons, instead of not giving us any choice.

Odyssey won't load after todays "Upgrade" - Horizons is OK. I opened a ticket but is anyone else having the same? (I tried rebooting).
25 Jan 2022, 8:16pm
25 Jan 2022, 8:31pm
@Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre


Nice! Do you remember how much cargo it was ?

512 mined Void Opal before the nerf hammer, 2 or 3 years ago
25 Jan 2022, 8:52pm
@Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre


Nice! Do you remember how much cargo it was ?

512 mined Void Opal before the nerf hammer, 2 or 3 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm pretty sure I got my record laser mining LTDs back in the day. I couldn't be arsked to Core mine that much in one go and no FC at the time.
25 Jan 2022, 9:01pm
Yeah, my record was also LTDs but sub-surface mining after hotspots reshuffle. I didn't had a FC at that time(although I could afford 3) nor I wanted to exploit the egg and SLF.

That was just a test run - 40 min with a cutter and sub-surface displacement missile. Not broken at all
25 Jan 2022, 9:22pm
Seems they finally fixed the borked search results in the Galaxy Map. That was so annoying.
25 Jan 2022, 10:05pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreFine, if you're happy with a bunch of dudes exposing their Record Transaction then I don't have any issue with it

I think average profit would be much more interesting.
20,976,973 Cr

Mining kinda ruins the "trading" stats anyway. The only thing I have ever mined was platinum or painite after nerf just to try stuff
25 Jan 2022, 10:38pm
What's this mining nerf everyone is talking about?

Not played since Nov 2019 until last week, so a bit in the dark here. I did a bit of mining yesterday, just to remind myself how it's done, but only surface blasting and the returns were not so bad for that, though not worth the time it took.
25 Jan 2022, 11:26pm
Prices has comed down,but there are still pretty valuable resources. Void opals,ltd's etc just arent as goid as they used to be. But you can still make decent amount of credits via mining. But nit like it used to be.
26 Jan 2022, 12:32am
So, Patch 10:
Cannot scoop with SRV
Cannot purchase limpets from FC
Framerate drops in planet settlements
Crash logs not sending to FDev
Carrier paintjobs looking ‘worn’
Sunglasses replaced by normal glasses

But, they fixed the non-hostile enemy bug. Perfect timing for my month in the black.
26 Jan 2022, 3:51am
QuillmonkeySo, Patch 10:
Cannot scoop with SRV
Cannot purchase limpets from FC
Framerate drops in planet settlements
Crash logs not sending to FDev
Carrier paintjobs looking ‘worn’
Sunglasses replaced by normal glasses

But, they fixed the non-hostile enemy bug. Perfect timing for my month in the black.

Highlighted the genius part They finally nailed it

Last edit: 26 Jan 2022, 11:26am
26 Jan 2022, 5:10am
26 Jan 2022, 11:34am
INB4 6 months later FDev CM team say "we thought the game really was finally fixed because nobody was sending in bug reports any more" (echoes of their "we didn't know the 2xFSD rewards could actually be experimented despite nobody complaining they couldn't be").

Edit: Just a heads up, while out in the black pay attention to where your bookmarks navroute you too. Any FC bookmarks sometimes point to days old previous locations instead of the actual current one.

Last edit: 26 Jan 2022, 11:41am
26 Jan 2022, 1:22pm
So no FSD rewarded yet? (3 of them by the way!)
26 Jan 2022, 1:56pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreINB4 6 months later FDev CM team say "we thought the game really was finally fixed because nobody was sending in bug reports any more" (echoes of their "we didn't know the 2xFSD rewards could actually be experimented despite nobody complaining they couldn't be").

Edit: Just a heads up, while out in the black pay attention to where your bookmarks navroute you too. Any FC bookmarks sometimes point to days old previous locations instead of the actual current one.

Yep, I look it up each time. Nothing like arriving at an empty system with your hull at 20%

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