Elite: Game talk

28 Jan 2022, 11:48am
M0bzgHaving made the trip so many times in the past, I really don't feel like doing it again.

Why not hitch a ride on a carrier? there is discord for planned trips and all.
28 Jan 2022, 12:01pm
There are two fleet carriers doing shuttle service every week, departuring on Monday. One from and the other to Colonia. You can join the fleet carrier owners club discord for more detail and scheduled trips.

Fleet Carrier Owners Club page here on Inara
28 Jan 2022, 12:26pm
I need some help!

I want to buy a Dolphin, but when I look on Inara, the stations tagged to sell a Dolphin doesn't have it in stock.
So I've travelled randomly for finding one, without success.

I'm on Odyssey, so somebody can point me a station who sell a Dolphin? Want to try the passenger transport.

28 Jan 2022, 12:35pm
Mary QuinnI need some help!

I want to buy a Dolphin, but when I look on Inara, the stations tagged to sell a Dolphin doesn't have it in stock.
So I've travelled randomly for finding one, without success.

I'm on Odyssey, so somebody can point me a station who sell a Dolphin? Want to try the passenger transport.


Hm, Inara is usually working fine unless you have picked randomly a station that was not recently updated or have some BGS change since last update. I would try at least few more station. I see that Davies High in Reorte sell dolphin according to Inara. And this is the current CG Station so information should be up to date. Just be careful if using Open as this is very popular system this week.

P. S. As last resort you can use i Sola Prospect - it have every ship and module in game. Unfortunately, the prices are +20%
28 Jan 2022, 12:36pm
Mary QuinnI need some help!

I want to buy a Dolphin, but when I look on Inara, the stations tagged to sell a Dolphin doesn't have it in stock.
So I've travelled randomly for finding one, without success.

I'm on Odyssey, so somebody can point me a station who sell a Dolphin? Want to try the passenger transport.


That's odd, which stations you have checked, please? (I suppose the data is correct, but better to check)

Edit: I have checked the data coming in and those stations you have visited recently (according your journal) should have Dolphin. At least that's the latest information received. But you can try stations updated more recently, like Larson Terminal in LP 825-559 or Zoline Port in LTT 377 and similar. Hopefully there isn't some odd bug and shipyards aren't different between Horizons and Odyssey versions in the game.

Last edit: 28 Jan 2022, 12:47pm
28 Jan 2022, 2:53pm
Mary QuinnI need some help!

I want to buy a Dolphin, but when I look on Inara, the stations tagged to sell a Dolphin doesn't have it in stock.
So I've travelled randomly for finding one, without success.

I'm on Odyssey, so somebody can point me a station who sell a Dolphin? Want to try the passenger transport.


Since update 10 there are some reports of shipyards holding no stock in Odyssey. Not sure how widespread this is. Unable to test as I’m out in black. But it might be worth heading back to one of the stations and logging into Horizons to check.
28 Jan 2022, 3:38pm
M0bzgIt's a shame they don't have any chance of starting the game at Colonia - even if it were a small percentage chance. I had my second profile based there but reset it recently. Having made the trip so many times in the past, I really don't feel like doing it again.

Be nice if they also had the odd pioneer settlement in some far off areas, perhaps with a single asteroid space port for basic supplies/mods/repairs. That would attract me for exploring possibilities.

You might try, 'New Beginning' in the Rosette sector.
28 Jan 2022, 3:59pm
28 Jan 2022, 4:05pm
Try this: Pippin Gateway in Metzili with 15% discount

Or was It Merry Gateway?
28 Jan 2022, 5:03pm
GryphnnTry this: Pippin Gateway in Metzili with 15% discount

Or was It Merry Gateway?

Fantastic, I've one! Thank you very much
If I find a ring (who is not around a planet) I will think to you!
28 Jan 2022, 5:23pm
o7 Commanders. I am back in my ship. It has been a year since last, am just downloading all the updates and am saying Hello to all my fellow commanders.

When left the game last I was about to head off to a Guardian site to Mat Gather - which I the nearest Guardian Site to the Bubble? I think am in Kuk..

Its good to be back and will be in game this evening...

28 Jan 2022, 5:29pm
I went to a site last night in ED:0 and we had the can't scoop mats bug.
Didn't try in ED:H

Keep that in mind if ya off to the Guardian sites.
28 Jan 2022, 5:34pm
so there are still a few bugs then I have Odyssey but will mostly be in ship this evening, but thanks for the heads up. A whole year of updates is a slow download... indeedy!
28 Jan 2022, 5:49pm
Heads up: Multiple people reported that new double engineered FSD can receive experimental mod despite FDev saying the opposite. I am heading out to try one of the 4As now.

But then:
"The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict." but there is 2 high ground CZs in Reorte ...

Could Frontier be more disconnected from their game?
28 Jan 2022, 6:00pm
Episparh "The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict." but there is 2 high ground CZs in Reorte ...

Could Frontier be more disconnected from their game?

INB4 "we apologize, but we honestly thought only Space CGs would be available even though we did zero checks. We regret to inform everyone that Ground based Combat Bonds will not count towards this CG even though nobody cares and it doesn't really matter. We just like doing the absolute dumbest thing we can every time. Reputation to uphold and all".

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