Elite: Game talk

08 Mar 2022, 5:16am

Thank you for the breakdown... I just started unlocking engineers about two weeks ago, I want to start playing in open but avoided it because all of the youtubers warning people about gankers destroying people's ships for absolutely no reason, with no cargo or any type of role play... Plus I was wandering around that Dark nebula right outside the bubble and Every system I went to had 50-100 non-human contacts, so I was curious, checked them out and was instantly killed by Thargoids, no warning, no scan, just instant attack... So, time to learn how to fight.

Open is not so scary.
I was ganked once when I started to play, and have had a few pirates, so don't fly without the re-buy cost, but always can be found in open.
Its a big galaxy out there, so bumping into others is not too common, specially with the odyssey/horizon split, and most people are friendly, some will even give advise and practice at fighting. Care should be taken around community goals, and stations offering huge prices on things like painite, otherwise you are pretty safe.
08 Mar 2022, 8:23am
Thank you for the breakdown... I just started unlocking engineers about two weeks ago, I want to start playing in open but avoided it because all of the youtubers warning people about gankers destroying people's ships for absolutely no reason, with no cargo or any type of role play... Plus I was wandering around that Dark nebula right outside the bubble and Every system I went to had 50-100 non-human contacts, so I was curious, checked them out and was instantly killed by Thargoids, no warning, no scan, just instant attack... So, time to learn how to fight.

There are safer ways to make 1st contact with the murder flowers.
As for gankers in open - most of the people posting those videos play in solo and have no real idea. Except for a couple of locations / events you will not meet any pvp. Not saying it doesn’t happen but so long as you got rebuy you’ll get a lot more out of open than solo.
I fly exclusively in open (except when exploring in the black) and have only had 23 rebuys. Of those, I reckon 4 or 5 were pvp, a couple of bugs and all the rest were my own stupidity.
So play the way you want to play. If you want to play in open then just do it.
08 Mar 2022, 9:27am
Mr Sloppy
Open is not so scary.
I was ganked once when I started to play, and have had a few pirates, so don't fly without the re-buy cost, but always can be found in open.
Its a big galaxy out there, so bumping into others is not too common, specially with the odyssey/horizon split, and most people are friendly, some will even give advise and practice at fighting. Care should be taken around community goals, and stations offering huge prices on things like painite, otherwise you are pretty safe.

I'm not scared, I've already been killed 4 times in the game (2 times by Thargoids while exploring.... and once when I didn't realize I was trespassing at a hospital facility, and once by a pirate NPC at robigo). This Sim is very big and built on real world science comparable to Nasa's own data and accuracy... There are politics, emergency rescues and the experience (and dangers) of a lot of other real world jobs. This is more 'Sim' than 'game'. In VR, this is my opportunity to experience what only our future generations will enjoy. Some people are here just to fly through the rings of Saturn, or to join friends in a canyon race... And have you seen those 'Mass Jumps' with all the cmdrs traveling together... I would love to be part of that.

.....I would actually Love to be hunted down AND potentially killed by other real players... who were Pirates.... or assassins (while I'm doing a mission)... or muggers trying to score free limpets... or political gain... or road rage at a collection site.. or Cartel territories.. I could probably think of a dozen reasons that could feel like legit attacks and kills. But when you kill someone, who can't even defend themselves... for absolutely no other reason or 'role' other than enjoying killing people, well that makes them sadistic serial killers who just wasted hours of peoples time and credits! I'm guessing there would be a hell of a lot more people playing in open if they were being killed for actual 'reasons'. This behavior hurts the game and is probably the main reason why "bumping into others is not too common". E.D. is by far the greatest Sim I have ever had the pleasure to experience, and I will be transitioning to Open very soon.. and maybe I will feel like it's not as bad as all the youtubers make it seem (I will be 'well armed' and ready to kick gankers teeth in!), but it's a shame that there are probably 'thousands' of other new (or older) players who won't be joining the field or spreading the word on how amazing E.D. is.
...rant off...
08 Mar 2022, 10:21am
MeowersAh, don't worry, the first version will be so bugged that any interior change will turn your carrier inside out and teleport it to Colonia.

at least it would save you time to get to Colonia
08 Mar 2022, 10:33am
If you are around big name systems or event systems then the potential for gankers tends to go up (or the routes between said systems). My experience has been if I want to get things done I play solo or PG. If I have nothing specific I'm trying to do then I'll play in whatever mode. It doesn't matter as much now as it used to as the player base has shrunk considerably so the differences between solo and open are much less noticeable.
There is a large player group that is specifically PVE only if that floats your boat. https://www.elitepve.com/page/join
08 Mar 2022, 10:40am
There are safer ways to make 1st contact with the murder flowers.
As for gankers in open - most of the people posting those videos play in solo and have no real idea. Except for a couple of locations / events you will not meet any pvp. Not saying it doesn’t happen but so long as you got rebuy you’ll get a lot more out of open than solo.
I fly exclusively in open (except when exploring in the black) and have only had 23 rebuys. Of those, I reckon 4 or 5 were pvp, a couple of bugs and all the rest were my own stupidity.
So play the way you want to play. If you want to play in open then just do it.

