Elite: Game talk

17 Feb 2022, 9:17am
Sir-DukeI'm thinking about another try to capture Arissa Lavigny-Duval again...
Honestly, I think that woman's kinda hot.

Kidnap a woman because she is kinda hot
17 Feb 2022, 9:28am
Sir-DukeI'm thinking about another try to capture Arissa Lavigny-Duval again...
Honestly, I think that woman's kinda hot.

Kidnap a woman because she is kinda hot

Oh, come on, let's not discuss law and order in the year 3308.
Just sayin: "Loitering is a crime punishable by death..."

Oh, and don't forget that enslavement is a pretty common habit within the empire, so what?
17 Feb 2022, 9:58am
17 Feb 2022, 10:25am
Episparh the BluntDarkwater Inc megaship was inserted in Summerland. It won't be one sided CG after all.

I wonder if anti-empire movement will win that for Darkwater Inc.

You sure about that?

17 Feb 2022, 11:02am
Just wait for the CG to start. 2 more hours.
17 Feb 2022, 11:09am
They've forced everyone's Darkwater rep into Hostile now, aaaw. You can still enlist with them via Frontline though.
17 Feb 2022, 11:26am
You can enlist with a faction in the CZ.

The thing with those are that CG contribution is decided by selling bonds to CG faction's asset not by winning CZs.

...Hm, that is interesting. What if they decided to make it a war and not CG.
17 Feb 2022, 11:30am
Yeah, I was more thinking about whether or not winning CZs for them would move the reputation above Hostile. But right now it looks like the rep won't even budge.
17 Feb 2022, 11:41am
I bet Frontier finaly realized they can do that in order to prevent bond collection before CG starts.

Which makes me wonder is bond collection for Summerland progressive party possible now?
17 Feb 2022, 11:49am
Episparh the BluntI bet Frontier finaly realized they can do that in order to prevent bond collection before CG starts.

Which makes me wonder is bond collection for Summerland progressive party possible now?

Bond collection isn't prevented at all though, you can still side with them in a conflict and gain combat bonds. Reputation has nothing to do with it.
If you're talking about the Summerland Patron's Party, you've been able to gather combat bonds for them since the War status began, same as with Darkwater.

Edit: some people are reporting getting their rep upgraded to "unfriendly" in the messages, but visually it's still hostile. Time to try that myself and see if it messes something up.

Last edit: 17 Feb 2022, 11:59am
17 Feb 2022, 12:00pm
Kidnap a woman because she is kinda hot

The sigma grind
17 Feb 2022, 1:08pm
Anyway, it is one sided CG. There is no way Darkwater wins and Empire looses this one.

Sadly, no double engineered hammers. Some decals, discounts, ranks, permits , etc. Useless stuff.
17 Feb 2022, 1:13pm
17 Feb 2022, 1:21pm
Tier 1 is a PERMANENT 10% discount on Imperial ships in Summerland
17 Feb 2022, 1:28pm
Amata LireinTier 1 is a PERMANENT 10% discount on Imperial ships in Summerland

Damn. I have zero Imperial rank. I avoid monarchies...even virtual ones.
But I do own an Imperial Eagle.

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