Elite: Game talk

29 Jan 2022, 8:58pm
Danger Mouse o7Anyone having an issue in gathering minerals on planets with SRV?

no in horizons, what's happening ?
29 Jan 2022, 9:21pm
29 Jan 2022, 11:19pm
30 Jan 2022, 2:14pm
Is there at tool that keeps track how how much Cartography data you've scanned?
30 Jan 2022, 3:00pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreIs there at tool that keeps track how how much Cartography data you've scanned?

EDSM - dashboard. Keeps record of scanned EDH data since last dock to station.
30 Jan 2022, 3:06pm
That works, though I was hoping for an EDMC plugin. Thank you.
30 Jan 2022, 3:12pm
Well, EDSM tracks that data and the dashboard also gives you information about valuable bodies in the system. I never looked elsewhere. Data updates each 10 sec if you seed data with EDMC.
30 Jan 2022, 4:20pm
Gankers at Beagle Point. I am confirming that gankers are there, and they even parked their carrier [SDC] DISTANT GANKS 2 M5B-0VZ beside DSSA Distant Worlds. I guess I was lucky none of them were active when I arrived around 11 am EST. So if you are planning to visit BP be prepared.
30 Jan 2022, 4:46pm
Always enable and watch bandwidth monitor if you fly in Open.
30 Jan 2022, 4:46pm
Shg56Gankers at Beagle Point. I am confirming that gankers are there, and they even parked their carrier [SDC] DISTANT GANKS 2 M5B-0VZ beside DSSA Distant Worlds. I guess I was lucky none of them were active when I arrived around 11 am EST. So if you are planning to visit BP be prepared.

I honestly can't believe people waste time doing that. For starters, most Explorers do it in Solo simply for the HiRes screenshots. Imagine logging in and keeping an eye on things like the CMDRs report on EDSM etc just for the sole purpose of maybe catching somebody once a month. How miserable does your life have to be to find that sort of thing appealing?
30 Jan 2022, 4:52pm
But then thousands of free epic accounts were created. And since this game do not have end game or pvp content everything is possible.

Everthing usually means low effort salt mining.
30 Jan 2022, 5:31pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreI honestly can't believe people waste time doing that. For starters, most Explorers do it in Solo simply for the HiRes screenshots. Imagine logging in and keeping an eye on things like the CMDRs report on EDSM etc just for the sole purpose of maybe catching somebody once a month. How miserable does your life have to be to find that sort of thing appealing?

I didn't know you could get better screenshots in solo. Good to know. Also as much as I hate gankers, that someone was so committed they took the time to get a fleet carrier all the way out to Beagle Point for this is somewhat impressive. Although probably a waste of time since you pointed out the majority of explorers that committed are probably in solo.
30 Jan 2022, 5:34pm
Danger Mouse o7Anyone having an issue in gathering minerals on planets with SRV?

30 Jan 2022, 6:07pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreI honestly can't believe people waste time doing that. For starters, most Explorers do it in Solo simply for the HiRes screenshots. Imagine logging in and keeping an eye on things like the CMDRs report on EDSM etc just for the sole purpose of maybe catching somebody once a month. How miserable does your life have to be to find that sort of thing appealing?

I didn't know you could get better screenshots in solo. Good to know. Also as much as I hate gankers, that someone was so committed they took the time to get a fleet carrier all the way out to Beagle Point for this is somewhat impressive. Although probably a waste of time since you pointed out the majority of explorers that committed are probably in solo.

I believe the shortcut is Alt+F10 but it's been a bit. Someone is sure to jump all over me if this is incorrect The feature is disabled for MP modes because it causes lag (as if that's special for this game or something).
30 Jan 2022, 6:25pm
Yep, alt+f10 high res screenshots only in solo

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