Elite: Game talk

02 Feb 2022, 12:03am
EpisparhYou are still making a mistake of assuming I am doing a cold build. I said a build that will use silent running.

Well, this is right place for confusion... :-)) Could you reveal the exact objective of that ship?

Last edit: 02 Feb 2022, 12:23am
02 Feb 2022, 1:22am
Shieldless build is not recommended for general PVE. The advantages of a shieldless build are negated by NPCs omniscience and pinpoint accuracy. (AX combat excepted ofc)
The NPCs won't get confused, they won't miss even with the smaller hitbox of shieldless, and they won't lose target lock in any meaningful way. A small Bi-Weave shield could help more than the HRP it replaces BUT will cause problems with constant SYS draw which could disable your heatsinks and puts a sour not on the Silent Running strategy. IMO if you are going to build shieldless don't half ask it. Make it with no shield. Again, shieldless not good for general PVE (or PVP either anymore considering all the counters to it available via engineering).
02 Feb 2022, 5:40am

Well, this is right place for confusion... :-)) Could you reveal the exact objective of that ship?


Burstar the Always on Time for DinnerShieldless build is not recommended for general PVE. The advantages of a shieldless build are negated by NPCs omniscience and pinpoint accuracy. (AX combat excepted ofc)
The NPCs won't get confused, they won't miss even with the smaller hitbox of shieldless, and they won't lose target lock in any meaningful way. A small Bi-Weave shield could help more than the HRP it replaces BUT will cause problems with constant SYS draw which could disable your heatsinks and puts a sour not on the Silent Running strategy. IMO if you are going to build shieldless don't half ask it. Make it with no shield. Again, shieldless not good for general PVE (or PVP either anymore considering all the counters to it available via engineering).

I have plenty of ships for general PvE. As I stated earlier, I want to try out hammers. The fact that I am not a PvP player do not mean that the ship will not be put in PvP situation. On other hand, the nature of PvE is handy while testing. The shielded build would be used more for target practice. The shieldless build is for testing heat generation of hammers combined with silent running. This do not exclude tanking damage for which aimbot nature of NPCs comes handy.

Note: Shield increases the hitbox of the ship and makes the ship easier target. NPCs are good with hitscan weapons but will miss you often with projectile weapons given that you keep changing trajectory.

I really do not understand why people are confused. It is same ship with two setups of swap builds. Was not that clear from the Note in initial message?

If I want a shield I will use shielded version. I do not want to add thermal reducing engineering further because this will impact shielded setup.
I am not using guardian MRPs because they generate heat and the only benefit is increased integrity. Heat is also the reason to avoid using guardian shield reinforcements and other shield setups.

Last edit: 02 Feb 2022, 5:50am
02 Feb 2022, 10:02am
The shieldless build is for testing heat generation of hammers combined with silent running.

If there's any confusion it's probably because of that thinking. You do not need a shieldless build to test heat generation. You can use silent running even with shields and tbh would probably be a better test considering you're not doing it for the pure math but rather how it feels in combat and, at least I personally, am trying to spare you the wasted time, materials, and frustration testing something that isn't going to do you much good in the end.
02 Feb 2022, 10:28am
Burstar the Always on Time for Dinner
The shieldless build is for testing heat generation of hammers combined with silent running.

If there's any confusion it's probably because of that thinking. You do not need a shieldless build to test heat generation. You can use silent running even with shields and tbh would probably be a better test considering you're not doing it for the pure math but rather how it feels in combat and, at least I personally, am trying to spare you the wasted time, materials, and frustration testing something that isn't going to do you much good in the end.

Yeah, I want to get a feeling of it. To see for my self: how the low heat generation build handless the thermal load of the hammers? can I utilize switching to silent running between shots. etc. Plus I have the shielded variant of the exactly same ship for the scenarios you are talking.

My main thought was to not create some eccentric modules, so this is the main reasons to use standard stuff which I can re-use elsewhere.

If you look both builds side by side you will notice the diff:
1. Thermal / fast charge bi-weave is replaced by heavy duty / deep plating HRP
2. 4x Skill Boosters (Resistance and Heavy duty with super capacitator) are replaced with 4x Heatsinks with ammo capacity.

Hardly any of those is useless in other builds. I would be concerned for reactive armor but I already have it from a previous experiment.
02 Feb 2022, 2:08pm
Episparh[quote=Burstar the Always on Time for Dinner]
The shieldless build is for testing heat generation of hammers combined with silent running.

2. 4x Skill Boosters (Resistance and Heavy duty with super capacitator) are replaced with 4x Heatsinks with ammo capacity.

Please advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters.
02 Feb 2022, 2:56pm
Episparh Please advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters.

All modules are available at Jameson Memorial in Shin Dez Some may be easier to see than others
02 Feb 2022, 3:27pm
Please advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters.

Skill boosters is a nickname for shield boosters.
"You do not need skill when you have shield"
02 Feb 2022, 3:49pm
EpisparhYeah, I want to get a feeling of it. To see for my self: how the low heat generation build handless the thermal load of the hammers? can I utilize switching to silent running between shots. etc.

If you are looking for that, you might as well have some fun and replace long range with short range for some extra heat, damage and most importantly a lot of extra fun
02 Feb 2022, 4:16pm

If you are looking for that, you might as well have some fun and replace long range with short range for some extra heat, damage and most importantly a lot of extra fun

That is on the list but with regular rails.

02 Feb 2022, 7:10pm
Party Postponed.

Promotion put on hold.

This is taking longer than I thought. I'm pooped. Is bribery and corruption permitted?

Post Captain Descartes.
02 Feb 2022, 10:01pm
Burstar the Always on Time for Dinner
Episparh Please advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters.

All modules are available at Jameson Memorial in Shin Dez Some may be easier to see than others

Thank you Burstar
02 Feb 2022, 10:03pm
Please advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters. [/quote]

Skill boosters is a nickname for shield boosters.
"You do not need skill when you have shield"[/quote]

Thank you Epi, Then shields it is, as my skill level is not so rich
03 Feb 2022, 3:46am
EpisparhSkill boosters is a nickname for shield boosters.
"You do not need skill when you have shield"

Spoken like a true fellow Cutter CMDR. Who needs skill when the skilled can't get past your shields? Had a player in an unengineered ship try to gank me in my heavily engineered Cutter. Yes I admit they could out fly me. I'll be the first to admit my PvP flying skills are bad. They definitely showed good piloting skill. But in ED, the engineering grind takes greater priority over skill by far. They literally could maneuver and stay in my blind spot the whole time but they ran out of ammo before my shields could be brought down.
03 Feb 2022, 7:31am
I do not consider myself a "cutter CMDR", although I have 5 build and 1 hull for future use yet unknown.

The sentence apply for all ships.
Example: You do not need skill to land type-9 on Achenar 3 if you have well engineered shield and put 4 pips to SYS during the free fall.

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