Elite: Game talk

01 Mar 2022, 4:49pm
Why I can't put two tier 2 weapons into the tier 4 slot?

p.s. to Episparh: yep, 2 Flaks. Because it's funny!

Last edit: 01 Mar 2022, 4:55pm
01 Mar 2022, 4:52pm
01 Mar 2022, 6:30pm
Are there any players that actually want to explore in this game on XB because I can't seem to find any??? Everyone just seems to wanna do combat
01 Mar 2022, 6:47pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Even worse, I deviated from my own plan and engineered for rapid fire instead of double shot, which has a wider spread and eats ammo even faster.

Rapid fire has the highest sustained DPS but is recommended by virtually no one, so it made sense to try that first before settling on a build. It does work great against Anacondas. I also want to try some of the debuff effects, especially drag munitions. That FDL without boost capability would have been a sitting duck. You probably noticed that I did not boost during the entire fight, except when I took a break to synthesize ammo. I found it funny that the FDL died literally the moment I ran out of ammo again.

As I said, frags are not ToT weapon to need sustained DPS. It is alpha strike weapon. It is clear by your video that you have plenty of time to reload and too short window to apply damage.

I thought to save you my comments about your flying and pip management.
01 Mar 2022, 6:50pm
MeowersWhy I can't put two tier 2 weapons into the tier 4 slot?

p.s. to Episparh: yep, 2 Flaks. Because it's funny!

I plan to make a party bote with all coulored flaks

01 Mar 2022, 7:34pm
Lone DrifterAre there any players that actually want to explore in this game on XB because I can't seem to find any??? Everyone just seems to wanna do combat

AX combat
01 Mar 2022, 7:46pm
SalmoneaAX combat
Exploring the insides of Thargoids
01 Mar 2022, 7:49pm
Episparh the BluntAs I said, frags are not ToT weapon to need sustained DPS. It is alpha strike weapon. It is clear by your video that you have plenty of time to reload and too short window to apply damage.

The time window is long enough for three shots, sometimes more, thanks to screening shell. With overcharged I may be able to land a single more powerful shot instead, but I may also miss entirely. Will it be better? That's what I'm trying to find out.

Episparh the BluntI thought to save you my comments about your flying and pip management.

I keep hearing that I manage my pips wrong, but mostly from people who don't fly Couriers. I fly that ship with 4/0/2 in combat because I have plenty of speed but weak shields and no hull. I can't afford to get shot or rammed while SYS has less than 4 pips.
01 Mar 2022, 8:18pm
As I said I will not comment flying and pip management.

But at least I can give you another hint:

Distributor Draw:
0.2405 MW x3

Weapons Capacity
22.8 MW

Weapons Recharge
4.06 MJ/s

Have you tried with less pips to WEP. It is clearly visible in the video that you have plenty of time WEP at 2 and weapons are at max AKA waste of power distributor potential.
01 Mar 2022, 9:04pm
Episparh the BluntHave you tried with less pips to WEP. It is clearly visible in the video that you have plenty of time WEP at 2 and weapons are at max AKA waste of power distributor potential.

I agree, 4/1/1 appears viable with this build. Might be a little easier to turn and chase the FDL. I'll test it.
01 Mar 2022, 9:14pm
SalmoneaAX combat

Exploring the insides of Thargoids

Ye... still looking for living specimen in interceptor.
01 Mar 2022, 9:21pm
SalmoneaYe... still looking for living specimen in interceptor.
Maybe you should try to shove the sampler deeper into it.
01 Mar 2022, 9:28pm
SalmoneaYe... still looking for living specimen in interceptor.

Maybe you should try to shove the sampler deeper into it.

nobody home
01 Mar 2022, 10:13pm
Yuna SakashiroI agree, 4/1/1 appears viable with this build. Might be a little easier to turn and chase the FDL. I'll test it.

This is MUCH better! Didn't expect that much of a difference. Found another 'dangerous' FDL and still had 111 ammo by the time it died.
01 Mar 2022, 11:11pm
Salmoneanobody home
Hm. Then I suggest adding a bit more creativity... Put your sampler into the Thargoid in 'retracted' state and then press the button when it will be deep enough.

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