Elite: Game talk

01 Feb 2022, 10:45am
Yuna SakashiroHmmm...

I guess the Hmmm is for the combat logs?
01 Feb 2022, 10:56am
EpisparhYou do not know the useless flachette launcher?

I do, but it doesn't look that useless, does it?
01 Feb 2022, 11:03am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhYou do not know the useless flachette launcher?

I do, but it doesn't look that useless, does it?

Oh, it is. You can get only people by surprise. But they need to be slow and fly predictable path and have no MRPs. It is good weapon for piracy. You can disable drives without stripping down the shields.
01 Feb 2022, 11:11am
EpisparhBut they need to be slow

Isn't this true for every weapon in the game?
01 Feb 2022, 11:13am
Yuna Sakashiro

Isn't this true for every weapon in the game?

No. Brrrrrrrrrr....

01 Feb 2022, 11:39am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhYou do not know the useless flachette launcher?

I do, but it doesn't look that useless, does it?

You can cut and edit any video to make something look marginally useful. Take Epi's link to the PVP Type9 video for example. You'd need to see several fights in their entirety, somehow know that they weren't friends and staging it, and compare the stats/application/performance with competing weapons to get a better view of what to expect with this thing.

Also, that video only showed the gimping of ships that aren't exactly the ideal choice when it comes to pvp: Anaconda, Fed Dropship and Corvette. The exceptions being a Krait MK II and a Python, both of which only showed one hit, did not appear to be maneuvering hard at all and looked to be PVE specced (gimballed beam lasers).

That said, people love to become experts with non-meta weaponry and win uphill battles so have at it if you're interested!
01 Feb 2022, 11:40am
Am I late to the party on this one? Anyone else here see this yet? *in sarcastic voice* I could totally be wrong here but I think there's a chance someone is hacking.
01 Feb 2022, 11:40am
EpisparhNo. Brrrrrrrrrr....

I should have said "more or less true".

Anyway, after seeing those flechette launchers in action, I was wondering if they would be fun to have on my Courier. But then I saw their mass: 4t, and no lightweight option. Three of those would slow me down a lot.
01 Feb 2022, 11:47am
Light-HawkAm I late to the party on this one? Anyone else here see this yet?

I think Epi had the pleasure to meet that DBX.
01 Feb 2022, 11:57am
Yuna Sakashiro
I think Epi had the pleasure to meet that DBX.

Twice. Second time intentionally. At least I had not need to request Docking at Jameson Memorial

I had time to scan the poor sod in SC. 2 pulse lasers and an Overload Wave module - which is doing the Thargoid EMP.

I think it is the same person or group that was doing instagibs 9 months ago, that light mamba and Panther Clipper hacks.

Sadly, Frontier have done nothing to prevent it and the only thing that stops them is the effort of obtaining new account.
01 Feb 2022, 12:05pm
What worries me more than these obvious hacks is the people who go for a more subtle approach. If someone made their weapons and shields just twice as powerful as normal, would we even notice?
01 Feb 2022, 12:05pm
EpisparhI had time to scan the poor sod in SC. 2 pulse lasers and an Overload Wave module - which is doing the Thargoid EMP.

So not only hacked Thargoid EMP, but also the pulse lasers hacked to be beam lasers.... I know I don't like gankers but hackers are definitely worse.
01 Feb 2022, 12:08pm
Yuna SakashiroWhat worries me more than these obvious hacks is the people who go for a more subtle approach. If someone made their weapons and shields just twice as powerful as normal, would we even notice?

Now that you mention it, there are a lot of subtle things someone could potentially hack and go unnoticed. Change power draw on weapons and modules so they can have more, or decrease the impact of heat generating items so they don't have to worry so much about overheating.......
01 Feb 2022, 12:43pm
Needless to say my game client was totally borked after the encounter. I had to reboot the machine to get it sorted.
01 Feb 2022, 12:53pm
EpisparhSorry, a live game that costs close to 200 euro per customer is .... I do not know what word to use here.


WHAT? 200 euro? Surely thats a typing error

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