Elite: Game talk

25 Feb 2022, 11:07am
FerriJokuMaybe I'm doing something wrong, but why my screenshots being removed from gallery?

Did you check the sidenotes on the "add image" screen?
Short version: If it's too much, or of lower interest for the community, the site owner might just delete them.
If you got a lot of pictures to store, use "imgur" or "pinterest" eventually or something that suits you, and just link the pictures here.
25 Feb 2022, 12:44pm
FerriJokuMaybe I'm doing something wrong, but why my screenshots being removed from gallery?

Without likes every pic is removed for saving space on server.

Last edit: 25 Feb 2022, 2:20pm
25 Feb 2022, 12:50pm
Also, stopped at S171 system. I forgot in which nebula it's placed but almost every single system here is giant blue star that have black hole in it' system.
25 Feb 2022, 3:44pm
Anyone ps need a wing mate add me mavrick1855 playstion only thanks
25 Feb 2022, 8:02pm
Well done, cmdr
25 Feb 2022, 10:58pm
medium rare for me
26 Feb 2022, 2:43am
RübezahlWell done, cmdr

I must politely but firmly suggest you depart these premises
26 Feb 2022, 5:23am
If death is infinity void, it cant be worse than space.
26 Feb 2022, 2:47pm

I was wondering can anyone tell me when we get the 30 % discount on imperial ships in summerland from the last community goal. I can seem to find it anywhere.
26 Feb 2022, 4:01pm
I had that same question. I'm really looking forward to getting that discount but, I have seen no sign of the temp 30% discount
27 Feb 2022, 8:44am
Hi Cmdrs, Can someone tell me how I can keep track of transactions from my carrier? Is there a log somewhere that tells me who bought what and how much I made from the sale?
Many thanks.
27 Feb 2022, 12:53pm

I was wondering can anyone tell me when we get the 30 % discount on imperial ships in summerland from the last community goal. I can seem to find it anywhere.

Tzom36I had that same question. I'm really looking forward to getting that discount but, I have seen no sign of the temp 30% discount

Still not available, CMDRs. Typically, global CG rewards are handed out/applied on the markets on mondays, if there's still no signs of it then, you'll have reason to worry.
27 Feb 2022, 6:31pm
Thankyou lol. Im sorry for the hassle. I’m new to this site
28 Feb 2022, 6:10pm
Can someone check something for me.
The search in GalMap do not show this system:
If you make a search for "Kappa Fornacis" which is closest system you can see it and plot route but Artemis is excluded from the search. I wonder how many other systems are addected by this.
28 Feb 2022, 6:36pm
Episparh the BluntCan someone check something for me.
The search in GalMap do not show this system:
If you make a search for "Kappa Fornacis" which is closest system you can see it and plot route but Artemis is excluded from the search. I wonder how many other systems are addected by this.

Seems to work fine for me. I'm in Horizons, FYI.

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