Elite: Game talk

14 Dec 2015, 6:57am
Juniper Nomi'Tar (-=Vampyre=-)What is so bad about paing 50 Euro for a hole year of updates?

You bought Dangerous (1 Year of Expansions) for 50 €. Now buy another Expansion and 1 Year of Updates for 50 €.

Tell me, how much Money do you spend for games every year? 500?
Elite expands with every update.

Season one was Ships, Powerplay, etc.
Season 2 includes Landings and... We will see!

I must admit, that i own a LTP. In 3 Years i am at the Break-even-point (Season 4). I am Happy with that!
I made a gift to my son a week ago. I bought hirisons for him. He is playing it and loves it. I will see, if he will buy Season 3 from his own pocket Money.

I think, thepayment-Model of FD is a fair Thing.
If you do not want Season 2 now, you can buy Season 3 and i think you will get Season 2 with it!

I don't have a problem, myself, really, I've just accepted it as the model. Plan on getting the LTP next time it is offered.
14 Dec 2015, 7:43am
Juniper Nomi'Tar (-=Vampyre=-)What is so bad about paing 50 Euro for a hole year of updates?

You bought Dangerous (1 Year of Expansions) for 50 €. Now buy another Expansion and 1 Year of Updates for 50 €.

Tell me, how much Money do you spend for games every year? 500?
Elite expands with every update.

Season one was Ships, Powerplay, etc.
Season 2 includes Landings and... We will see!

I must admit, that i own a LTP. In 3 Years i am at the Break-even-point (Season 4). I am Happy with that!
I made a gift to my son a week ago. I bought hirisons for him. He is playing it and loves it. I will see, if he will buy Season 3 from his own pocket Money.

I think, thepayment-Model of FD is a fair Thing.
If you do not want Season 2 now, you can buy Season 3 and i think you will get Season 2 with it!

The bad part, from the perspective of a person who bought the core game and is now being asked to buy another installment for the same price, is that I don't get value for my purchase. Honestly, I should have held off for a few months on buying. Then I could have just paid $60 USD for Horizons and the core game instead of $105 USD for the core game and Horizons (after "loyalty discount").

A business model like that only encourages me to wait as long as possible to get the most value for my purchase. Now, had a fair amount of store credit been dangled in front of me for the preorder or something useful, like the stuff SWTOR, GW2 and others have dangled in front of me for buying stuff? That'd be a different story. I'm getting value for my purchase and I feel respected as a repeat customer.

With this model? I've been given skins for a ship I don't fly and "exclusive" access to a ship that may not be so exclusive after all. Oh, and $15 off, which to me is more like salt in the wound than a price break.

I don't mind episodic payments, as long as I feel I'm getting value. I don't at all feel like I got value from my preorder this time. Hopefully, the next offer will be better and/or let me get out of the ship and walk around a station.

After planetary landings, that's the only other thing I need.
14 Dec 2015, 12:18pm
I dont understand the problem.

You buy games for more than 50 € each. You buy DLCs in other games EVERY month.
You have an Abo für 15 € (for example SWTOR). You Pay for extras every Week.

Why is it such a grate diffrence with Elite?
If i divide 50 € by 12 month it is about 4,12 € each month.

And for this you are crying around and tell it is bulls**t?

If i add 15 € twelve time it is MUCH more than 50€.
14 Dec 2015, 12:27pm
Juniper Nomi'Tar (-=Vampyre=-)I dont understand the problem.

You buy games for more than 50 € each. You buy DLCs in other games EVERY month.
You have an Abo für 15 € (for example SWTOR). You Pay for extras every Week.

Why is it such a grate diffrence with Elite?
If i divide 50 € by 12 month it is about 4,12 € each month.

And for this you are crying around and tell it is bulls**t?

If i add 15 € twelve time it is MUCH more than 50€.

First off, don't take the criticism of a game company's business model so personally. It's not directed at you. Even if it were, it's not like anyone's calling for anyone's head or anything.

Second, I thought I was pretty clear that I question the value of investing year after year if subsequent seasons are going to be available with each new release. From a consumer standpoint, it makes far more sense to wait multiple years and save money by getting multiple seasons for the cost of one season. In order to be attractive from a year-to-year standpoint, the preorder offers would have to be pretty tasty, and a ship I won't fly and skins I won't use aren't something I consider to be attractive. If something similar is on offer next season and next season doesn't offer me the ability to walk around in my ship and a space station, I'm going to skip it because it doesn't make sense for me to buy.

I'm sure Frontier has accounted for people employing this strategy and they can manage, or else I doubt they'd have chosen such a novel and complicated path. (It's rare that an expansion comes with a flowchart to explain who gets what.)

