Aunty Sledge
Ahh, you have grade 3 beams, I was quoting grade 5 stats. I can see the value in only upgrading them to a range where you want to work at.
ThinderI'm using FIXED Lasers, just saying.
That's another important factor, I use gimbled. Closer is better for fixed, and that being the situation I can see why you'd want to work with Short Range mod. It's not my preference but I can see the logic you are going with.
No, I went for range rather than ultimate DMG, it's already well superior to Long Range, I have little problem using Fixed Beams, one get used to it.
My 4A MULTI-CANNON and 2F MULTI-CANNON [GIMBALLED] Damage Falloff starts at 2000m, that of the Beam Lasers 600m, and MULTI-CANNON accuracy also goes down although nothing is said about it, I can see the hits, this build is design for scrap at medium to short range.
Btw have a very small amount of gimbal, they'll find the target at Max range.
Last edit: 08 Oct 2024, 9:00pm