Elite: Game talk

11 Feb 2022, 9:46am
EpisparhDang, I thought you wanted Majestic

Unrealistically I still do want a Majestic!
11 Feb 2022, 2:33pm
Nauni and Dan are currently under Thargoid attack. Both systems have one Federal faction AKA rescue and AX missions can progress navy rank.
11 Feb 2022, 3:34pm
EpisparhNauni and Dan are currently under Thargoid attack. Both systems have one Federal faction AKA rescue and AX missions can progress navy rank.

I am in Nauni doing rescue missions and evacuating the station. I never fought Thargoids but I am willing an able to help. Usually online by 00:00 GT. O7
11 Feb 2022, 7:44pm
Daddy O4000hours in Xplane.

I've just started using X-plane, and it's pretty neat. Not much impressive besides the flight physics, which are top-class for good reason. I've even made physical simulations of the Eagle and Chieftain in there to see how they'd handle FA-off in a realistic flight model, and it's really not too bad. Difficult flying, but it does still work.
12 Feb 2022, 1:31pm
So are we all just gonna have to pretend the War Against Darkwater Inc. community goal wasn’t posted and then be surprised and shocked at the new wrinkle in the Imperial-NMLA storyline?
12 Feb 2022, 3:05pm
Seems that way.
12 Feb 2022, 3:25pm
Half-Lock (ps4)So are we all just gonna have to pretend the War Against Darkwater Inc. community goal wasn’t posted and then be surprised and shocked at the new wrinkle in the Imperial-NMLA storyline?

Was this even supposed to happen? Don't get me wrong, it feels like FD just glossed over the whole thing in a rather boring manner. "Oh look the Emperor has been kidnapped!!! Never mind, she's been miraculously recovered in perfect health!"
12 Feb 2022, 6:52pm
I feel like there's more to the story than what's been told. Like, the Empress is missing for a whole year and surprise we found her! Yeah, a whole lotta people have some 'splaining to do...
12 Feb 2022, 8:09pm
Imagine being an emperor, and it takes your underlings a year to notice you're no longer around...
12 Feb 2022, 9:02pm
Yuna SakashiroImagine being an emperor, and it takes your underlings a year to notice you're no longer around...

If my boss disappears for a year, and my paycheck still goes in, why bother?
12 Feb 2022, 11:07pm
Lily Flemmon
Daddy O4000hours in Xplane.

I've just started using X-plane, and it's pretty neat. Not much impressive besides the flight physics, which are top-class for good reason. I've even made physical simulations of the Eagle and Chieftain in there to see how they'd handle FA-off in a realistic flight model, and it's really not too bad. Difficult flying, but it does still work.

Xplane does so many incredible things that it makes ED look like Pong.
I once flew half way to the moon; Xplane does orbital flight too.
Another time I built a flying brick...just to see if I could get it to fly. It flew...but it flew like...a brick...
You can link PCs to create a fully functional flight simulator. My last one had 4 PCs and included a working HUD.
The damage modelling is so realistic that twice i have experienced engine separations on piston-craft. Torn the wings off a hundred times.
People have built planes, rocket cars, rockets, driveable aircraft carriers, space craft....your imagination is the only limit.
Fly on Earth, fly on Mars. Rockets, props, jets, gliders, rotary wing craft, VTOL, blimps...you can fly anything.

Ever wondered if you could get a 747 into space if it had rocket engines? The answer is yes.
13 Feb 2022, 1:00pm
No more mouse roll, yay! Took me a week to get used to rolling with keys.

Next goal: permanent FA off.
13 Feb 2022, 1:39pm
Yuna SakashiroNext goal: permanent FA off.
Hah. Landing on those rotating starports could be a kind of fun.
But the reverski thing is awesome.
13 Feb 2022, 1:43pm
Once you're inside, rotational correction kicks in anyway.
13 Feb 2022, 2:36pm
Doing trench runs outside, do not have rotational correction and is far easier with FA off.

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