Elite: Game talk

18 Feb 2022, 8:01pm
Episparh the BluntHe probably never played a game or using any application at all.

Might have been a smartphone UI dev? I could see the new UI being inspired by smartphone UI's to a degree maybe?
18 Feb 2022, 9:22pm

Might have been a smartphone UI dev? I could see the new UI being inspired by smartphone UI's to a degree maybe?

Unfortunately that particular combination of toilet paper roll and big icons for sub section is retarded at best. It is like bringing worst parts of both worlds in one.

At least I hope it is incompetence because if it is not then it is intentional and very malicious.
18 Feb 2022, 10:33pm
Daddy O
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... [img=1349x759]https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/85/558/365/space-spaceship-star-citizen-bar-wallpaper.jpg[/img]

They need the Cantina band.


18 Feb 2022, 10:35pm
Daddy O
Yuna SakashiroAfter FDev's ten failed attempts to fix settlement performance I'm not too optimistic tbh.

They shoulda just licensed the Pavlov engine...or even the Unreal engine.

Elite Dangerous 2, done in Unreal Engine 5?

The FPS portion, not the flight sim.
Right now, if you are in VR, the FPS is just this flat screen in front of you.
Totally glay.
18 Feb 2022, 11:46pm
yes, that's right, cmdr
19 Feb 2022, 1:28am
KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

Best bet is to use your galaxy map to search for systems in a state of war or civil war, they always have conflict zones and almost always have one or two that are high intensity.
19 Feb 2022, 2:57am
Axidik Newv'al
KurakilIs there a way to search specifically for High Intensity CZ?

Best bet is to use your galaxy map to search for systems in a state of war or civil war, they always have conflict zones and almost always have one or two that are high intensity.

Yes, you can filter in Galaxy map for combat zones. I forget which, but you have a couple of filters on the left menu in Galaxy map.
19 Feb 2022, 11:44am
Episparh the BluntHe probably never played a game or using any application at all.

TBF a lot of the concepts behind the new UI would be actual improvements over the old for most people. They're clearly designing it to support more input devices/styles (ie: touchscreen) and to see it on lower rez screens like TVs. That said, there are definitely glaringly absent information or unnecessary added steps for many of the more commonly used features. Then there are ofc the bugs and design choices that contradict this:

Want to support lower rez screens for consoles but add a glow (read: effectively a blur) effect to most text on your HUD, and make the compass #s so small it's almost useless.
Passenger missions that do not show the basic details for them (ie: how many? for what accomodations?, is it illegal?, etc...) because who would want to plan which missions they're taking when space for their particular requirements, and available missions are limited? Heaven forbid all this information be available at a glance!
The ship and modules UIs have redundant screens adding steps unnecessarily, and you STILL need to back out and reenter to sell modules you just replaced with a transfer. Like it's one of the first things a newbie will do is swap modules and this got overlooked. New Dev does not play the game indeed....

You know what, I'mma stop here because there are so many examples of how this team take 1 step forward and 2 back that I'll give myself a coronary going through the list. I had a perfect meme for Frontiers development bullshittery and I lost it. If anyone knows the one I'm talking about (or has one better) please share it! (It's simply a front living room with a pile of Fast food wrappers in the middle, and the kid comes through the front door eating another burger, drops the wrapper to add to the pile of garbage and then kicks the pile while walking through it).
19 Feb 2022, 1:27pm
I'm curious, are four railguns in one firegroup viable or will I just roast myself?
19 Feb 2022, 1:36pm
Well, you will be close to it.
19 Feb 2022, 2:54pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm curious, are four railguns in one firegroup viable or will I just roast myself?

I can confirm it is viable, but if you want to keep shooting you should get something to manage that heat and not use a sun launcher as secondary.
19 Feb 2022, 4:47pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm curious, are four railguns in one firegroup viable or will I just roast myself?

4 is fine but replace PA with gimbled MC with incendiary rounds or corrosive. And put some MRPs heat do not do much to your ship if you have them.
19 Feb 2022, 8:46pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm curious, are four railguns in one firegroup viable or will I just roast myself?

Depends on the ship, but I did rig one recently and tho it was impractical...it was hugely fun to use.
Every time you hit the little ships with that many railguns, they go spinning away like you just rammed 'em.
It's a total boot-to-the-head. I think it even stuns some of the smaller ships. They just stop moving.

But you can't keep up the energy requirements for long.
19 Feb 2022, 9:17pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm curious, are four railguns in one firegroup viable or will I just roast myself?

I am almost done with Furious.

Firing 4 hammers rises heat 45% (from 25 to 70). If I keep firing on cooldown it starts to cook itself. The option is to not fire above 50% heat or to use heat sinks. But then Phantom is relatively cooler ship and I am using armored PP instead of mandatory overcharged for FDL.
The other approach is to fire them sequentially from primary and secondary fire groups. This gives better thermal performance but requires greater ToT to be efficient. Eventually I had to use heat sink.

For the science - 4 hammers' shot while silent running rises the heat to 240%

And Saka, never ever ever ever ever fire 4 rails with less than 4 pips to WEP
19 Feb 2022, 9:29pm
I fired a few shots with the unengineered railguns. Each quadruple shot adds about 47% heat. If I fire again before heat has dropped to 52%, there will be module damage.

Epi's solution to add MRPs is an interesting one, as it would allow me to keep the PA on the huge hardpoint. The other option is to replace the PA with a thermal vent beam. I know that the efficiency of thermal vent depends on the beam's main modification, but does the beam's size have an impact, too? If possible I would add a small or medium long range beam that doesn't drain my PD too fast.

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