Elite: Game talk

31 Jan 2022, 7:28pm
Yuna Sakashiro

This isn't supposed to happen either:

(picture of a weird ship)

Some believe "Accredited Astronaut" is a developer account, but I doubt it. I think it's just the game being hacked left and right.

Wait, hackers can get access to ships that don't even exist?
31 Jan 2022, 7:31pm
Wait, hackers can get access to ships that don't even exist?

Sure then can if the assets are left in the code of the client. Nothing can stop that in p2p network model.
31 Jan 2022, 7:41pm
Sparlin007Wait, hackers can get access to ships that don't even exist?

Yup, such as the Panther Clipper.

Apparently these unfinished models exist as placeholders in the game files, and hackers have figured out ways to use them.

The whole game is hideously broken.
31 Jan 2022, 8:43pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Sparlin007Wait, hackers can get access to ships that don't even exist?

Yup, such as the Panther Clipper.

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Apparently these unfinished models exist as placeholders in the game files, and hackers have figured out ways to use them.

The whole game is hideously broken.

Yes, that is the case. The game is broken. But I like to play anyway. Give FDEV some time and they eventually fix parts while breaking other parts. I'm starting to think that's normal for this game. So, I play with the parts that work while I wait on them to fix stuff that don't work.

Look at Star Citizen, it's not even finished yet and they have a very loyal following.
31 Jan 2022, 9:07pm
Well, when players starts to fiddle with the game files, network communication and so on, it's not so complicated to break many games. It's not about game being broken, but how much it's breakable. Nobody can blame any game authors when some player will remove a half of the game files and then complain that the game isn't working, for example.
31 Jan 2022, 9:18pm
Sorry, but I cannot excuse that. It is obvious that Frontier chose the cheapest p2p solution possible and do not cared to implement a proper control over instances. Maybe this was fine 35 years ago when Braben created the original game but allowing such dirty hacks to happen on a live game that costs close to 200 euro per customer is .... I do not know what word to use here.
31 Jan 2022, 9:21pm
Oh, yes, I am certainly not making excuses in regard of stuff that affects other players without their deliberate actions. Just about the stuff that the player will intentionally break on his own and then complaining about it, pointing it out, etc.
31 Jan 2022, 10:03pm
Willie Mitchell The game is broken. But I like to play anyway. Give FDEV some time and they eventually fix parts while breaking other parts. I'm starting to think that's normal for this game. So, I play with the parts that work while I wait on them to fix stuff that don't work.

This is how the game has always been. Exo broken? Time to do Space combat. Oh, combats broken, maybe I'll do some trading... and on and on for 8 years now.
31 Jan 2022, 10:11pm
If it's possible to have weapons deal 9999999 damage per shot just by hacking the network protocol, it shows that the client doesn't do sanity checks on incoming traffic. That is inexcusable in a P2P context.
31 Jan 2022, 10:15pm
Yuna SakashiroIf it's possible to have weapons deal 9999999 damage per shot just by hacking the network protocol, it shows that the client doesn't do sanity checks on incoming traffic. That is inexcusable in a P2P context.

If only hacking the network protocol was even necessary (flashback to when the Plasma Accelerators were broken and one shotting Hydras). The reason they don't have sanity checks on ANYTHING in the game is because then they wouldn't be able to slop out as much BS as they do coding-wise.
31 Jan 2022, 10:23pm
Let's hope they do at least basic boundary checks to prevent remote code execution...
31 Jan 2022, 10:32pm
At least they have a work-around for avoiding cheaters: Solo mode.
01 Feb 2022, 12:14am
Burstar the Always on Time for Dinner

What BGS bot?


Yeah, the issue seems to be scripters who have accounts run non-stop trade in certain systems, to a point where it's impossible for humans to mount any real defense.

I do have to wonder how the recent changes to trade affect their effectiveness.
01 Feb 2022, 10:01am

01 Feb 2022, 10:43am

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