Elite: Game talk

15 Feb 2022, 11:25am
Episparh the BluntYeah , I know but do you really believe that you have a chance vs all those who bask in Her glory ?

No, but at least I'll have fun seeing the reactions to Darkwater's bonds shooting up a few hundred million immediately.
15 Feb 2022, 12:57pm
Bruno BNo, but at least I'll have fun seeing the reactions to Darkwater's bonds shooting up a few hundred million immediately.

It might, but I can't see Darkwater getting that much support. They created the NMLA and they attacked both Imperial and Federation star ports. They kind of got on the bad side of the 2 biggest galactic superpowers at the moment. If there is one thing the Empire and Federation have in common, it's a shared dislike of the NMLA. Since it targeted the Duval royal family, I'd imagine what ever players are still around since the Odyssey exodus, who make up Lavigny's Legion, Aisling's Angels, Nova Navy, and any other player groups loyal to the Empire will be out for blood.
15 Feb 2022, 1:05pm
EpisparhMamba is made for Zoom , Zoom , BOOM!

Lets be honest. The Mamba only really serves as the space ship equivalent to the sports car someone buys during a mid-life crisis.

:D well written
15 Feb 2022, 1:14pm
Daddy O
SalmoneaBest opurtunity to learn FA OFF and aiming with fixed are Anti Xeno Conflict Zones. Great practise is shooting fast and agile thargoid scouts with gauss cannons. Also hydra is very often changing direction of flight, its also excellent practise keep the right distance and aiming the subtarget (thargoid heart). For everyone who wants start with PVP I recomend AX combat first.

Do you use [maneuvering] thrusters much when fighting?

a lot

I wondered what other people were doing. Everyone always mentions FA OFF, but never how they use thrusters.
15 Feb 2022, 1:46pm
*reads today's GALNET, gets a laughing fit*

His (Hudson's) supporters point to successes such as curtailing the secession crisis, ending the NMLA threat and introducing greater security via the Proactive Detection Bureau.

Wow... talking about losing touch with reality. Everything in this sentence the Republicans got backwards.

Here, let me fix that line for you:

He totally failed in the secession crisis as anyone who wanted to leave the Federation did so, embarrassing Federal armed forces in the process (ooc: remember those curbstomp combat CGs? ), failed to provide anything to stop the NMLA (the only ones who did were the late Captain Niamh Seutonia and Captain Saskia Landau, both members of the IISS assigned to ACT) and creating a bureaucratic monstrosity in form of the PDB that not only failed to provide anything useful against the NMLA as well (for which it was supposedly founded for) but also kickstarted the already mentioned secession crisis in the first place.
15 Feb 2022, 8:23pm
EdwardLThompsonIf you need to grind Fed Rep, the Polyakov Station in Duamta to Patterson Enterprise in Sirius is hands down the best run to make if you have a decent transport ship on Large pads! Paterson Enterprise has almost every item the mission givers need! I only had to use NoblePort in Luyten 674-15 one time for some items that Patterson didn't have. Even fully loaded both are a 1 jump run in my Cutter with 784 T of cargo! That means the highest Rep missions are easily achievable with one or two runs at most. I'm flying through the Fed Rep! 5 of the 7 mission givers at Patterson are affiliated with the Feds so most of the time there are only Fed missions.


Is your cutter build un-engineered if so can you link
15 Feb 2022, 9:59pm
If weight does not have big matters, i like using 7A Universal Multi Limpet Controller for collect mining stuff.....
I mean 160tons of weight, but it has 8 limpets in comparison to a 7A Collector Limpet controller .... so 4 extra limpets ... yey ....
16 Feb 2022, 7:20am
CooladinhoIf weight does not have big matters, i like using 7A Universal Multi Limpet Controller for collect mining stuff.....
I mean 160tons of weight, but it has 8 limpets in comparison to a 7A Collector Limpet controller .... so 4 extra limpets ... yey ....