So, I don't understand the upset. I mean, it's a game. It is what it is. If I don't like what's on offer, I'll skip it and wait until I do. No big deal, right?
14 Dec 2015, 12:36pm
Your strategy is fine with me

I remember many discussions arround me in TS where people tell me, that paying per DLC (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, etc) would be better. Only for those things they want to get. They don't understand the way, the seasons are made.

Every Season has to be seen as one complete update. One DLC if you want to say so. It only comes in multible steps. So you pay for the complete update the 50 € and get it over the year.
I understand you point of view. And this is ok with me.

LTP gets my mind free of such thoughts.
I get every season they produce. Neither i like it or not. I no longer have to bother about it

Last edit: 14 Dec 2015, 12:48pm
14 Dec 2015, 4:53pm
lots of stuff from several CMDR's ending with
Juniper Nomi'Tar (-=Vampyre=-)Your strategy is fine with me

I remember many discussions arround me in TS where people tell me, that paying per DLC (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, etc) would be better. Only for those things they want to get. They don't understand the way, the seasons are made.

Every Season has to be seen as one complete update. One DLC if you want to say so. It only comes in multible steps. So you pay for the complete update the 50 € and get it over the year.
I understand you point of view. And this is ok with me.

LTP gets my mind free of such thoughts.
I get every season they produce. Neither i like it or not. I no longer have to bother about it

just be glad you werent kickstarters ....... my lifetime pass cost a lot more than £105 ( but i did get a map of inhabited space )
14 Dec 2015, 8:04pm
also waiting for the price to drop, or waiting for them to bundle the game and all of its seasons/expansion could put you out of the loop and on the bad end of the progression curve. you would have to compete with people who have hundreds of millions to billions of credits, then they may nerf things and take things out that were huge money earners, also all of the people who have been with it will have had time to hone their skills and abilities, and be much better pilots.

your always gonna pay more to have the newest addition or newest model. if you worked hard on something like this im sure you would want to be paid for it as well...
14 Dec 2015, 8:17pm
I think we are just beating a dead horse at this point, we all seem to have our way of looking at the pay structure and i don't see any camp moving toward center. I look at it like, we pay for the privilege to play, and therefore to complain about this or anything else related to the game universe. This is such a supportive community it would be sad to see the 'discussion' digress into nastiness as we all see on other popular forums.
14 Dec 2015, 8:51pm
Jack DekerdtI think we are just beating a dead horse at this point, we all seem to have our way of looking at the pay structure and i don't see any camp moving toward center. I look at it like, we pay for the privilege to play, and therefore to complain about this or anything else related to the game universe. This is such a supportive community it would be sad to see the 'discussion' digress into nastiness as we all see on other popular forums.

The positive attitude generally found here is definitely well worth maintaining. Agreed we all have our opinions on the pay structure. I personally just got the LTP and now I no longer have to think about it.
14 Dec 2015, 9:15pm
Jack DekerdtI think we are just beating a dead horse at this point, we all seem to have our way of looking at the pay structure and i don't see any camp moving toward center. I look at it like, we pay for the privilege to play, and therefore to complain about this or anything else related to the game universe. This is such a supportive community it would be sad to see the 'discussion' digress into nastiness as we all see on other popular forums.

The positive attitude generally found here is definitely well worth maintaining. Agreed we all have our opinions on the pay structure. I personally just got the LTP and now I no longer have to think about it.

Yeah, it's my plan, next time around. I figure I've invested in upgraded system. X55, VA, etc., I figure at this point in for a penny, in for a pound
14 Dec 2015, 9:17pm
Look, I just want 'em to drop the damned thing at this point. I NEED TO DO DONUTS ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

Also, I may have figured out a way to ghostride my SRV. And now I can shoot video of this. DROP THE DOWNLOAD MANG
15 Dec 2015, 12:20pm
If anyone else asks on Facebook, when the servers will be back up again or when Horizons is coming to Xbox I am going to lose it
15 Dec 2015, 12:22pm
Sidenti TaaloLook, I just want 'em to drop the damned thing at this point. I NEED TO DO DONUTS ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

Also, I may have figured out a way to ghostride my SRV. And now I can shoot video of this. DROP THE DOWNLOAD MANG

Umm. No Moon landing yet
15 Dec 2015, 1:44pm
Sidenti TaaloLook, I just want 'em to drop the damned thing at this point. I NEED TO DO DONUTS ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

Also, I may have figured out a way to ghostride my SRV. And now I can shoot video of this. DROP THE DOWNLOAD MANG

Umm. No Moon landing yet

Yeah, so I was told. Screw it. Charon then.
15 Dec 2015, 1:58pm
- Small chance of spawning rescuer AI when player runs out of fuel in supercruise if in sufficiently populated system, not an anarchy, if player is ffriendly with controlling faction. Spawned AI acts like a hunter passive, so it will approach the player and then drop out, waiting for the player to follow

Competency for Fuel Rats!

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