I had my first (and so far only) play in Open a few weeks ago at the Thargoid station attack and it was Awesome... I did it in the 'burning stations' area cause I figured the Gankers would be over in the fight-area. It was the little things that made it feel awesome like getting used to and dodging the same players boosting in and out of the burning station... and honking the horn in passing when you see other people with the same endurance going 3 hours straight... Or flashing your lights at a player who's been sitting on the 'Large' pad foreverrr, and he/she actually pulls off so you can get your time bonus... and watching other players doing back-flips in their ships after a long grind and joining in to do back-flips with them... I know I've said it before, but being in VR makes the immersion so much more intense, especially inside a burning station, but then being able to interact after the stress was pure pleasure... I knew right then I wanted to play in open regularly, just grinding out some engineered ships first cause I'm old and might not have the reflexes of some of the young murder squad lol.
08 Mar 2022, 11:23am
KurakilIf you are around big name systems or event systems then the potential for gankers tends to go up (or the routes between said systems). My experience has been if I want to get things done I play solo or PG. If I have nothing specific I'm trying to do then I'll play in whatever mode. It doesn't matter as much now as it used to as the player base has shrunk considerably so the differences between solo and open are much less noticeable.
There is a large player group that is specifically PVE only if that floats your boat. https://www.elitepve.com/page/join

I'll make a conscious effort to keep my post a little shorter cause I realize I run my mouth (probably because I'm quite introverted in real life lol).
Thank you, I saw that group and thought about it... but I think the excitement of being attacked by real players (with a purpose) would be awesome. I finally have enough credits to fight to stay alive, but still smile if I get sent to the rebuy screen. I'm at Shinrata which is on the threat list almost every day... I don't do any business here, it's just where I park and work on my ships. And now that I just started engineering and CG's, every place I go seems to be a hot spot lol. I engineered Vulture with a little over 1,000 mj's on the shields and about 1,700 on the hull (still wanted to have slots for other stuff like SRV or limpets), efficient beam and overcharged cannon, Dirty drag drives at about 515 m/s, and a charge enhanced distributer to 4 second boost and infinity beams... so hopefully that will be enough to dip my toe in open.
08 Mar 2022, 1:49pm
BLUEPRINTS in Horizons

each time I pin a new blueprint it seems to unpin the old one hence I never have more than one pinned, is this normal? whit might I be doing wrong?:
08 Mar 2022, 2:18pm
Yum KaxBLUEPRINTS in Horizons

each time I pin a new blueprint it seems to unpin the old one hence I never have more than one pinned, is this normal? whit might I be doing wrong?:

Only one Blueprint per Engineer...
08 Mar 2022, 2:26pm
Yum KaxI never have more than one pinned, is this normal? whit might I be doing wrong?:
Yeah, it was designed to work that way. They won't make the cringeneering grind easier.
09 Mar 2022, 12:06am
Yum KaxI never have more than one pinned, is this normal? whit might I be doing wrong?:

Yeah, it was designed to work that way. They won't make the cringeneering grind easier.

Meowers, "cringeneering" I love it, it's so appropriate. Going to use this description next time I disagree with a co-workers design.
09 Mar 2022, 1:13am
KurakilIf you are around big name systems or event systems then the potential for gankers tends to go up (or the routes between said systems). My experience has been if I want to get things done I play solo or PG. If I have nothing specific I'm trying to do then I'll play in whatever mode. It doesn't matter as much now as it used to as the player base has shrunk considerably so the differences between solo and open are much less noticeable.
There is a large player group that is specifically PVE only if that floats your boat. https://www.elitepve.com/page/join

I'll make a conscious effort to keep my post a little shorter cause I realize I run my mouth (probably because I'm quite introverted in real life lol).
Thank you, I saw that group and thought about it... but I think the excitement of being attacked by real players (with a purpose) would be awesome. I finally have enough credits to fight to stay alive, but still smile if I get sent to the rebuy screen. I'm at Shinrata which is on the threat list almost every day... I don't do any business here, it's just where I park and work on my ships. And now that I just started engineering and CG's, every place I go seems to be a hot spot lol. I engineered Vulture with a little over 1,000 mj's on the shields and about 1,700 on the hull (still wanted to have slots for other stuff like SRV or limpets), efficient beam and overcharged cannon, Dirty drag drives at about 515 m/s, and a charge enhanced distributer to 4 second boost and infinity beams... so hopefully that will be enough to dip my toe in open.

Just pick the way you like to play (or find out what that way is) within the confines of what the game can offer. Then you're all set.
09 Mar 2022, 3:17am
These white decorative cockpit lights from Colonia Bridge CG... What kind of tech is this?! Are they made of pure Arxanium? They're resistant to Thargoid shutdown field! Ah, how do I want a power plant made of this...
09 Mar 2022, 11:32am
09 Mar 2022, 1:12pm
Unfortunately it isn't possible to pin experimental effects.

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