I cannot imagine a mining build that will prefer to have limpets in size 7 slots instead of cargo.
I have just one collector limpet controller bigger than size 5 and it is on PvE Vette for collecting materials.

Eternity Calls
Is your cutter build un-engineered if so can you link

It is not. Do not sneeze inside!

If you need a trading cutter I suggest you go for 728t.

No Engineering build
Fully Engineered

Adjust to your level of engineers unlocked. You can replace the HRPs in military slots for Guardian Shield reinforcement for maximizing shield potential.
16 Feb 2022, 10:01am
Why am I getting the impression that manoeuvring thrusters are weaker with FA off?

When I switched from mouse roll to mouse yaw recently, the advantage became immediately obvious when aiming. Mouse yaw makes fixed weapons viable, no question. But the advantage of FA off isn't that obvious. It works, sure, but when I watch my shield percentage on the dashboard, I see that I catch more fire than before, and encounters seem to take a bit longer than before. Turns are not as tight and precise as they used to be. In fact with FA on the Courier could make turns so tight that they triggered the greyout/redout effect. With FA off that power is gone. FA off at this point feels like a solution searching for a problem.

I frequently hear people say FA off is great because it decouples the direction of flight from the direction of shooting, increasing the time on target, as if FA on forces them to fly forward all the time like an airplane. It doesn't. When I'm in combat with FA on, my throttle is set to zero, and I use only the manoeuvring thrusters to orbit around targets and control distance while facing them pretty much the entire time. So it seems that I'm already doing what FA off is supposed to make possible (or easier?) in the first place. When I do the same thing with FA off however, it seems that the manoeuvring thrusters are less powerful than before. I can still do all those things, but it's like I swapped my engineered thrusters for unengineered ones.

Here's a simple test you can try for yourself: With FA off, accelerate to full speed in any direction, then apply counter thrust and measure the time it takes for the ship to come to a halt. Then try the same with FA on. Which one is faster? Now think about what this does to you as a target evading incoming fire.

And then there's the annoying roll problem when landing. Get over the landing pad, shit I'm rolling clockwise a little, tap the key, great, now I'm rolling counterclockwise. Probably easy if you have a stick for analog roll input, but with keys it's driving me crazy. Suddenly I'm glad the manoeuvring thrusters are weaker than before, otherwise it would be even worse! Suddenly I understand why so many people bump into landing pads instead of landing gracefully.

Am I missing something?
16 Feb 2022, 10:47am
Yuna SakashiroWhy am I getting the impression that manoeuvring thrusters are weaker with FA off?
Am I missing something?

They aren't supposed to be. There is a bug report on the forum regarding wonky thruster performance. It seems to differ between ships, FA status, and even physical locations (ie near a FC or planet?).

Thrusting in FA OFF is supposed to have slightly better performance for the inputs you're directly making simply because counter thrusters for every little deviation from your 'proper' course is constantly being fired by FA ON which can be seen as wasted energy.

As to the roll problem. If you do not have the option for analog roll inputs via rudder pedals or something then the simplest solution would probably be to just land with FA ON. You don't have to do every possible thing in FA OFF.
16 Feb 2022, 11:27am
Do you have a link to the bug report?
16 Feb 2022, 11:30am
For some reason thruster performance in Odyssey is bonked. I have noticed that my orbit around thargoids is decaying way too fast. I suppose it is some problem with EDO.
Else I think the thrusters perform equally in FAon/off. Just in FA on, once you release a thruster control, it is immediately countered.
16 Feb 2022, 11:37am
16 Feb 2022, 11:41am
That report says the issue occurs with FA on though. Last night I saw the opposite.
16 Feb 2022, 11:45am

Step one: At 11km - From point A, boost towards point B;
Step two: At 10km - Turn with FAOFF;
Step three: At 8,20km - Begin lateral thruster brake;
Step four: Drift awaaaaaay.

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