Elite: Game talk

17 Feb 2022, 9:23pm
Cupco"warm, white cockpit lights" Who can resist that?

I would, I prefer blue or warm lightning
18 Feb 2022, 4:25am
Cupco"warm, white cockpit lights" Who can resist that?

Me for example. I did all phases of bridge to colonia, but this one I will leave. Cocpit isnt livingroom.
18 Feb 2022, 4:30am
I wish there was a way to make my cockpit darker.
18 Feb 2022, 4:44am
Yuna SakashiroI wish there was a way to make my cockpit darker.

Change a ship For example T9 is pretty dark
18 Feb 2022, 4:54am
Is there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?
18 Feb 2022, 5:09am
KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

How do you mean that?
18 Feb 2022, 5:39am
Yuna SakashiroI wish there was a way to make my cockpit darker.

Change a ship For example T9 is pretty dark

Gankers will approve that ship swap

KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

No as far as I know. The fastest way is to visit a concourse in a system check them there.
18 Feb 2022, 6:14am
KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

How do you mean that?

I mean I have to go to a system and check with the recruiter at the desk and look at each ground CZ manually and hope for the best. It can often take more time looking than actually fighting. I was just curious if Inara had the functionality to refine the search to High CZ only.

Episparh the Blunt
KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

No as far as I know. The fastest way is to visit a concourse in a system check them there.

Maybe someday.
18 Feb 2022, 6:29am
I mean I have to go to a system and check with the recruiter at the desk and look at each ground CZ manually and hope for the best. It can often take more time looking than actually fighting. I was just curious if Inara had the functionality to refine the search to High CZ only.

Yeah, remember why we won't get ship interiours?
"...cause people will get bored to get all the steps in your ship and out of it after a few times"
18 Feb 2022, 7:22am

Yeah, remember why we won't get ship interiours?
"...cause people will get bored to get all the steps in your ship and out of it after a few times"

Being on-foot to do something that can be done as a menu is a total waste of time. I will die on that fence!

I hate all long corporate meetings that could be an email
18 Feb 2022, 7:35am
Episparh the Blunt
Sir-Duke Yeah, remember why we won't get ship interiours?
"...cause people will get bored to get all the steps in your ship and out of it after a few times"

Being on-foot to do something that can be done as a menu is a total waste of time. I will die on that fence!

I hate all long corporate meetings that could be an email

As long as it takes to load in/out of a ship, doing it on foot would be faster anyway.
18 Feb 2022, 7:41am

As long as it takes to load in/out of a ship, doing it on foot would be faster anyway.

Wait a minute!

How disembarking a ship, running through hangar, waiting lift, running to terminal and then all steps back Is faster than linking ship computer to terminal and do everything from pilot seat?

Or perhaps you want to load/unload a Type-9 one canister at a time?

P.S. I am not against ship/station interiors as long as they exist for immersion and we have alternative menu to skip all that time sink. I would be very happy to read what exciting game experience running through hangar and waiting for a lift brings.

Last edit: 18 Feb 2022, 7:52am
18 Feb 2022, 7:52am
How about just implementing the option?
I like to have some options.

Like; put the Fontline Solutions Desk dudes into the contacs tab, too?
And when you accept, you can either fly yourself, or then disembark and take the shuttle.

Speaking of disembark;
Why not letting the "disembark" button open the menu with "outside ship" and "ship interiour" (same when entering back again)

I'm not coding, or programming myself, but rumor has it, that stuff like that is at least possible.
18 Feb 2022, 10:09am
While we're on fixing the ED:O interface, make it so that material trading isn't done by a bartender but only via a Black Market contact and only in stations where BMs exist.
And FFS make it so your NPC crewmate can fly your ship and land it like the Taxi's do. I don't give a F if it 'takes away from the gameplay'. I should be able to point to a station in System Map, and say fly us there. If we get interdicted they auto submit. I'd accept that risk for this convenience even!
18 Feb 2022, 10:19am
And make it possible to be dropped off at a surface location without the ship needing to find a landing spot, this already sometimes happens when you recall a ship, it will just float 20m above you and you can enter.

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