Elite: Game talk

02 Jan 2022, 1:24am
MeowersCrap! Did anybody try to ram Goliath skimmer on a ship? Its explosion just vaporised 2685 MJ of shields with 52.3% explosion resistance and damaged the hull to smth like 60%. What the heck!

Nope! I always just blast it with a shotgun.
02 Jan 2022, 5:03am
MeowersCrap! Did anybody try to ram Goliath skimmer on a ship? Its explosion just vaporised 2685 MJ of shields with 52.3% explosion resistance and damaged the hull to smth like 60%. What the heck!

Nope! I always just blast it with a shotgun.

My ship killed goliath,when I send her to dismiss. Not to much happened to my ship. Maybe you have weak ship.
02 Jan 2022, 6:48am
02 Jan 2022, 7:49am
Yeah, it's similar to how they nerfed Capitol ships into the ground. In the beginning, Capitol ships actually hurt things. People were exploiting this by pulling ships towards them and farming kills that way. Easy credits and Combat Elite rank. So, Fdev in their infinite wisdom rendered them useless to prevent the exploits. For years now all they've done is make a lot of noise and put on a light show. I avoid CZs that include Fed or Imps specifically because of how much it ruins the immersion when these useless turds show up to be good looking pin cushions.
02 Jan 2022, 9:00am
BurstarYeah, it's similar to how they nerfed Capitol ships into the ground. In the beginning, Capitol ships actually hurt things. People were exploiting this by pulling ships towards them and farming kills that way. Easy credits and Combat Elite rank. So, Fdev in their infinite wisdom rendered them useless to prevent the exploits. For years now all they've done is make a lot of noise and put on a light show. I avoid CZs that include Fed or Imps specifically because of how much it ruins the immersion when these useless turds show up to be good looking pin cushions.

And yet I still wish FDev would let players acquire and pilot their own Majestic/Farragut ships. IMO they'd probably be the only viable ships for multi-crew. Make them difficult to acquire but worth it to multi-crew. But that's just my opinion.
02 Jan 2022, 9:48am
I need to get rid of 50 modular terminals. Send me a direct message if you haven't unlocked Marco Qwent.
02 Jan 2022, 12:11pm
EpisparhI need to get rid of 50 modular terminals. Send me a direct message if you haven't unlocked Marco Qwent.

Just sell them at your fleet carrier. I've sold ~5k over the holidays and my carrier is out in the Pleiades....
02 Jan 2022, 2:37pm
Eventually this will happen. Just asking here before throwing them to random.
02 Jan 2022, 3:24pm
In case I missed something, is there a better SMALL class cargo transporter then the Cobra Mk. IV (excluding Dolphin, whether it is or isn't, as I already use one for exo-bs and I have a 1 ship per niche rule)?
02 Jan 2022, 3:36pm
It is, but what would be the benefit of a small one?
02 Jan 2022, 3:40pm
Certain settlements only have Small class docks. For BGS work with factions that only have that settlement type as their sole holding in the system.
02 Jan 2022, 4:02pm
Isn't running missions more effective than hauling stuff? Else CMK4 have the largest cargo capacity of small ships, even dolphin have less potential.

... but then it is exclusive
02 Jan 2022, 5:45pm
EpisparhIsn't running missions more effective than hauling stuff? Else CMK4 have the largest cargo capacity of small ships, even dolphin have less potential.

... but then it is exclusive

I haven't done exhaustive tests, but apparently there are diminishing returns on what you do. Not just that, but some actions/missions just aren't available depending on Faction state and government etc. The best bet is to diversify your actions and right now I could use a small ship hauler. But the need has taken years to arise so there's that
02 Jan 2022, 6:31pm
Has anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

It seems like almost every other ship can fly closer, scoop harder and hold position longer than the Conda while managing to keep their heat below 70%. Almost as soon as I drop into a star with my Conda I feel like I hear the heat temp warning in seconds.
02 Jan 2022, 6:35pm
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

It seems like almost every other ship can fly closer, scoop harder and hold position longer than the Conda while managing to keep their heat below 70%. Almost as soon as I drop into a star with my Conda I feel like I hear the heat temp warning in seconds.

If there's one ship that's worse, it's the Type-7.

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